Timeline Ancient Rome - Athletic Design


Each card describes a historical event or era, which you should try to date as precisely as possible by clicking on the timeline below it. You do not need any previous knowledge of ancient Rome. You will learn as you play - that is the intention anyway! But if you'd like a head start, you may spend a minute or two on the Crash Course further down on this page.



Your main task is to place the card event in the right order relative to the events already marked out on the timeline.

If you pick the correct interval (a stretch between two markers) you will get 100 Order Points. If you pick the wrong interval you will get zero Order Points and it counts as an error. Three errors mean Game Over.


You can earn additional Precision Points by picking a position at or close to the exact year in question. Precision Points vary between 0 and 100. A green marker is placed at the correct position and green gradient bar shows the total scoring span. (Note that a crowded timeline with tight intervals may allow for Precision Points even if you have chosen the wrong order.)


Finally there is a Time Bonus between 0 and 100 points based on the time meter on the card. Nothing happens when the time runs out so you can safely ignore it if you are yet not an expert.

Kingdom 753–509 BC

The Etruscans of northern Italy rule Rome. There are no writings from this time so what we know is from later writings that may be based more on myths than reality. The first archeological evidences of stone buildings and streets date as late as 575 BC.

Republic 509–27 BC


Rome breaks free from the Etruscans and expands its rule all over Italy. The conquered 'Italians' become citizens of Rome. During this period the common people gain political power and are made equal before the law.


Rome/Italy now comes to confront the other Mediterranean powers and after some gigantic wars, Rome comes to rule the Mediterranean world. The conquered areas become Roman provinces and supply Rome with an enormous number of slaves. The wars also change the Roman army from one of farmers obliged to military service to an army of professional soldiers more loyal to their commander than to Rome. This leads to internal fighting and culminates in Caesar's civil war.

Empire 27 BC–476 AD


Augustus is the first in a series of emperors, who rule with total power. Some were good, some bad, and some mad, but the Romans enjoy a 200-year long peaceful and prosperous era, Pax Romana, with magnificent art and engineering.


The Roman Empire hade expanded to an extent that its vast borders become hard to defend and internal fighting makes things worse. The Empire is split up in more manageable parts. Constantinople is built to be the 'new Rome' in the eastern part. Migrating tribes from the north ultimately take control over 'old Rome', but the eastern Empire with Constantinople stands strong.
