<!--** Start locations and movement activation **-->
(set: $dogIsMovingToStudy to false)
(set: $dogIsMovingToKitchen to false)
(set: $dogIsMovingToPianoToSleep to false)
(set: $parrotIsMoving to true)
(set: $cageIsMovingToDoorbell to false)
(set: $cageIsMovingToKitchen to false)
(set: $cageIsMovingToStudy to false)
(set: $dogRoom to "lounge")
(set: $parrotRoom to "start")
(set: $cageRoom to "study")
(set: $playerRoom to "title")
<!--** Timing **-->
(set: $tidTyst to 0) <!--ska sättas till 0 var gång spelaren nyser/skriker (spelaren stannar kvar i rummet och koden går vidare till footer där tiden visas) men sättas till -7 var gång spelaren pratar (spelaren går till nytt rum och passerar uppräkningen i header ännu en gång innan tiden visas i footer)-->
(set: $minutes to 0)
(set: $seconds to 0)
(set: $LongestTyst to 0)
(set: $minutesLongest to 0)
(set: $secondsLongest to 0)
(set: $tidTotal to -14) <!-- startvärde ska vara -14 (utan titlescreen skulle det vara -7) -->
(set: $clock to "reads exactly 6:53 PM")
(set: $hasStopwatch to false)
(set: $stopwatchIsOn to false)
<!--** Dialog **-->
(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)
(set: $talkRoom to "study")
(set: $ignoredCage to 0) <!-- silent +1 -->
(set: $angryCage to 0) <!-- John has to repeat himself +1, negativa svar +0.34 till +3, ljuger om stove +5 -->
(set: $CagesTotalAntipathy to 0)
(set: $feelingIgnored to 7) <!-- when ignoredCage >= feelingIgnored goto 7ssssss -->
(set: $offended to 8) <!-- when angryCage >= offended goto 9ssssssss -->
(set: $apology to false)
(set: $pacify to false)
(set: $question to "What’s the frequency, Johnny?")
(set: $randomSilenceReply to false)
(set: $beenToAnswer6n to false)
(set: $askedBeingDeaf to false)
(set: $x to "null")
(set: $smartguy to false) <!-- specialfall i 7pnpnps och 4sss -->
(set: $timber to false) <!-- specialfall i 9pnpnpss och 6ssssp -->
(set: $CageIsEmbarrased to false) <!-- clever bird2 och 9ssssssss -->
(set: $saidNothing to false) <!-- används i 8sssssss och 9ssssssss men kan användas generellt för att kolla om man kom till en passage via "say nothing". Borde egentligen satt denna variabel i alla dialoger, liksom saidPositive och saidNegative, men tänkte ej på det -->
<!--** Coda Reading **-->
(set: $pathToCoda to 0)
(set: $sentenceToRead to 1)
(set: $hasTakenManuscript to false)
(set: $hasBegunReading to false)
(set: $commentToBook to "Fake a smile and nod politely.")
(set: $silenceDuringReading to 1)
<!--** Extra topics triggered by events and rooms **-->
(set: $topicNumber to 0)
(set: $extraTopic to false)
(set: $topic to (array:))
(set: $returnToMainConversation to "null")
(set: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid to 0)
(set: $changedsubject to false) <!-- används i 8sssssss och 9ssssssss -->
(set: $parrotHasTalked to false) <!-- för att styra möjliga fraser första gången papegojan pratar -->
(set: $seenMelNader to false)
<!--** Strings **-->
(set: $parrotTalk to "")
(set: $dogCollision to "") <!-- bara för study, kollas i header -->
<!-- ** SPECIAL EVENTS ** -->
<!--* Doorbell Rings *-->
(set: $timeToDoorRings to (either: 35, 42, 49, 56))
(set: $cageOpensDoor to false)
(set: $bellMessage to "")
(set: $openDoorMessage to "")
(set: $hasSeenFolder to false)
(set: $gonnaShowDesk to false)
(set: $showDesk to false)
(set: $hasExaminedDesk to false)
(set: $carryingStaplesremover to false)
(set: $carryingPaperclips to false)
(set: $deskmessage to "")
<!--* Smoke appears *-->
(set: $stoveIsOn to true) <!-- ska starta som true, John har verkligen glömt spisen, undviker också felslut om att maten lockar hunden -->
(set: $smokeCounter to -14) <!-- precis som tidtotal eftersom $stoveIsOn startar som true och header körs en gång innan första passage som är title -->
(set: $timeToSmokeAppears to (either: 147, 154, 161, 168)) <!-- ska vara 161 eller lite mindre, kan minst vara 91 för att John alltid ska hinna tillbaka från möte med Mel Nader -->
(set: $smokeHasAppeared to false)
(set: $cageCheckingSmokeCounter to 0)
(set: $johnTurnedOffStove to false)
(set: $windowOpen to false)
(set: $youToldJohn to "null")
(set: $checkingSmokeCase to 0)
(set: $smokeMessage to "")
(set: $cageShouts to "")
(set: $cageHasShouted to false) <!-- bara i search rooms -->
(set: $cageActionMessage to "")
(set: $kitchenMessage to "A half-full saucepan is left on the stove.")
<!--* Search study while smoke appears *-->
(set: $pausingTime to false)
(set: $justBackFromSearch to false)
(set: $rightObjectsDuringStudySearch to "null")
(set: $searchMessage to "")
(set: $chairFound to false)
(set: $clockFound to false)
(set: $floorFound to false)
(set: $jazzrecordFound to false)
(set: $snorerecordFound to false)
(set: $encyclopediaFound to false)
(set: $manuscriptFound to false)
(set: $blueBookFound to false)
(set: $folderFound to false)
(set: $examiningFolder to false)
(set: $FolderIsOpen to false)
(set: $stopReadTestimony1 to false)
(set: $readingTestimony to false)
(set: $readingTestimony2 to false)
(set: $readingTestimony3 to false)
(set: $hasReadTestimony1 to false)
(set: $hasReadTestimony2 to false)
(set: $hasReadTestimony3 to false)
(set: $instructionsFound to false)
(set: $stopReadInstructions1 to false)
(set: $readingInstructions to false)
(set: $readingInstructions2 to false)
(set: $readingInstructions3 to false)
(set: $hasReadInstructions1 to false)
(set: $hasReadInstructions2 to false)
(set: $hasReadInstructions3 to false)
(set: $testimony1 to "You begin to read the testimony<br><blockquote>“I remember every word: ‘SHUT UP! Not a SOUND! Just keep QUIET and enjoy it!’”</blockquote>")
(set: $testimony2 to "You continue to read the testimony<br><blockquote>“It was horrible. I couldn’t recognize the man I thought I knew. He was in a trance-like state during the entire act. And though it felt like time stood still, <i>I COUNTED every second!</i>”</blockquote>")
(set: $testimony3 to "You continue to read the testimony<br><blockquote>“4 MINUTES and 33 SECONDS later, he finished and got off me. ‘This is Zen’, he said. ‘John Cage is an illusion. The real John is uncaged, and now, so are you.’”</blockquote>")
(set: $instructions1 to "You begin to read the instructions<br><blockquote>“I will feel ignored when you stay silent and don’t answer me. Be aware that there’s a limit to my tolerance. But context matters. Sometime silence is the response I expect. By miming and mouthing communicatively you can also keep your silence without hurting my feelings.”</blockquote>")
(set: $instructions2 to "You continue to read the instructions<br><blockquote>“I’m a pleasant man but my anger level will rise each time you are rude, e.g. say mean things, behave badly, and when I catch you lying. I also hate when you leave the study in the middle of a conversation so that <b>I have to repeat myself</b>!”</blockquote>")
(set: $instructions3 to "You continue to read the instructions<br><blockquote>“Some actions are only possible when I am not present, e.g. snooping, picking up things and using them. Yes, I do the same when I’m at your home.”</blockquote>")
<!--* Falling asleep in 16psnsnpppnppppnp and sleeping in sleeping*-->
(set: $sleepy to "")
(set: $sleeping to false)
(set: $sleepActivity to "silent")
(set: $reactToDog to true)
(set: $sleeptalk to "")
(set: $snoreSound to "")
(set: $didSnore to false)
(set: $didTalk to false)
(set: $youHadFirstDream to false)
<!--* ZEN *-->
(set: $pathToZen to "null")
(set: $egoProblemZenSolution to false)
(set: $loseTheQuestion to false)
(set: $zenTapOnShoulder to false)
(set: $saidEgoProblem to false)
<!--* John Cage splitting into John and cage *-->
(set: $johnsName to "John Cage")
(set: $carryingCage to false)
(set: $cagingParrotMessage to "")
(set: $timeToReachforDesk to (either: 7, 14, 21, 28, 31))<!-- ska vara mindre än $timetoDoorRings för att etablera desk innan den kan undersökas -->
(set: $reaches to "")
<!--* END GAME *-->
(set: $finalSilentTime to "null")
(set: $score to 0)
(set: $scorereduction to 0)
<!--* Examine piano anytime John is away *-->
(set: $rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch to "null")
(set: $toldPianoIsPrepared to false)
(set: $examinePianoMessage to "")
(set: $verb to "")
(set: $screwFound to false)
(set: $pennyFound to false)
(set: $strippingFound to false)
(set: $ringFound to false)
(set: $forkFound to false)
(set: $jewFound to false)
(set: $woolFound to false)
(set: $queenFound to false)
(set: $pawnFound to false)
(set: $cardboardFound to false)
(set: $quillFound to false)
(set: $bambooFound to false)
(set: $boltFound to false)
(set: $nutFound to false)
(set: $carryingNut to false)
(set: $openerFound to false)
(set: $clipFound to false)
(set: $plectrumFound to false)
(set: $thimbleFound to false)
(set: $knightFound to false)
(set: $pillFound to false)
(set: $dieFound to false)
(set: $kingFound to false)
(set: $whistleFound to false)
(set: $earringsFound to false)
(set: $eraserFound to false)
<!--* Postcard arrives *-->
(set: $PostcardOnMat to false)
(set: $timeToPostcardArrives to (either: 217, 224, 231, 238))
(set: $PostcardMessage to "")
(set: $PostcardAction to "")
(set: $readPostcard to false)
