Monthly Archives: September 2014

Conflict: Immunity

Conflict Immunity is a game that demonstrates a simplified model of how B cells, T cells and macrophages work together in humoral immunity and cell mediated immunity.

Not a pretty sight, but there are some decent ideas here.

Conflict: Immunity is a free to play browser game by Brett Baughman, a biology teacher who makes games and quizzes for his website BioMan Biology.

What does it teach?

It demonstrates a simplified model of how B cells, T cells and macrophages work together in humoral immunity and cell mediated immunity.

What do you do?

You are patrolling a single screen in top down 2D with ten nonspecific cells which you have to protect from invading pathogens. At your disposal are five different types of leukocytes (white blood cells):

  1. Macrophages
  2. Helper T cells
  3. B cells (Naïve B cells)
  4. Activated B cells (Plasma cells)
  5. Killer T cells (Cytotoxic T cells)

When the game starts you are given a short tutorial on the functions of each member of your leukocyte army. You then get to play the levels where you fight infections of increasing complexities. Between each level you have to answer multiple choice questions that review the material you learned in the tutorial (and which hopefully was reinforced during play). For example: “What is an antigen?” (Correct answer: “A surface molecule on a pathogen that allows the immune system to recognize the pathogen.”).

There are also some bonus levels where you just go wild, shooting antibodies on a screen swarming with pathogens. These are the low points of the game and add neither educational value nor entertainment value, just padding.

A typical core loop of play in the levels proper looks like this:

  1. Choose the macrophage, move it quickly to catch and eat a pathogen.
  2. Select the helper T cell and move it to the macrophage so that it can present its antigen to the helper T cell. Do this before another pathogen invades one of your nonspecific cells.
  3. Select the B cell and move it to the helper T cell. The B cell will be transformed into a Plasma Cell that can shoot antibodies.
  4. Select the plasma cell. Hunt for new pathogens and shoot antibodies at them.
  5. Select the macrophage and move in to eat the pathogens that are tagged with antibodies.

If any of your nonspecific cells have been invaded the first two steps are exactly the same but the concluding steps won’t involve B cells:

  1. Select a killer T cell. Move it to the helper T cell. This will activate the killer T cell.
  2. Move the killer T cell to one of your infected nonspecific cell. Shoot perforin and cytotoxins at the cell and it will eventually burst, killing the cell as well as the pathogen. If you’re not fast enough the pathogen will kill the cell and move on to one of the remaining cells.

This might be the abridged version (with some artistic license to boot) of the adaptive immune system, but it is still complicated enough to be pretty confusing. It will almost certainly take a while for most people to get the hang of it. Sure, in the first level you can do with just plasma cells and in the second level you only have to use killer T cells, but in later levels you have to use both and this is the hard and strategic part: to decide your priorities and get your leukocytes to work in concert against the invaders.

It is almost always a good idea to first use plasma cells as the antibody-tagged pathogens are unable to invade your cells. When just one cell is invaded the game has a way of quickly descending into chaos. On the other hand, this is where the game gets interesting, as you have to improvise your strategies as the environment changes.

Sometimes you are attacked by viruses and bacteria simultaneously and in later levels you also have antibiotics at your disposal. They don’t affect resistant bacteria, however, and this is meant to teach you about the dangers of antibiotics overuse. It’s an idea that could make for an interesting game mechanic if developed further, but in truth it doesn’t make a noticeable difference to the game play when it appears all too briefly.

Conflict immunity quizz

You always have to answer two questions in between the levels.

The game plays much like a regular, if crude, top down shooter. Unfortunately there are some control issues: you maneuver your chosen leukocyte with one hand on the arrow keys and the other hand on the spacebar, but when you wish to select another leukocyte you have to move one hand and grab the mouse. This is really cumbersome in the heat of battle when you have to think on your feet and move quickly. Arguably, this further stresses the need to learn the different functions of the leukocytes by heart, but it could have been solved with a smarter design. It is especially annoying in the final levels when HIV appears, multiplies, and kills every leukocyte it touches while you frantically try to switch between them. A pity as that, too, is an idea with potential. If handled with just a little more care and taken a little bit further it would have made for much richer game play.

Do you learn anything?

Simulations, games that model systems with interconnecting objects and processes, are in my opinion probably the only kind of educational games where the game mechanics themselves truly have the potential to support better understanding than traditional teaching. But simulations are by no means suited for all kind of subjects. Typically they aren’t very efficient either. If you need to learn something specific in a short time, a simulation will rarely be the go-to solution. A small, focused game where the mechanics support learning  by simply providing feedback and motivation, will always be a better choice if you just need to learn for example the Greek alphabet or the 20 amino acids.

Simulations can make for deep and fun game play, however, and the immune system is the kind of intricate system that just begs to be simulated. It is also a natural fit for many traditional gaming genres thanks to the war metaphors that are so easy to apply to the subject.

Though small, very rough and amateurish, Conflict: Immunity manages to give you some feel for the immune system by providing a tiny toy simulation as well as traditional action gameplay. I consider that a success by the standards of educational games with 100 times the budget.