(set: $PostcardText to (either: "The postcard reads “I agree a screw is perfect for A#1. Your friend, Merce”", "The postcard reads “Yes, a penny seems most apt for C1. Talk to you later, Jasper”", "The postcard reads “Sure, a piece of weather stripping would be effective at G1.Cheers, Maro”", "The postcard reads “Please use my wedding ring on B2. It will be a thrill for the both of us. XXX, Quello silenzioso”", "The postcard reads “You’re right as usual. A dinner fork is propably preferrable at E2. Your friend, Hanya”", "The postcard reads “A Jew’s harp on G#2 will be a most fitting tribute to this old fellow American. Thank you, Charles Ives”", "The postcard reads “I bow to your expertise, John. A piece of wool is most likely the right choice for C#3. Yours truly, Marcel”", "The postcard reads “A Chess Queen will certainly do nicely for D3 – brilliant! Your friend, Merce”", "The postcard reads “A Chess Pawn is an inspiring choice for F#3, agreed! Talk to you later, Jasper”", "The postcard reads “No need to hesitate – a strip of cardboard seems like the simple and smart choice for A4. Cheers, Maro”", "The postcard reads “Haha! Yes 4F seems just right for a quill if you’re referring to that writer friend of yours! Love, Hanya”", "The postcard reads “Pragmatic and inventive as always, John! Yes, a bamboo strip will produce just the right effect at G4. Take care, Marcel”", "The postcard reads “Who am I to argue with you, John? You want to use a bolt on B5, use a bolt! Your friend, Merce”", "The postcard reads “Agreed, as long as you can keep your parrot away from it, a pistachio nut seems ideal for C#5. Talk to you later, Jasper”", "The postcard reads “Yes, yes, yes! A bottle opener is an ingenious choice for D5. Cheers, Maro”", "The postcard reads “Dear John, a paper clip on D#5 is just the kind of sly solution I’d expect of you! Love, Hanya”", "The postcard reads “That’s devious, John! Yes, a plectrum will be deliciously subversive at G#5. Yours truly, Marcel”", "The postcard reads “Shrewd! A brass thimble on A#6 will likely strike a very nice chord in that key. Your friend, Merce”", "The postcard reads “A Chess Knight? On C6? Of course! I would never have thought about it, but then again I’m not the genius – you are! Your admiring friend, Jasper”", "The postcard reads “As you already know, a capsule of Veronal has many uses … So, yeah, why not put it to use on E6 too? Cheers, Maro”", "The postcard reads “A 12-sided die at F6 strikes me as a most clever comment on your artistic method, John. Your loving friend, Hanya”", "The postcard reads “Still awaiting your concerto for dog whistles, John! But by all means, go ahead and apply it on B7. It’s most pertinent. Yours truly, Marcel”", "The postcard reads “Yes, I’m sure you will put my dangle earrings to good use on F#7 … too! XXX, Quello silenzioso”", "The postcard reads “I concur. G#7 will need the kind of dampening that only an eraser can ensure. Faber-Castell is your safest bet in my humble opinion. Your devoted friend, Merce”"))
(set: $musicplaying to true)<!-- För musik on/off-ikonen Se "Footer" och "switch" -->
<!--(set: $randomCageAction to 1) används inte just nu -->
<!-- Delat upp i flera headers eftersom det blir buggar i redigeringen då passager blir för långa. Alla headers måste ha taggen header och sen läses de alla i alfabetisk ordning varje omgång före alla andra passager
<!--**----Specialfall som flyttar till slutrum och svansar -----**-->
(if: $pausingTime is false)[
<!-- Man ska inte flyttas till 7ssssss om man varit på ANTINGEN 7ssssss eller 9ssssssss innan (efter 9ssssssss kan annars hända om man ligger just under tröskelvärde på ignoredCage då man nått över angryCage-tröskel och sen är silent innan man når 13ssssssssssss. Då leder det ofta till att man kommer till 9ssssssss IGEN via länken i 8sssssss. Ända in till deadlinedagen hade jag bara villkor för om man varit på 7ssssss innan. -->
(if: ((count: (history:), "9ssssssss") is 0) AND ((count: (history:), "7ssssss") is 0))[
(if: $ignoredCage >= $feelingIgnored)
(if: $playerRoom is "study")
[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7ssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)]
<!-- Behövs bara villkor för 9ssssssss här eftersom 7ssssss ligger före och man ofta kommer till 9 just efter 7 och 8. -->
(if: (count: (history:), "9ssssssss") is 0)[
(if: $angryCage >= $offended)
(if: $playerRoom is "study")
[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "9ssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)]
<!--**--------------------Increment time --------------------------**-->
(if: $pausingTime is false)[
(set: $tidTotal to $tidTotal + 7)
(if: $tidTotal >0)[(set: $clock to "reads 6:53 PM")]
(if: $tidTotal >56)[(set: $clock to "reads 6:54 PM")]
(if: $tidTotal >119)[(set: $clock to "reads 6:55 PM")]
(if: $tidTotal >175)[(set: $clock to "reads 6:56 PM")]
(if: $tidTotal >238)[(set: $clock to "reads 6:57 PM")]
(if: $tidTotal >295)[(set: $clock to "reads 6:58 PM")]
(if: $tidTotal >357)[(set: $clock to "reads 6:59 PM")]
(if: $tidTotal is 420)
(if: $playerRoom is "study")[(set: $talkRoom to "7pm study")(goto: $talkRoom)]
(elseif: $playerRoom is "lounge")[(set: $talkRoom to "7pm lounge")(goto: $talkRoom)]
(elseif: $playerRoom is "entrance")[(set: $talkRoom to "7pm entrance")(goto: $talkRoom)]
(elseif: $playerRoom is "kitchen")[(set: $talkRoom to "7pm kitchen")(goto: $talkRoom)]
(if: $stopwatchIsOn)[
(set: $tidTyst to $tidTyst + 7)
(if: $tidTyst > $LongestTyst)[(set: $LongestTyst to $tidTyst)]
(if: $smokeHasAppeared)[(set: $cageCheckingSmokeCounter to $cageCheckingSmokeCounter +7)]
<!-- Denna måste komma efter ovanstående (if smokeHasAppeared) om räkning av moves för förflyttning av Cage ska bli rätt. Alternativt kan den komma före men då måste startvärde på $cageCheckingSmokeCounter vara -7 -->
(if: $stoveIsOn)[(set: $smokeCounter to $smokeCounter +7)]
(if: $smokeCounter is $timeToSmokeAppears)[(set: $smokeHasAppeared to true)]
(set: $topicNumber to 1)
(display: "func collected extratopics")
<!-- ** ########################################################## ** -->
<div class ="lounge">
<b><b>You are in the lounge</b></b>. A battered grand piano dominates the room. (text-style: "shudder")[$bellMessage]
(text-style: "fade-in-out")[$smokeMessage]<br><br>
(if: $justBackFromSearch is true)[(set: $justBackFromSearch to false)$examinePianoMessage<br><br>]
(if: $parrotRoom is "cagedInLounge")[The parrot is sitting in its cage.<br><br>]
(if: $cagingParrotMessage is NOT "")[(set: $parrotRoom to "cagedInLounge")$cagingParrotMessage<br><br>]
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
<!-----------------------Checking collisions--------------------------->
(if: $cageRoom is "lounge")
(if: $parrotRoom is "lounge" AND $dogRoom is "lounge")
(if: $parrotTalk is "Talking about music is futile. Music is a snare and you can’t catch it. You get caught by it!")[(set: $topicNumber to 7)]
(else:)[(set: $topicNumber to 6)]
(display: "func collected extratopics")
(set: $tidTyst to 0)
(if: ($dogIsMovingToKitchen is false) AND ($dogIsMovingToStudy is false))
$johnsName is here. A long haired dog is sleeping under the piano. You sneeze abruptly, waking the dog(if: $angryCage <= ($offended/1.25))[(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)] and amusing John who says, “Bless you!”](else:)[. John smirks briefly and says, “Cover your mouth!”]<br><br>
A parrot is also here. It lands on the dog and says “<b><i>$parrotTalk</i></b>” before flying out of the room.<br> <br>
(set: $dogIsMovingToStudy to true)
[$johnsName and the dog are here. You sneeze abruptly.(if: $angryCage <= ($offended/1.25))[(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)] John says, “Bless you!”](else:)[ John smirks briefly and says, “Cover your mouth!”]<br><br>
The parrot is here. It lands on the dog and says “<b><i>$parrotTalk</i></b>” before flying out of the room.<br> <br>
(elseif: $dogRoom is "lounge")
(set: $tidTyst to 0)
(if: ($dogIsMovingToKitchen is false) AND ($dogIsMovingToStudy is false))
$johnsName is here. A long haired dog is sleeping under the piano. You sneeze abruptly, waking the dog(if: $angryCage <= ($offended/1.25))[(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)] and amusing John who says, “Bless you!”](else:)[. John smirks briefly and says, “Cover your mouth!”]<br><br>
(set: $dogIsMovingToStudy to true)
[$johnsName and the dog are here. You sneeze abruptly. (if: $angryCage <= ($offended/1.25))[(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)] John says, “Bless you!”](else:)[ John smirks briefly and says, “Cover your mouth!”]<br><br>
(elseif: $parrotRoom is "lounge")
(if: $carryingNut is true)[(set: $score to it + 200)(set: $carryingNut to false)$johnsName and the parrot are here.<br><br>The parrot sweeps down and snatches the pistachio nut from you before making a hasty escape out of the room.<br><br>
John(if: $angryCage <= ($offended/1.25))[(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)] laughs, “He likes you but he likes your snacks even more! He is something of a gourmet, so it’s really quite a compliment.”](else:)[ frowns and glances suspiciously at the piano.]<br><br>
(set: $tidTyst to 0)$johnsName and the parrot are here.<br><br>
The parrot sweeps down and bites you. You scream in pain but John just(if: $angryCage <= ($offended/1.25))[(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)] laughs, “He is trying to kiss you!”](else:)[ smirks and says, “Not the strong <i>silent</i> type, eh?”]<br><br>
The parrot then makes a hasty retreat out of the room.<br><br>
(set: $topicNumber to 2)
(display: "func collected extratopics")
(else:)[$johnsName is here.<br><br>]
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "lounge")
(if: $parrotRoom is "lounge" AND $dogRoom is "lounge")
(if: $parrotTalk is "Talking about music is futile. Music is a snare and you can’t catch it. You get caught by it!")[(set: $topicNumber to 7)]
(else:)[(set: $topicNumber to 6)]
(display: "func collected extratopics")
(if: ($dogIsMovingToKitchen is false) AND ($dogIsMovingToStudy is false))
A long haired dog is sleeping under the piano. You sneeze abruptly, waking the dog. John, however, is too far away to hear you.<br><br>
A parrot is also here. It lands on the dog and says “<b> <i>$parrotTalk</i></b>” before flying out of the room.<br><br>
(set: $dogIsMovingToStudy to true)
The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly, but John is too far away to hear you.<br><br>
The parrot is here. It lands on the dog and says “<b> <i>$parrotTalk</i></b>” before flying out of the room.<br><br>
(elseif: $dogRoom is "lounge")
(if: ($dogIsMovingToKitchen is false) AND ($dogIsMovingToStudy is false))
A long haired dog is sleeping under the piano. You sneeze abruptly, waking the dog. John, however, is too far away to hear you.<br><br>
(set: $dogIsMovingToStudy to true)
The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly, but John is too far away to hear you. <br><br>
(elseif: $parrotRoom is "lounge")
(if: $carryingNut is true)[(set: $score to it + 200)(set: $carryingNut to false)The parrot is here. It sweeps down and snatches the pistachio nut from you before making a hasty escape out of the room.<br><br>]
(set: $tidTyst to 0)
The parrot is here. It sweeps down and bites you.<br><br>
You scream so loudly that it echoes throughout the apartment as the parrot makes a hasty escape out of the room.<br><br>
(if: $stopwatchIsOn)[From outside the room you can hear John chortling. (either:"“And you thought silence was easy work?!” ","“Yes, silence takes effort. It takes knowledge and insight!” ")he yells.<br><br>]
(set: $topicNumber to 2)
(display: "func collected extratopics")
<!-- ********** CHOICES WHEN JOHN IS PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "lounge")
(if: $angryCage <= ($offended/1.25))
(if: $parrotRoom is "lounge" AND $dogRoom is "lounge")
(link: "“Thank you.”")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(goto: "lounge")]<br>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: "lounge")]<br>
(elseif: $dogRoom is "lounge")
(link: "“Thank you.”")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(goto: "lounge")]<br>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: "lounge")]<br>
(elseif: $parrotRoom is "lounge")
(link: "“How flattering.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(goto: "lounge")]<br>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: "lounge")]<br>
(link: "Wait.")[(goto: "lounge")]<br>
(link: "Wait.")[(goto: "lounge")]<br>
<!-- ********** CHOICES WHEN JOHN IS AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "lounge")
(link: "Wait.")[(goto: "lounge")]<br>
(if: $whistleFound is true)[(link: "Play a lullaby on the dog whistle.")[(set: $dogIsMovingToStudy to false)
(set: $dogIsMovingToKitchen to false)
(set: $dogIsMovingToPianoToSleep to true)
(goto: "lounge")]<br>
(if: $toldPianoIsPrepared is true)
(link: "Examine piano.")[(set: $pausingTime to true)(goto: "search piano")]
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
<span class="navigate">
(link: "Go to the entrance hall.")[(set: $playerRoom to "entrance")(goto: "entrance")]<br>
(link: "Go to the study.")[(set: $playerRoom to "study")(goto: $talkRoom)]
<div class ="study">
<b>The study</b><br><br>
(if: $cageRoom is "study")[$johnsName is sitting in his chair.<br>]
(if: $parrotRoom is "study")[The parrot is here.<br>]
(if: $dogRoom is "study")[The dog is here.<br>]
<div class ="entrance">
<b>The entrance hall</b><br><br>
(if: $cageRoom is "entrance")[$johnsName is here.<br>]
(if: $parrotRoom is "entrance")[The parrot is here.<br>]
(elseif: $parrotRoom is "cagedInEntrance")[The parrot is caged here.<br>]
(if: $dogRoom is "entrance")[The dog is here.<br>]
<div class ="kitchen">
<b>The kitchen</b><br><br>
(if: $parrotRoom is "kitchen")[The parrot is here.<br>]
(elseif: $parrotRoom is "cagedInKitchen")[The parrot is caged here.<br>]
(if: $dogRoom is "kitchen")[The dog is here.<br>]
(if: $cageRoom is "kitchen")[$johnsName is here. ]
(if: ($cageCheckingSmokeCounter is 21) AND ($cageHasShouted is false))[(set: $cageHasShouted to true)$cageShouts<br>]
<div class ="doorstudy"></div>
<div class ="doorkitchen"></div>
<div class ="doorlounge"></div>
<div class ="entrancedoor"></div>
<!-- Move parrot if it is in player room -->
(if: $parrotRoom is "lounge")[(set: $parrotRoom to "moveAwayFromLounge")]
<div class ="entrance">
<b>You are in the entrance hall</b>. (text-style: "shudder")[$bellMessage]$PostcardMessage(if: $readPostcard is true)[(set: $readPostcard to false)<i>$PostcardText</i>]
(text-style: "fade-in-out")[$smokeMessage]<br><br>
(if: $cageOpensDoor)
(set: $score to it + 100)
(set: $topicNumber to 3)
(display: "func collected extratopics")
(set: $hasSeenFolder to true)
(if: $parrotRoom is "cagedInEntrance")[The parrot is sitting in its cage.<br><br>]
(if: $cagingParrotMessage is NOT "")[(set: $parrotRoom to "cagedInEntrance")$cagingParrotMessage<br><br>]
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
<!-----------------------Checking collisions--------------------------->
<!-- koden här är mer komplicerad än i lounge och kitchen eftersom jag anpassar språket (minskar upprepningar) om John öppnar dörren. Jag vill inte skriva "John Cage and the dog are here" då det redan stått "John Cage opens the door" Om $openDoorMessage är tom "" så skrivs den vanliga, längre varianten, annars den kortare. Hade iofs bara kunnat använda (if: $tidTotal is ($timeToDoorRings + 14)) -->
(if: $cageRoom is "entrance")
(if: $parrotRoom is "entrance" AND $dogRoom is "entrance")
[(set: $tidTyst to 0)(if: $openDoorMessage is "")[$johnsName and the dog are here. You sneeze abruptly.(if: $angryCage <= ($offended/1.25))[(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)] John says, “Bless you!”](else:)[ John smirks briefly and says, “Cover your mouth!”]<br><br>
The parrot is here. It lands on the dog and says “<b><i>$parrotTalk</i></b>” before flying out of the room.<br><br>](else:)[The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly.(if: $angryCage <= ($offended/1.25))[(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)] John says, “Bless you!”](else:)[ John smirks briefly and says, “Cover your mouth!”]<br><br>
The parrot is here. It lands on the dog and says “<b><i>$parrotTalk</i></b>” before flying out of the room.<br><br>]
(if: $parrotTalk is "Talking about music is futile. Music is a snare and you can’t catch it. You get caught by it!")[(set: $topicNumber to 7)]
(else:)[(set: $topicNumber to 6)]
(display: "func collected extratopics")
(elseif: $dogRoom is "entrance")[(set: $tidTyst to 0)(if: $openDoorMessage is "")[$johnsName and the dog are here. You sneeze abruptly.(if: $angryCage <= ($offended/1.25))[(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)] John says, “Bless you!”](else:)[ John smirks briefly and says, “Cover your mouth!”]<br><br>](else:)[The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly.(if: $angryCage <= ($offended/1.25))[(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)] John says, “Bless you!”](else:)[ John smirks briefly and says, “Cover your mouth!”]<br><br>]]
(elseif: $parrotRoom is "entrance")
(if: $carryingNut is true)
(set: $score to it + 200)
(set: $carryingNut to false)
(if: $openDoorMessage is "")
$johnsName and the parrot are here.<br><br>The parrot sweeps down and snatches the pistachio nut from you before making a hasty escape out of the room.<br><br>
John(if: $angryCage <= ($offended/1.25))[(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)] laughs, “He likes you but he likes your snacks even more! He is something of a gourmet, so it’s really quite a compliment.”](else:)[ frowns and glances suspiciously at you.]<br><br>
The parrot is here. It sweeps down and snatches the pistachio nut from you before making a hasty escape out of the room.<br><br>
John(if: $angryCage <= ($offended/1.25))[(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)] laughs, “He likes you but he likes your snacks even more! He is something of a gourmet, so it’s really quite a compliment.”](else:)[ frowns and glances suspiciously at you.]<br><br>]
(set: $tidTyst to 0)
(set: $topicNumber to 2)
(display: "func collected extratopics")
(if: $openDoorMessage is "")[$johnsName and the parrot are here.<br><br>
The parrot sweeps down and bites you. You scream in pain but John just(if: $angryCage <= ($offended/1.25))[(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)] laughs, “He is trying to kiss you!”](else:)[ smirks and says, “Not the strong <i>silent</i> type, eh?”]<br><br>
The parrot then makes a hasty retreat out of the room.<br><br>]
(else:)[The parrot is here. It sweeps down and bites you. You scream in pain but John just(if: $angryCage <= ($offended/1.25))[(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)] laughs, “He is trying to kiss you!”](else:)[ smirks and says, “Not the strong <i>silent</i> type, eh?”]<br><br>
The parrot then makes a hasty retreat out of the room.<br><br>]
(else:)[(if: $openDoorMessage is "")[$johnsName is here. <br><br>]]
(if: $PostcardAction is "John picks up the postcard from the doormat, reads it and smiles.")[ $PostcardAction <br><br>]
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "entrance")
(if: $parrotRoom is "entrance" AND $dogRoom is "entrance")[The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly, but John is too far away to hear you.<br><br>
The parrot is here. It lands on the dog and says “<b><i>$parrotTalk</i></b>” before flying out of the room.<br><br>
(if: $parrotTalk is "Talking about music is futile. Music is a snare and you can’t catch it. You get caught by it!")[(set: $topicNumber to 7)]
(else:)[(set: $topicNumber to 6)]
(display: "func collected extratopics")
(elseif: $dogRoom is "entrance")[The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly, but John is too far away to hear you. <br><br>]
(elseif: $parrotRoom is "entrance")
(if: $carryingNut is true)[(set: $score to it + 200)(set: $carryingNut to false)The parrot is here. It sweeps down and snatches the pistachio nut from you before making a hasty escape out of the room.<br><br>]
(set: $tidTyst to 0)
The parrot is here. It sweeps down and bites you.<br><br>
You scream so loudly that it echoes throughout the apartment as the parrot makes a hasty escape out of the room.<br><br>
(if: $stopwatchIsOn)[From outside the room you can hear John chortling. (either:"“And you thought silence was easy work?!” ","“Yes, silence takes effort. It takes knowledge and insight!” ")he yells.<br><br>]
(set: $topicNumber to 2)
(display: "func collected extratopics")
<!-- ********** CHOICES WHEN JOHN IS PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "entrance")
(if: $angryCage <= ($offended/1.25))
(if: $parrotRoom is "entrance" AND $dogRoom is "entrance")
(link: "“Thank you.”")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(goto: "entrance")]<br>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto:"entrance")]<br>
(elseif: $dogRoom is "entrance")
(link: "“Thank you.”")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(goto: "entrance")]<br>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: "entrance")]<br>
(elseif: $parrotRoom is "entrance")
(link: "“How flattering.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(goto: "entrance")]<br>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: "entrance")]<br>
(link: "Wait.")[(goto: "entrance")]<br>
(link: "Wait.")[(goto: "entrance")]<br>
<!-- ********** CHOICES WHEN JOHN IS AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "entrance")
(link: "Wait.")[(goto: "entrance")]<br>
(if: $whistleFound is true)[(link: "Play a lullaby on the dog whistle.")[(set: $dogIsMovingToStudy to false)
(set: $dogIsMovingToKitchen to false)
(set: $dogIsMovingToPianoToSleep to true)
(goto: "entrance")]<br>
(if: $PostcardOnMat is true)[(link: "Read postcard.")[(set: $score to it + 100)(set: $PostcardOnMat to false)(set: $readPostcard to true)(goto: "entrance")]<br>]