There is certainly room for enormous improvements in presentation and interface design but my main reservations concern the role of macrophages. You almost always finish a level by eating the last pathogen with a macrophage (step 5 in the core loop). But to be able to do that you must first use the macrophage as an antigen presenting cells by eating a pathogen and presenting its antigen to a helper T cell (step 1 and 2 in the core loop). If you don’t have any prior knowledge of the immune system this ought to strike you as strange and unnecessary. Why go through all these steps? Why not just use the macrophage alone to gobble up all the pathogens? They disappear from the screen all the same! The downside is that new ones keep appearing if you play this way. Only the antibody-tagged pathogens count when you try to rack up the required tally that the level demands, but you’re never told why. It seems arbitrary – illogical. The rules of the simulations simply fail to communicate the use of antibodies.


The basic premise of the game is sound and it is actually quite fun for a short while. It is oddly satisfying to shoot and eat the pathogens and there is a good chance that you will learn at least something. With some more work on the game design and the interface this could have been brilliant.


Difficult controls, lack of polish, minor bugs, inconsistencies and a misleading stats display are the main offenders. Better graphics and properly looping music would have been nice, of course, but not essential.

Additional information

An interview with the developer.

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Filed under Biology, biomanbio, High School, Immunology, Mid School

Code Fred: Survival Mode

code fred
Code Fred: Survival Mode is a free to play browser game developed by Helpful Strangers and Unit9 for Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago.

What does it teach?

It provides a brief but wide-ranging introduction to human physiology.

What do you do?

You play 12 mini games that intersperse the narrative frame of a boy being hunted by a wolf through a forest. Each mini game illustrates a body process that aids survival, either via avoiding danger or via recovery from trauma or disease. The mini games deals with:

  1. Adrenaline
  2. Hemoglobin
  3. Heart rate
  4. Vasoconstriction
  5. Blood clots
  6. Nerve regeneration
  7. Bacteria & cilia
  8. Phagocytes
  9. Lymphocytes & antibodies
  10. Metabolism
  11. Digestion
  12. Blood sugar regulation

The games are very simplistic: schematic animations of a body process where you just have to click on the correct molecule/cell/organ at the right time, sometimes as quickly as possible. Still, they are not always very intuitive. Trial-and-error is occasionally required and might prove frustrating.

Do you learn anything?

If you know next to nothing about physiology you will certainly pick up a thing or two from a play through. I’m not sure it will stick though. Almost certainly, you would learn much more by browsing through an illustrated children’s book. I’d actually go as far as saying that the interactivity subtracts, rather than adds to the learning process. Whatever educational value the animations offer is probably lost due to the need to focus on the game mechanics. The animations would be easier to absorb and reflect on if you could just sit back, relax and watch.

The main reason for this is the lack of connection between the mechanics and the physiological processes they are applied to. Nor is there any connection between the mechanics and any process of learning. Consequently the mini games serve to irritate rather than to illuminate or even motivate. To succeed you don’t have to understand anything about the physiology and you most definitely won’t perform better by learning and understanding more. You’ll perform better with nimbler mousing and vision, that’s all.

kentucky route zero, another world, code fred

Three very different games, one look.


Great presentation! The Kentucky Route Zero/Another World-like visuals are complemented perfectly by MindFunk Productions’ “organic, cinematic cowboy theme”. The desire to see more of the art and get back into the two bar guitar groove was actually what kept me playing to the end. I wasn’t motivated by a desire to learn more, neither was I coerced to learn more by a desire to play more. On the contrary, I thought the playing torturous and only endured it thanks to the art and the music.


This might have been acceptable if the minigames were educational, but they aren’t. They are just clickable animations that are made harder to watch … which you must do again and again until you’ve mastered an arbitrary and dull task.

Additional information

A short interview with one of the designers.
A long post mortem explaining the thought process behind the mechanics. Read it + play the game = cognitive dissonance.

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Filed under Biology, High School, Mid School, Physiology

Crazy Plant Shop

Crazy Plant Shop by Filament Games

What does it teach?

Crazy Plant Shop is a browser-based game where you learn about inheritance and how dominant and recessive genes work.

What do you do?

You are running a plant shop where you buy, sell and breed different types of plants. An assortment of customers visits your store with specific requests for plants. To satisfy them, you order plants from a catalog and then breed the plants to create offspring with the desired traits. Every order you fulfill earns you money that you will need to spend in the plant catalog to further increase your breeding stock.

In essence, the game is shop sim with a Punnett squares game mechanic which teaches you the basics of gene expression.

Do you learn anything?

The game is really just a shop sim with a thin educational coating. You will spend most of your time and brain power on boring administrative duties like inventory management and time management. This is not only boring, it is also a very inefficient way of learning.

While logistics as a game mechanic does not seem congenial to the subject of genetics, there actually is some synergy as you have to think in terms of genes, rather than the observable qualities of your plants, in order to offer your customers the most combinations of plants using the least amount of breeding stock (store space) and breeding attempts (energy). This is commendable and a pretty rare thing in educational games.

You don’t really improve your score the more you learn about genetics though. To do well in the game you only need to understand the very basic principles of breeding. The key to do better is then just a case of honing your logistics, not honing your knowledge or your understanding of the breeding process. This is really a game about store management not a game about science.


The production values are very impressive. The art style is pleasant and there is sort of a story to experience through interaction with the numerous characters that visit your store. Depending on your disposition (and age) it might motivate you or distract you from playing the game.


The point of educational games is surely to make learning fun, not make it (even more) boring by mixing it with ultra-boring administrative work. The game is also pretty confusing and hard to learn even though the genetics involved are very basic. If you go into the game without already grasping the concept of a Punnett Square, you will likely not get very far.

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Filed under Biology, Filament Games, Genetics, Mid School