<span class="navigate">
(link: "Go to the lounge.")[(set: $playerRoom to "lounge")(goto: "lounge")]<br>
(link: "Go to the kitchen.")[(set: $playerRoom to "kitchen")(goto: "kitchen")]
<div class ="lounge">
<b>The lounge</b><br><br>
(if: $cageRoom is "lounge")[$johnsName is here.<br>]
(if: $parrotRoom is "lounge")[The parrot is here.<br>]
(elseif: $parrotRoom is "cagedInLounge")[The parrot is caged here.<br>]
(if: $dogRoom is "lounge")[The dog is here.<br>]
<div class ="study">
<b>The study</b><br><br>
(if: $cageRoom is "study")[$johnsName is sitting in his chair.<br>]
(if: $parrotRoom is "study")[The parrot is here.<br>]
(if: $dogRoom is "study")[The dog is here.<br>]
<div class ="kitchen">
<b>The kitchen</b><br><br>
(if: $parrotRoom is "kitchen")[The parrot is here.<br>]
(elseif: $parrotRoom is "cagedInKitchen")[The parrot is caged here.<br>]
(if: $dogRoom is "kitchen")[The dog is here.<br>]
(if: $cageRoom is "kitchen")[$johnsName is here. ]
(if: ($cageCheckingSmokeCounter is 21) AND ($cageHasShouted is false))[(set: $cageHasShouted to true)$cageShouts<br>]
<div class ="doorstudy"></div>
<div class ="doorkitchen"></div>
<div class ="doorlounge"></div>
<div class ="entrancedoor"></div>
<!-- Move parrot if it is in player room -->
(if: $parrotRoom is "entrance")[(set: $parrotRoom to "moveAwayFromEntrance")]
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0 )
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
You are greeted by your old friend $johnsName who is sitting in a club chair across you.<br><br>
“I’ve been thinking about silence lately,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“I’ve been thinking about silence lately,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“So have I.”")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "2p")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(link: "“Do me a favor, keep thinking and keep silent.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "2n")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "2s")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
(if: $windowOpen)[
(set: $topicNumber to 5)
(display: "func collected extratopics")
<div class ="kitchen">
<b>You are in the kitchen</b>. $kitchenMessage
(if: NOT $hasStopwatch)[ There is a stopwatch lying on the work surface beside the hob of the stove. ]
(text-style: "shudder")[$bellMessage]
(if: $cageCheckingSmokeCounter is 28)[$smokeMessage]
(else:)[(text-style: "fade-in-out")[$smokeMessage]]
(if: $parrotRoom is "cagedInKitchen")[The parrot is sitting in its cage.<br><br>]
(if: $cagingParrotMessage is NOT "")[(set: $parrotRoom to "cagedInKitchen")$cagingParrotMessage<br><br>]
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
<!-----------------------Checking collisions--------------------------->
(if: $cageRoom is "kitchen")
(if: $parrotRoom is "kitchen" AND $dogRoom is "kitchen")
[(set: $tidTyst to 0)$johnsName and the dog are here. You sneeze abruptly.(if: $angryCage <= ($offended/1.25))[(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)] John says, “Bless you!”](else:)[ John snickers and says, “Cover your mouth!”]<br><br>
The parrot is here. It lands on the dog and says “<b><i>$parrotTalk</i></b>” before flying out of the room.<br><br>
(if: $parrotTalk is "Talking about music is futile. Music is a snare and you can’t catch it. You get caught by it!")[(set: $topicNumber to 7)]
(else:)[(set: $topicNumber to 6)]
(display: "func collected extratopics")
(elseif: $dogRoom is "kitchen")[(set: $tidTyst to 0)$johnsName and the dog are here. You sneeze abruptly.(if: $angryCage <= ($offended/1.25))[(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)] John says, “Bless you!”](else:)[ John snickers and says, “Cover your mouth!”]<br><br>]
(elseif: $parrotRoom is "kitchen")
(if: $carryingNut is true)[(set: $score to it + 200)(set: $carryingNut to false)$johnsName and the parrot are here.<br><br>The parrot sweeps down and snatches the pistachio nut from you before making a hasty escape out of the room.<br><br>
John(if: $angryCage <= ($offended/1.25))[(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)] laughs, “He likes you but he likes your snacks even more! He is something of a gourmet, so it’s really quite a compliment.”](else:)[ frowns and glances suspiciously at the cupboard.]<br><br>
(set: $tidTyst to 0)
$johnsName and the parrot are here.<br><br>
The parrot sweeps down and bites you. You scream in pain but John just(if: $angryCage <= ($offended/1.25))[(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)] laughs, “He is trying to kiss you!”](else:)[ smirks and says, “Not the strong <i>silent</i> type, eh?”]<br><br>
The parrot then makes a hasty retreat out of the room.<br><br>
(set: $topicNumber to 2)
(display: "func collected extratopics")
(else:)[$johnsName is here. <br><br>]
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "kitchen")
(if: $parrotRoom is "kitchen" AND $dogRoom is "kitchen")[The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly, but John is too far away to hear you.<br><br>
The parrot is here. It lands on the dog and says “<b><i>$parrotTalk</i></b>” before flying out of the room.<br><br>
(if: $parrotTalk is "Talking about music is futile. Music is a snare and you can’t catch it. You get caught by it!")[(set: $topicNumber to 7)]
(else:)[(set: $topicNumber to 6)]
(display: "func collected extratopics")
(elseif: $dogRoom is "kitchen")[The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly, but John is too far away to hear you. <br><br>]
(elseif: $parrotRoom is "kitchen")
(if: $carryingNut is true)[(set: $score to it + 200)(set: $carryingNut to false)The parrot is here. It sweeps down and snatches the pistachio nut from you before making a hasty escape out of the room.<br><br>]
(set: $tidTyst to 0)
The parrot is here. It sweeps down and bites you.<br><br>
You scream so loudly that it echoes throughout the apartment as the parrot makes a hasty escape out of the room.<br><br>
(if: $stopwatchIsOn)[From outside the room you can hear John chortling. (either:"“And you thought silence was easy work?!” ","“Yes, silence takes effort. It takes knowledge and insight!” ")he yells.<br><br>]
(set: $topicNumber to 2)
(display: "func collected extratopics")
<!-- ********** END JOHN AWAY ********** -->
<!------------------- Displaying extra info --------------------------->
(if: $cageActionMessage is NOT "")[$cageActionMessage<br><br>]
<!-- ********** CHOICES WHEN JOHN IS PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "kitchen")
(if: $angryCage <= ($offended/1.25))
(if: $parrotRoom is "kitchen" AND $dogRoom is "kitchen")
(link: "“Thank you.”")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(goto: "kitchen")]<br>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: "kitchen")]<br>
(elseif: $dogRoom is "kitchen")
(link: "“Thank you.”")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(goto: "kitchen")]<br>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: "kitchen")]<br>
(elseif: $parrotRoom is "kitchen")
(link: "“How flattering.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(goto: "kitchen")]<br>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: "kitchen")]<br>
(link: "Wait.")[(goto: "kitchen")]<br>
(link: "Wait.")[(goto: "kitchen")]<br>
<!-- ********** CHOICES WHEN JOHN IS AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "kitchen")
(link: "Wait.")[(goto: "kitchen")]<br>
(if: $whistleFound is true)[(link: "Play a lullaby on the dog whistle.")[(set: $dogIsMovingToStudy to false)
(set: $dogIsMovingToKitchen to false)
(set: $dogIsMovingToPianoToSleep to true)
(goto: "kitchen")]<br>
(if: NOT $hasStopwatch)[
(link: "Pick up the stopwatch.")[(set: $score to it + 75)(set: $hasStopwatch to true)(set: $tidTyst to 0)(set: $LongestTyst to 0)(goto: "kitchen")]<br>]
(if: $stoveIsOn)[
(link: "Turn the stove off.<br>")[
(set: $stoveIsOn to false)
(set: $smokeCounter to 0)
(goto: "kitchen")]
(link: "Turn the stove on.<br>")[
(set: $stoveIsOn to true)
(goto: "kitchen")]
(if: $windowOpen is true)
[(link: "Peek out the window.<br>")[(set: $pausingTime to true)(goto: "window")]
<span class="navigate">
(link: "Go to the entrance hall.")[(set: $playerRoom to "entrance")(goto: "entrance")]
<div class ="lounge">
<b>The lounge</b><br><br>
(if: $cageRoom is "lounge")[$johnsName is here.<br>]
(if: $parrotRoom is "lounge")[The parrot is here.<br>]
(elseif: $parrotRoom is "cagedInLounge")[The parrot is caged here.<br>]
(if: $dogRoom is "lounge")[The dog is here.<br>]
<div class ="study">
<b>The study</b><br><br>
(if: $cageRoom is "study")[$johnsName is sitting in his chair.<br>]
(if: $parrotRoom is "study")[The parrot is here.<br>]
(if: $dogRoom is "study")[The dog is here.<br>]
<div class ="entrance">
<b>The entrance hall</b><br><br>
(if: $cageRoom is "entrance")[$johnsName is here.<br>]
(if: $parrotRoom is "entrance")[The parrot is here.<br>]
(elseif: $parrotRoom is "cagedInEntrance")[The parrot is caged here.<br>]
(if: $dogRoom is "entrance")[The dog is here.<br>]
<div class ="doorstudy"></div>
<div class ="doorkitchen"></div>
<div class ="doorlounge"></div>
<div class ="entrancedoor"></div>
<!-- Move parrot if it is in player room -->
(if: $parrotRoom is "kitchen")[(set: $parrotRoom to "moveAwayFromKitchen")]
(if: $hasStopwatch)
<div class ="time">
(set: $minutes to $tidTyst / 60)
(set: $minutes to (floor: $minutes))
(set: $seconds to $tidTyst % 60)
(set: $minutesLongest to $LongestTyst / 60)
(set: $minutesLongest to (floor: $minutesLongest))
(set: $secondsLongest to $LongestTyst % 60)
(if: $minutes < 0)[(set: $minutes to 0)]
(if: $seconds < 0)[(set: $seconds to 0)]
Time silent: $minutes:(if: $seconds < 10)[0]$seconds<br>
Longest time silent: $minutesLongest:(if: $secondsLongest < 10)[0]$secondsLongest
<div class ="music">
|switch>[(display: "Switch Passage")]
(if: $playerRoom is NOT "title")
<div class ="meters">
<!-- Begriper inte helt hur progress-taggen i html funkar. Har tagit denna kod från Twine cookbook och anpassat den-->
John: anger (print: '<progress value="' + (text: $angryCage) + '" max="8"></progress>')
John: feeling ignored (print: '<progress value="' + (text: $ignoredCage) + '" max="7"></progress>')
<div class ="restart">
(enchant: ?restart, (text-colour: white))
(click: ?restart)[(reload:)]
<div class ="save">
(enchant: ?save, (text-colour: white))
(click: ?save)[
(save-game: "A")
(replace: ?save)[Done!]
<div class ="load">
(enchant: ?load, (text-colour: white))
(click: ?load)[(load-game: "A")]
<div class ="hint">
(enchant: ?hint, (text-colour: white))
(click: ?hint)[(open-URL: "https://www.athleticarcade.com/interactivefiction/thecopyrightofsilence/hints.html")]
<!-- debug2 avstängd för published version
<div class ="debug2">
<b>------ restart Lies & smoke -----</b><br>
stoveIsOn: (print: $stoveIsOn)<br>
smokeCounter: $smokeCounter <br>
timeToSmokeAppears: $timeToSmokeAppears<br>
smokeHasAppeared: (print: $smokeHasAppeared)<br>
cageCheckingSmokeCounter: $cageCheckingSmokeCounter<br>
johnTurnedOffStove: (print: $johnTurnedOffStove)<br>
windowOpen: (print: $windowOpen)<br>
youToldJohn: $youToldJohn<br>
smokeMessage: $smokeMessage<br>
cageShouts: $cageShouts<br>
cageActionMessage: $cageActionMessage<br>
kitchenMessage: $kitchenMessage<br>
checkingSmokeCase: $checkingSmokeCase
debug2 avstängd för published version END -->
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- SPECIALFALL då man nyser efter att man varit tyst och John har en kommentar om tystnad -->
(if: $dogCollision is "The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John says, “Bless you!”<br><br>")[The dog is here. John smirks as you let out a sharp sneeze.<br><br>]
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“By being silent we have the opportunity to hear what other people think,” John says. He smiles and adds: “It’s no coincidence that ‘listen’ is an anagram of ‘silent’.”
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“By being silent we have the opportunity to hear what other people think,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“That makes sense!”")
(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "3sp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Sigh … you’re clearly not hearing what I’m thinking right now … ”")
(set: $angryCage to it + 0.5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "3ps")(goto: $talkRoom)
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "3ss")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Really?” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“So you too have been thinking about silence?” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“So you too have been thinking about silence?” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Absolutely, let’s talk about silence!”")
(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "2s")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Yes, I was thinking about how it’s always lacking in your company.”")
(set: $angryCage to it + 0.34)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "3pn")(goto: $talkRoom)
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "3ps")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Just joking, I’d love to hear your thoughts.”")
(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4sss")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Sigh … let me guess, you’re frightened of the <i>old</i> ones.”")
(set: $angryCage to it + 0.5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "3nn")(goto: $talkRoom)
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "3ns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
(set: $topic to $topic - (array: "“How do you deal with that pest of a parrot?”"))<!-- tar bort alla instanser av strängen från array, även om det skulle finnas flera. (Det ska det däremot inte kunna finnas pga villkor i rummet där strängen adderas till array) -->
(if: $topic's length is 0)[(set: $extraTopic to false)]<!-- stänger av extraTopic i study ifall array nu är tom. Tom array ger nämligen felmeddelande i koden i study. Ifall array ej är tom ska nästa sträng på tur dyka upp som alternativ i study -->
Extra topic-rummen är liksom talk-rummen kopior på study-rummet men med ny dialog (och utan sektionen för extra topic fråga) Då koden för study-rummet uppdateras måste även koden här uppdateras
Är även lite extra logik för att $returnToMainConversation
<!-- *** Detta extra topic-rummet skiljer sig från de andra eftersom ett av svaren går vidare och inte tillbaka till mainconversation *** -->
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid to it + 1)
“The ego is the problem. Zen is the solution,” John says.
(set: $egoProblemZenSolution to true)
(elseif: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“The ego is the problem. Zen is the solution,” John repeats.
<!--**----------- Positive and negative responses ----------------**-->
(link: "“Sounds good but can you be more concrete?”")[(set: $score to it + 100)(set: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid to 0)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "parrot2")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- negativ response i extra topic sätter för det mesta ej angry eftersom det ändå blir +1 vid Johns repetition som ju alltid sker vid return to mainconversation. Dock mildrar jag angry här med lite minus som motvikt eftersom svaret här inte är så fientligt att det motiverar +1 -->
(link: "“Oh my … This does not appear to be a topic upon which careful reasoning will profit me any. Let’s drop it.”")[(set: $angryCage to it - 0.5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to $returnToMainConversation)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
<!-- INGET HÄR!!! -->
<!-- Man ska inte kunna ställa alla extra topics i följd! -->
<!-- silent -1 angry som motvikt till +1 som ges vid Johns repetition som ju alltid sker vid return to mainconversation. Däremot ignored +1 -->
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(set: $talkRoom to $returnToMainConversation)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
(set: $topic to $topic - (array: "“It’s big, but still a baby grand piano, right?”"))<!-- tar bort alla instanser av strängen från array, även om det skulle finnas flera. (Det ska det däremot inte kunna finnas pga villkor i rummet där strängen adderas till array) -->
(if: $topic's length is 0)[(set: $extraTopic to false)]<!-- stänger av extraTopic i study ifall array nu är tom. Tom array ger nämligen felmeddelande i koden i study. Ifall array ej är tom ska nästa sträng på tur dyka upp som alternativ i study -->
Extra topic-rummen är liksom talk-rummen kopior på study-rummet men med ny dialog (och utan sektionen för extra topic fråga) Då koden för study-rummet uppdateras måste även koden här uppdateras
Är även lite extra logik för att kunna $returnToMainConversation
Extra topics måste alltid gå tillbaka till mainconversation eftersom de kan ha gjorts i nästan vilket rum som helst - även de sista. Om man här i extra topic flyttas till ett specifikt rum efter att ha valt p, n eller s finns alltså risken att man flyttas till ett rum där man redan varit.
Kolla "clever bird2" passagen för att se hur jag fått lösa det då jag velat gå direkt till 9ssssssss där John tappar humöret
(set: $toldPianoIsPrepared to true) <!-- Nu går det att undersöka pianot -->
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Yes, it is a Steinway Model O,” John says. “And it is prepared, of course. Lots of stuff in there!”
(elseif: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“It is a Steinway Model O,” John repeats. “And because it is prepared, there is lots of stuff in there!”
<!--**----------- Positive and negative responses --------------**-->
<!-- positive response -1 angry som motvikt till +1 som ges vid Johns repetition som ju alltid sker vid return to mainconversation -->
(link: "“Good to know!”")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to $returnToMainConversation)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- negativ response sätter ej angry eftersom det ändå blir +1 vid Johns repetition som ju alltid sker vid return to mainconversation -->
(link: "“A shame to ruin a fine piano like that. That’s all I say.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to $returnToMainConversation)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
<!-- INGET HÄR!!! -->
<!-- Man ska inte kunna ställa alla extra topics i följd! -->
<!-- silent -1 angry som motvikt till +1 som ges vid Johns repetition som ju alltid sker vid return to mainconversation. Däremot ignored +1 -->
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(set: $talkRoom to $returnToMainConversation)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
(set: $topic to $topic - (array: "“I seem to recognize that guy. Mel Nader, the lawyer, right?”"))<!-- tar bort alla instanser av strängen från array, även om det skulle finnas flera. (Det ska det däremot inte kunna finnas pga villkor i rummet där strängen adderas till array) -->
(if: $topic's length is 0)[(set: $extraTopic to false)]<!-- stänger av extraTopic i study ifall array nu är tom. Tom array ger nämligen felmeddelande i koden i study. Ifall array ej är tom ska nästa sträng på tur dyka upp som alternativ i study -->
Extra topic-rummen är liksom talk-rummen kopior på study-rummet men med ny dialog (och utan sektionen för extra topic fråga) Då koden för study-rummet uppdateras måste även koden här uppdateras
Är även lite extra logik för att $returnToMainConversation
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Indeed, he helps me with copyright issues,” John says.
(elseif: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Mel helps me with copyright issues,” John repeats.
<!--**----------- Positive and negative responses --------------**-->
<!-- positive response -1 angry som motvikt till +1 som ges vid Johns repetition som ju alltid sker vid return to mainconversation -->
(link: "“Yes, I imagine a composer of your stature gets plagiarized all the time.”")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to $returnToMainConversation)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- negativ response påverkar ej angry eftersom det ändå blir +1 vid Johns repetition som ju alltid sker vid return to mainconversation -->
(link: "“So he defends you when you plagiarize other … er … unconventional composers?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to $returnToMainConversation)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
<!-- INGET HÄR!!! -->
<!-- Man ska inte kunna ställa alla extra topics i följd! -->
<!-- silent -1 angry som motvikt till +1 som ges vid Johns repetition som ju alltid sker vid return to mainconversation. Däremot ignored +1 -->
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(set: $talkRoom to $returnToMainConversation)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- Har satt villkor i header så att varken increment time eller moving npc koden körs pga flagga ($pausingTime is true) som sätts då man väljer "search room" i study. Då man är klar med sökandet här måste $pausingTime sättas till false innan man återvänder till $talkRoom -->
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(set: $justBackFromSearch to true)
(set: $rightObjectsDuringStudySearch to 0)
<!-- *** CHOICE 1 *** -->
[Where do you want to search?<br><br>]<search|
[Search club chair]<chair|<br>
[Search floor]<floor|<br>
[Search cuckoo clock]<clock|<br>
[Search bookcase]<bookcase|<br>
[Search cocktail cabinet]<cabinet|<br>
(click: ?chair)[(set: $pausingTime to false)(goto: $talkRoom)]
(click: ?clock)[
(set: $topicNumber to 4)
(display: "func collected extratopics")
(set: $rightObjectsDuringStudySearch to it + 1000)(set: $pausingTime to false)(goto: $talkRoom)]
(click: ?floor)[(set: $rightObjectsDuringStudySearch to it + 2000)(set: $pausingTime to false)(goto: $talkRoom)]
<!-- *** CHOICE 2 *** -->
(click: ?cabinet)[
(set: $rightObjectsDuringStudySearch to it +3000)
(replace: ?search)[[What are you looking for?<br><br>]<search3|]
(replace: ?choice1)[
[A ring binder]<binder|<br>
[A book]<book|<br>
[A folder]<folder|<br>
[A record]<record|<br>
(click: ?bookcase)[
(set: $rightObjectsDuringStudySearch to it + 4000)
(replace: ?search)[[What section?<br><br>]<search2|]
(replace: ?choice1)[
[Left top shelf]<lt|<br>
[Center top shelf]<ct|<br>
[Right top shelf]<rt|<br>
[Left middle shelf]<lm|<br>
[Center middle shelf]<cm|<br>
[Right middle shelf]<rm|<br>
[Left bottom shelf]<lb|<br>
[Center bottom shelf]<cb|<br>
[Right bottom shelf]<rb|<br>
<!-- *** CHOICE 3 *** -->
(click: ?lt)[
(set: $rightObjectsDuringStudySearch to it + 100)
(replace: ?search2)[[What are you looking for?<br><br>]<search3|]
(replace: ?choice2)[
[A ring binder]<binder|<br>
[A book]<book|<br>
[A folder]<folder|<br>
[A record]<record|<br>
(click: ?ct)[
(set: $rightObjectsDuringStudySearch to it + 200)
(replace: ?search2)[[What are you looking for?<br><br>]<search3|]
(replace: ?choice2)[
[A ring binder]<binder|<br>
[A book]<book|<br>
[A folder]<folder|<br>
[A record]<record|<br>
(click: ?rt)[
(set: $rightObjectsDuringStudySearch to it + 300)
(replace: ?search2)[[What are you looking for?<br><br>]<search3|]
(replace: ?choice2)[
[A ring binder]<binder|<br>
[A book]<book|<br>
[A folder]<folder|<br>
[A record]<record|<br>
(click: ?lm)[
(set: $rightObjectsDuringStudySearch to it + 400)
(replace: ?search2)[[What are you looking for?<br><br>]<search3|]
(replace: ?choice2)[
[A ring binder]<binder|<br>
[A book]<book|<br>
[A folder]<folder|<br>
[A record]<record|<br>
(click: ?cm)[
(set: $rightObjectsDuringStudySearch to it + 500)
(replace: ?search2)[[What are you looking for?<br><br>]<search3|]
(replace: ?choice2)[
[A ring binder]<binder|<br>
[A book]<book|<br>
[A folder]<folder|<br>
[A record]<record|<br>
(click: ?rm)[
(set: $rightObjectsDuringStudySearch to it + 600)
(replace: ?search2)[[What are you looking for?<br><br>]<search3|]
(replace: ?choice2)[
[A ring binder]<binder|<br>
[A book]<book|<br>
[A folder]<folder|<br>
[A record]<record|<br>
(click: ?lb)[
(set: $rightObjectsDuringStudySearch to it + 700)
(replace: ?search2)[[What are you looking for?<br><br>]<search3|]
(replace: ?choice2)[
[A ring binder]<binder|<br>
[A book]<book|<br>
[A folder]<folder|<br>
[A record]<record|<br>
(click: ?cb)[
(set: $rightObjectsDuringStudySearch to it + 800)
(replace: ?search2)[[What are you looking for?<br><br>]<search3|]
(replace: ?choice2)[
[A ring binder]<binder|<br>
[A book]<book|<br>
[A folder]<folder|<br>
[A record]<record|<br>
(click: ?rb)[
(set: $rightObjectsDuringStudySearch to it + 900)
(replace: ?search2)[[What are you looking for?<br><br>]<search3|]
(replace: ?choice2)[
[A ring binder]<binder|<br>
[A book]<book|<br>
[A folder]<folder|<br>
[A record]<record|<br>
<!-- *** CHOICE 3 (Cabinet) OR 4 (Bookcase) *** -->
(click: ?binder)[
(set: $rightObjectsDuringStudySearch to it + 10)
(replace: ?search3)[[What color is it?<br><br>]<search4|]
(replace: ?choice3)[
(click: ?book)[
(set: $rightObjectsDuringStudySearch to it + 20)
(replace: ?search3)[[What color is it?<br><br>]<search4|]
(replace: ?choice3)[
(click: ?folder)[
(set: $rightObjectsDuringStudySearch to it + 30)
(replace: ?search3)[[What color is it?<br><br>]<search4|]
(replace: ?choice3)[
(click: ?record)[
(set: $rightObjectsDuringStudySearch to it + 40)
(replace: ?search3)[[What color is it?<br><br>]<search4|]
(replace: ?choice3)[
<!-- *** RESULT OF LAST CHOICE *** -->
(click: ?red)[(set: $rightObjectsDuringStudySearch to it + 1)(set: $pausingTime to false)(goto: $talkRoom)]
(click: ?green)[(set: $rightObjectsDuringStudySearch to it + 2)(set: $pausingTime to false)(goto: $talkRoom)]
(click: ?blue)[(set: $rightObjectsDuringStudySearch to it + 3)(set: $pausingTime to false)(goto: $talkRoom)]
(click: ?black)[(set: $rightObjectsDuringStudySearch to it + 4)(set: $pausingTime to false)(goto: $talkRoom)]
(click: ?white)[(set: $rightObjectsDuringStudySearch to it + 5)(set: $pausingTime to false)(goto: $talkRoom)]
(click: ?yellow)[(set: $rightObjectsDuringStudySearch to it + 6)(set: $pausingTime to false)(goto: $talkRoom)]
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="lounge">
<b>The lounge</b><br><br>
(if: $parrotRoom is "lounge")[The parrot is here.<br>]
(if: $cageRoom is "lounge")[$johnsName is here.<br>]
(if: $dogRoom is "lounge")[The dog is here.<br>]
<div class ="entrance">
<b>The entrance hall</b><br><br>
(if: $parrotRoom is "entrance")[The parrot is here.<br>]
(if: $cageRoom is "entrance")[$johnsName is here.<br>]
(if: $dogRoom is "entrance")[The dog is here.<br>]
<div class ="kitchen">
<b>The kitchen</b><br><br>
(if: $parrotRoom is "kitchen")[The parrot is here.<br>]
(if: $dogRoom is "kitchen")[The dog is here.<br>]
(if: $cageRoom is "kitchen")[$johnsName is here. ]
(if: ($cageCheckingSmokeCounter is 21) AND ($cageHasShouted is false))[(set: $cageHasShouted to true)$cageShouts<br>]
<div class ="doorstudy"></div>
<div class ="doorkitchen"></div>
<div class ="doorlounge"></div>
<div class ="entrancedoor"></div>
<!-- Har satt villkor i header så att varken increment time eller moving npc koden körs pga flagga ($pausingTime is true) som sätts då man väljer "examine piano" i lounge. Då man är klar med sökandet här måste $pausingTime sättas till false innan man återvänder till lounge -->
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="lounge">
(set: $justBackFromSearch to true)
(set: $rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch to 0)
<!-- *** CHOICE 1 *** -->
[The lid is open. You inspect the strings but there are a lot of them. What octave do you want to examine?<br><br>]<search|
[Octave 0]<0|<br>
[Octave 1]<1|<br>
[Octave 2]<2|<br>
[Octave 3]<3|<br>
[Octave 4]<4|<br>
[Octave 5]<5|<br>
[Octave 6]<6|<br>
[Octave 7]<7|<br>
<!-- *** CHOICE 2 *** -->
(click: ?0)[
(set: $rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch to it + 0)
(replace: ?search)[What pitch?<br><br>]
(replace: ?choice1)[
(click: ?1)[
(set: $rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch to it + 1)
(replace: ?search)[What pitch?<br><br>]
(replace: ?choice1)[
(click: ?2)[
(set: $rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch to it + 2)
(replace: ?search)[What pitch?<br><br>]
(replace: ?choice1)[
(click: ?3)[
(set: $rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch to it + 3)
(replace: ?search)[What pitch?<br><br>]
(replace: ?choice1)[
(click: ?4)[
(set: $rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch to it + 4)
(replace: ?search)[What pitch?<br><br>]
(replace: ?choice1)[
(click: ?5)[
(set: $rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch to it + 5)
(replace: ?search)[What pitch?<br><br>]
(replace: ?choice1)[
(click: ?6)[
(set: $rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch to it + 6)
(replace: ?search)[What pitch?<br><br>]
(replace: ?choice1)[
(click: ?7)[
(set: $rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch to it + 7)
(replace: ?search)[What pitch?<br><br>]
(replace: ?choice1)[
<!-- *** RESULT OF CHOICE 2 *** -->
(click: ?a)[(set: $rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch to it + 10)(set: $pausingTime to false)(goto: "lounge")]
(click: ?asharp)[(set: $rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch to it + 20)(set: $pausingTime to false)(goto: "lounge")]
(click: ?b)[(set: $rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch to it + 30)(set: $pausingTime to false)(goto: "lounge")]
(click: ?c)[(set: $rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch to it + 40)(set: $pausingTime to false)(goto: "lounge")]
(click: ?csharp)[(set: $rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch to it + 50)(set: $pausingTime to false)(goto: "lounge")]
(click: ?d)[(set: $rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch to it + 60)(set: $pausingTime to false)(goto: "lounge")]
(click: ?dsharp)[(set: $rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch to it + 70)(set: $pausingTime to false)(goto: "lounge")]
(click: ?e)[(set: $rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch to it + 80)(set: $pausingTime to false)(goto: "lounge")]
(click: ?f)[(set: $rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch to it + 90)(set: $pausingTime to false)(goto: "lounge")]
(click: ?fsharp)[(set: $rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch to it + 100)(set: $pausingTime to false)(goto: "lounge")]
(click: ?g)[(set: $rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch to it + 110)(set: $pausingTime to false)(goto: "lounge")]
(click: ?gsharp)[(set: $rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch to it + 120)(set: $pausingTime to false)(goto: "lounge")]
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
<b>The study</b><br><br>
(if: $parrotRoom is "study")[The parrot is here.<br>]
(if: $cageRoom is "study")[$johnsName is here.<br>]
(if: $dogRoom is "study")[The dog is here.<br>]
<div class ="entrance">
<b>The entrance hall</b><br><br>
(if: $parrotRoom is "entrance")[The parrot is here.<br>]
(if: $cageRoom is "entrance")[$johnsName is here.<br>]
(if: $dogRoom is "entrance")[The dog is here.<br>]
<div class ="kitchen">
<b>The kitchen</b><br><br>
(if: $parrotRoom is "kitchen")[The parrot is here.<br>]
(if: $dogRoom is "kitchen")[The dog is here.<br>]
(if: $cageRoom is "kitchen")[$johnsName is here. ]
(if: ($cageCheckingSmokeCounter is 21) AND ($cageHasShouted is false))[(set: $cageHasShouted to true)$cageShouts<br>]
<div class ="doorstudy"></div>
<div class ="doorkitchen"></div>
<div class ="doorlounge"></div>
<div class ="entrancedoor"></div>
(set: $topic to $topic - (array: "“What happened to your cuckoo clock?”"))<!-- tar bort alla instanser av strängen från array, även om det skulle finnas flera. (Det ska det däremot inte kunna finnas pga villkor i rummet där strängen adderas till array) -->
(if: $topic's length is 0)[(set: $extraTopic to false)]<!-- stänger av extraTopic i study ifall array nu är tom. Tom array ger nämligen felmeddelande i koden i study. Ifall array ej är tom ska nästa sträng på tur dyka upp som alternativ i study -->
Extra topic-rummen är liksom talk-rummen kopior på study-rummet men med ny dialog (och utan sektionen för extra topic fråga) Då koden för study-rummet uppdateras måste även koden här uppdateras
Är även lite extra logik för att $returnToMainConversation
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid to it + 1)
“My parrot got into a fight with the cuckoo and lost!” John laughs. “Since then he avoids this room at all cost.”
(elseif: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Yes, my poor parrot fought the cuckoo and lost!” John reiterates. “Since then he avoids this room at all cost.”
<!--**----------- Positive and negative responses --------------**-->
<!-- positive response -1 angry som motvikt till +1 som ges vid Johns repetition som ju alltid sker vid return to mainconversation -->
(link: "“Oh, I see.”")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to $returnToMainConversation)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- negativ response påverkar ej angry eftersom det ändå blir +1 vid Johns repetition som ju alltid sker vid return to mainconversation -->
(link: "“That might not be the sole reason …”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to $returnToMainConversation)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
<!-- INGET HÄR!!! -->
<!-- Man ska inte kunna ställa alla extra topics i följd! -->
<!-- silent -1 angry som motvikt till +1 som ges vid Johns repetition som ju alltid sker vid return to mainconversation. Däremot ignored +1 -->
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(set: $talkRoom to $returnToMainConversation)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
(set: $topic to $topic - (array: "“Aren’t you afraid the parrot will escape out of the window?”"))<!-- tar bort alla instanser av strängen från array, även om det skulle finnas flera. (Det ska det däremot inte kunna finnas pga villkor i rummet där strängen adderas till array) -->
(if: $topic's length is 0)[(set: $extraTopic to false)]<!-- stänger av extraTopic i study ifall array nu är tom. Tom array ger nämligen felmeddelande i koden i study. Ifall array ej är tom ska nästa sträng på tur dyka upp som alternativ i study -->
Extra topic-rummen är liksom talk-rummen kopior på study-rummet men med ny dialog (och utan sektionen för extra topic fråga) Då koden för study-rummet uppdateras måste även koden här uppdateras
Är även lite extra logik för att $returnToMainConversation
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid to it + 1)
“No, he loves me and relies on me,” John says. “Prison is a comfort to those still on the path to Zen.”
(elseif: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“My dear parrot loves me and relies on me,” John repeats. “Prison is a comfort to those still on the path to Zen.”
<!--**----------- Positive and negative responses --------------**-->
<!-- positive response -1 angry som motvikt till +1 som ges vid Johns repetition som ju alltid sker vid return to mainconversation -->
(link: "“Knowing you, I’m sure you spoil him!”")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to $returnToMainConversation)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- negativ response påverkar ej angry eftersom det ändå blir +1 vid Johns repetition som ju alltid sker vid return to mainconversation -->
(link: "“Loves you … Sorry, I find that hard to believe!”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to $returnToMainConversation)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!----------------- Extra topic if discovered ------------------>
<!-- INGET HÄR!!! -->
<!-- Man ska inte kunna ställa alla extra topics i följd! -->
<!-- silent -1 angry som motvikt till +1 som ges vid Johns repetition som ju alltid sker vid return to mainconversation. Däremot ignored +1 -->
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(set: $talkRoom to $returnToMainConversation)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“I can’t hear what you’re thinking, but that’s because I am talking,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“I can’t hear what you’re thinking, but that’s because I am talking,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Sorry, just recalled something. Nothing really.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4psp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Huh? How about a role reversal then? I talk, you keep quite.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4psn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "9pnpnpss")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“I am frightened of the old ones!” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“I am frightened of old ideas!” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“I am frightened of old ideas!” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“You need not be, my friend. The past is already gone.”")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4nsp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Of course! Silly ‘new’ ideas can only thrive among people ignorant of the great thinkers of the past.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4nsn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4nns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“So, I take it you are keen on hearing what I think!” John exclaims.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“I’m getting mixed signals,” John says. “Did I read your silence before right – you are keen on hearing what I think?”
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“I’m getting very mixed signals,” John reiterates. “Did I read your silence before right – you are keen on hearing what I think?”
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“You read me right, my friend.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4sss")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(link: "“Not really, I was just trying to remember if I turned off the oven at home.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.34)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4ssn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4sss")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Aren’t you?” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“So you aren’t frightened of old ideas?” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“So you aren’t frightened of old ideas?” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“No, they have already been tried. We know their consequences.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4nnp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Not frightened, just bored of half-baked ruminations, old and new alike.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4nnn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4nns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Then you will love the new composition I’m working on!” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“You will surely love the new composition I’m working on!” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“I’m glad to hear it. Is it a contemplative piece?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5pnpp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“I very much doubt it. I’d rather listen to an hour of silence that sitting through another one of your experiments.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 2)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5pnpn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4sss")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“I broke up with tonality years ago. Now I have a most passionate affair with noise.” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“I broke up with tonality years ago. Now I have a most passionate affair with noise.” John reiterates, perhaps a little defiantly?
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Noice … really? Why, what’s the appeal?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5pnnp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“It is not love. It is lust. Lust of the basest kind: the lust for destruction, the lust for chaos.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5pnnn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4nns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“I remember loving sound before I ever took a music lesson. And so we make our lives by what we love,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“I remember loving sound before I ever took a music lesson. And so we make our lives by what we love,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“I guess that’s why I am a writer. I always loved the silence of my own company.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4pnp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Unrequited love is a waste. A breakup would be a relief to ears everywhere.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 2)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4pnn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4pns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“I love noises the most and when we are silent we can discover all kinds of new noises. Just listen …” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“I love noises the most,” John reiterates. “And when we are silent we can discover all kinds of new noises. Just listen …”
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Why do you like noises?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5pnnp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Silence? Noice? Ludicrous! That’s the opposite of music. Music is sound CLEANSED of silence and noise!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5pnsn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6pnsns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(set: _historysLast to (history:)'s last)
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(if: _historysLast is "3sp")[
“Yes, every something is an echo of nothing,” John says.]
“Every something is an echo of nothing,” John says.]
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Every something is an echo of nothing,” John repeats firmly.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(if: _historysLast is "3sp")
(link: "“So what does my echo sound like?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5pspp")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(link: "“So what does the echo sound like – what do you hear NOW when YOU are not talking?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5pspp")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(if: _historysLast is "3sp")
(link: "“You say that like there is a deeper truth to it. What does it mean?”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5pspn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(link: "“What the hell does that mean?”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.34)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5pspn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5psps")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Alright,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Alright then, you talk, I keep quiet,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Alright then, you talk, I keep quiet,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“I’ve been dying to tell you! I went to the doctor today. She was very pretty and there were signs that my feelings were requited!”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5psnp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“You talk too much. Everyone thinks so.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5psnn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5psns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“And yet we keep on adhering to outdated conventions,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“And yet we keep on adhering to outdated conventions,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“I guess you’re right. I mean, come on, it’s 1951, yet there is still racism and sexism!”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5nnpp")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(link: "“Pitch? Harmony? Rhythm? Reason? Sanity?”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5nnpn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5nnps")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“If something is boring after two minutes, try it for four,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“If something is boring after two minutes, try it for four!” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Haha! Sorry for being in such a foul mood. You always find a way to make me laugh, John!”")[(set: $angryCage to it - 2)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5nnnp")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(link: "“The kind of advice to be expected from a ‘composer’ who can’t tell the difference between a major and minor chord.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 2)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5nnnn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5nnnn")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- SPECIALFALL då man nyser efter att man varit tyst och John har en kommentar om tystnad -->
(if: $dogCollision is "The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John says, “Bless you!”<br><br>")[The dog is here. John smirks as you let out a sharp sneeze.<br><br>]
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Lost for words? Aren’t we a fine couple: a writer without words and a composer without notes!” John says and laughs.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Lost for words? Aren’t we a fine couple: a writer without words and a composer without notes!” John reiterates, still smiling.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Well, well – a fine couple indeed: a writer without words and a composer without notes!” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Without notes? Are you alluding to this silence thing?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5nnsp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“I choose my words carefully. You, on the other hand, seem to pick notes at random.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 2)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5nnsn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- Istället för extra topic i vissa rum där John kommenterar ens tystnad. Loopar tillbaka till aktuella rummet första gången. Går andra gången vidare till 7pnnnps - samma som i "say nothing" alternativet. -->
<span class="extratopic">
(if: $extraTopic)
(if: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(link-reveal: "“…”")[(link-reveal:" You have a question on the tip of your tongue,")[(link-reveal: " but for some reason John’s comment unsettle you …")[(link: " and you find yourself losing the words you want to speak.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(set: $talkRoom to "4nns")(goto: $talkRoom)]]]]<br>
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(link-reveal: "“…”")[(link-reveal:" You have a question on the tip of your tongue,")[(link-reveal: " but for some reason John’s comment unsettle you …")[(link: " and you find yourself losing the words you want to speak.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(set: $talkRoom to "7pnnnps")(goto: $talkRoom)]]]]<br>
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7pnnnps")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“You act weird today, but you’re right. The conflict between dissonance and consonance belongs in the past,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“You act weird today, but you’re right. The conflict between dissonance and consonance belongs in the past,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Sorry, something has been bothering me all day.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5nspp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Your mad rambling has that effect on me. And I was NOT referring to dissonance and consonance, you egocentric asshole!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 2)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5nspn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5nsps")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“You think my work is silly? That my music only appeals to ignorant people?” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“You think my work is silly? That my music only appeals to ignorant people?” John repeats insistently.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Sorry, that was a bit harsh. Still, it's not for everyone, right?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5nsnp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“No, there are also snobs, crazy people and a few perverse souls who find beauty boring.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 2)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5nsnn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4nns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!-- specialfall för detta rum -->
(if: ($smokeHasAppeared is true) AND ($youToldJohn is "null"))
(set: $pausingTime to true) <!-- för att stoppa tid och npcförflyttning just här eftersom vi går till nytt rum direkt efter att ha kommit till nytt rum -->
(set: $talkRoom to "4ssn_smokeHasAppeared")(goto: $talkRoom)
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $youToldJohn to "notAskedYetOnlyCommanded")
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Oh, that’s a coincidence! I completely forgot … ” John says. “Can you please go to the kitchen and turn off the stove for me?” he continues and looks at you, waiting for you to turn off the stove.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
<!-- går till passagen där John frågar om man stängt av spisen-->
(set: $pausingTime to true) <!-- för att stoppa tid och npcförflyttning just här eftersom vi går till nytt rum direkt efter att ha kommit till nytt rum -->
(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "Did you turn it off?")(goto: $talkRoom)
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- SPECIALFALL då man nyser efter att man varit tyst och John har en kommentar om tystnad -->
(if: $dogCollision is "The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John says, “Bless you!”<br><br>")[The dog is here. John smirks as you let out a sharp sneeze.<br><br>]
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(set: _historysLast to (history:)'s last)
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(if: _historysLast is "6pnpps")[
“But to find the truth we must listen intently. And the purpose of silence IS to make people listen. Silence actually doesn’t exist though …” John says.]
(elseif: _historysLast is "3sp")[
“So as you can see, the purpose of silence is to make people listen for real. Silence, on the other hand, is not real. It doesn’t exist,” John says.]
(elseif: _historysLast is "7pnpnps")
(if: $smartguy is true)[
“Thanks, I just need to listen closely. Because the purpose of silence IS to make people listen. But silence actually doesn’t exist,” John says.
(elseif: $smartguy is false)[
“I do,” John says, “because I know how to listen and that’s the purpose of silence: to make people listen!” He then pauses and adds: “But silence actually doesn’t exist!”
“The purpose of silence is to make people listen,” Johns says, pausing before adding: “But silence actually doesn’t exist.”]
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“The purpose of silence is to make people listen. But silence actually doesn’t exist,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“What do you mean?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5ssss")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“A pair of decent ear plugs will get you half the way. Pity I didn’t bring mine.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.67)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5sssn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5ssss")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“But I told you to do it!” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“But I told you to turn off the stove!” John repeats.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Sorry, I just couldn’t figure out how to do it.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnnnp")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(link: "“So what?”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 7)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnppn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4sss")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- Rum med SILENTLOOP har alla formen av stående rektangel -->
(set: $pausingTime to false) <!-- specialfall efter att ha stoppat tiden i talkRoom "Thank You" eller "So I didnt forget" då man automatiskt flyttas till nytt rum om $cageShouts är vissa strängar SKA INTE VARA I ANDRA SILENTLOOP-rum -->
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Well, enough about that. How is your novel coming along?” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“How is your novel coming along?” John asks.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“How is your novel coming along?” John asks again.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Step by step I bring order out of chaos. That’s what writing is all about.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8psnsnpp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Inch by inch I unveil the chaos behind our tidy narratives about the world. That’s what writing is all about.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8psnsnpn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
<!------------------- OBS SILENT LOOP!!! ---------------------->
<!--MINSKA angry och nollställ EJ originalReplysaid------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnnnp")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“I might have phrased that differently, but let’s get back to the original topic,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Let’s get back to the original topic,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Let’s get back to the original topic,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Silence?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4sss")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“You? $johnsName? Because that’s the only topic that really interests you, right?”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1.5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7nnppnn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7psnsns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“You’re lying!” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“You’re lying! The stove was still on. I had to turn it off myself!” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 100)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 10)
“You obviously know no shame! The stove works perfectly, but it was still on and I had to turn it off myself!” John yells.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“You’re lying! The stove was still on. I had to turn it off myself!” John says again.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Oh, right, the stove – I thought you meant the oven!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnnnp")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(link: "“No, your stove must be malfunctioning.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 2)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 100)(set: $talkRoom to "Youre lying")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4sss")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!-- specialfall för detta rum -->
(if: $cageShouts is "He curses and shouts: “The stove is still ON! I assumed I was mistaken and hadn’t forgotten it, but I HAD – you just couldn’t be BOTHERED?!”")
(set: $pausingTime to true) <!-- för att stoppa tid och npcförflyttning just här eftersom vi går till nytt rum direkt efter att ha kommit till nytt rum -->
(set: $talkRoom to "6nnnnp")(goto: $talkRoom)
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“So I didn’t forget. Thanks for checking anyway,” John says.
(elseif: ($originalReplySaid is > 0) AND ($checkingSmokeCase is 6))
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“So I didn’t forget. Kind of you to check anyway,” John says again, adding: “Weird that it still started to burn though …”
(set: $checkingSmokeCase to 0)
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“So I didn’t forget. Thanks for checking anyway,” John says again.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“You’re welcome.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnnnp")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(link: "“Try to be less scatterbrained in the future.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1.5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnppn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4sss")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!-- specialfall för detta rum -->
(if: $cageShouts is "He curses and shouts: “What’s WRONG with you!? I asked you to turn off the stove, but you didn’t – and then you LIE about it … ASSHOLE!”")
(set: $pausingTime to true) <!-- för att stoppa tid och npcförflyttning just här eftersom vi går till nytt rum direkt efter att ha kommit till nytt rum -->
(set: $talkRoom to "6nnnnp")(goto: $talkRoom)
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Thank you!” John says.
(elseif: ($originalReplySaid is > 0) AND ($checkingSmokeCase is 5))
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
John thanks you again, adding: “Weird that it still started to burn though!”
(set: $checkingSmokeCase to 0)
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
John thanks you again, adding: “I’m getting more and more absentminded by the day.”
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“You’re welcome.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnnnp")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(link: "“Try not to be so careless in the future.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnppn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4sss")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
(set: $pausingTime to false) <!-- specialfall efter att ha stoppat tiden i 4ssn då man automatiskt flyttas till nytt rum om $smokeHasAppeared -->
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
John grins. “So, I’m not the only one prone to kitchen accidents?”
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“So, I’m not the only one prone to kitchen accidents?” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“I guess we are not so different after all! ”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnnnp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Try not to be so careless in the future.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnppn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4sss")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
(set: $pausingTime to false) <!-- specialfall efter att ha stoppat tiden i 4ssn då man automatiskt flyttas till nytt rum efter att originalreply >0 -->
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0 )
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Did you turn off the stove?” John asks.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Did you turn off the stove?” John asks again.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Yes.”")
(set: $youToldJohn to "yes")
<!-- John har ej varit i köket än -->
(if: $windowOpen is false)
(set: $angryCage to it - 2)
(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "Thank you")(goto: $talkRoom)
<!-- John har varit i köket -->
(elseif: ($windowOpen is true) AND ($johnTurnedOffStove is true))
(set: $angryCage to it + 8)
(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "Youre lying")(goto: $talkRoom)
(elseif: ($windowOpen is true) AND ($johnTurnedOffStove is false))
(set: $angryCage to it - 2)
(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "Thank you")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“No.”")
(set: $youToldJohn to "no")
<!-- John har ej varit i köket än -->
(if: $windowOpen is false)
(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "So I didnt forget")(goto: $talkRoom)
<!-- John har varit i köket -->
(elseif: ($windowOpen is true) AND ($johnTurnedOffStove is true))
(set: $angryCage to it + 3)
(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "But I told you to do it")(goto: $talkRoom)
(elseif: ($windowOpen is true) AND ($johnTurnedOffStove is false))
(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "So I didnt forget")(goto: $talkRoom)
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
<!-- i silent som loopar tillbaka till samma rum måste angry minskas med 1 så att det inte blir penalty för både ignored och angry -->
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $talkRoom to "Did you turn it off?")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Oh yes. I’m not clear about the particulars, but there will be plenty of space for breathing and plenty of time for thinking,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“I’m not clear about the particulars, but my new composition will have plenty of space for breathing and plenty of time for thinking,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“But MORE than just empty space and empty time I hope?!” (laughing)")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5ssss")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Sounds like there will be plenty of space for yawning and plenty of time for sleeping.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4nnn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6pnpps")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Oh, in that case I got good news for you. I’m not clear about the particulars, but an hour won’t be necessary,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“I’m not clear about the particulars, but it won’t last for a whole hour – I will choose a length of special significance,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“I’m not clear about the particulars, but it won’t last for a whole hour – I will choose a length of special significance,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“I'm not sure I follow you.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6pnpnp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Huh? Are you talking about your composition? Anyway I don’t care. I’d rather listen to the grass grow than enduring another piece of you, however brief.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 2)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6pnpnn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4nns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Noises have not been intellectualized. The ear can hear them directly,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Noises have not been intellectualized. The ear can hear them directly,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“I guess, but doesn't that also make them meaningless?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5pnsn")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Abligabli Pliktritta.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.34)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6pnnpn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4nns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“On the contrary, it is compassion! Noises have been discriminated against and I like fighting for the underdog,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Noises have been discriminated against and I like fighting for the underdog,” John repeats.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“How noble of you, but a lost cause, I fear.")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6pnnnp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Ever heard the advice ‘choose you battles wisely’?”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.34)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6pnnnn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "2s")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Wherever we are, what we hear is mostly noise. When we ignore it, it disturbs us. When we listen to it, we find it fascinating,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Wherever we are, what we hear is mostly noise. When we ignore it, it disturbs us. When we listen to it, we find it fascinating,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“But isn't it a rather fleeting fascination?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "Cages random answers")(set: $pausingTime to true)(set: $question to "Isn't it a fleeting fascination?")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“<i>We?</i> Are you referring to crazy people and perverts who find beauty boring?”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5nsnn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6pnsns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
}<!-- Finns villkor i header så att varken increment time eller moving npc koden körs då $pausingTime is true. Behövs i rum som antingen bara består av subrutiner eller rum där tiden inte går som vanligt (då man letar efter pärm t.ex.)
Detta rum har bara subrutinskod. (set: $pausingTime to true) ÄR DÄRFÖR SATT I ALLA RUM SOM LEDER TILL DENNA PASSAGE. dock ej i rum som leder till specifikt answer -->
(set: $talkRoom to (either: "answer1", "answer2", "answer3", "answer4", "answer5", "answer6", "answer7"))(set: $pausingTime to false)(goto: $talkRoom)
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“You’re a bit shook up – it’s loud and clear. There’s SOMETHING that DOESN’T bother you, but there’s a NOTHING that DOES bother you,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“You’re a bit shook up – it’s loud and clear. There’s SOMETHING that DOESN’T bother you, but there’s a NOTHING that DOES bother you,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Yes, it is true. I’m a little upset since my doctor’s visit this morning.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6psppp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“You made sense for a brief second there. You almost seemed sane, and then, poof …”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnpn_sanity")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6pspps")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Something and nothing need each other to keep on going,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Something and nothing need each other to keep on going,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Is that Zen? Sounds like Zen to me”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "zen")(set: $pathToZen to "5pspn")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Again, what the hell does that mean?”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.34)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "answer1")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4nns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!-- Stopwatch aktiveras INTE i tysta rum
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
men tystnaden fortsätter förstås räknas upp om klockan redan är igång-->
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
(if: $dogCollision is "The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John says, “Bless you!”<br><br>")[The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John looks amused and pets the dog.<br><br>]
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
John is silent too.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 0)
John is still silent.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“I guess nothing can be an echo of nothing too … ”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6pspsp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Finally … He stops talking and starts listening!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6pspsn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
<span class="extratopic">
(if: $extraTopic)
(link: $topic's last)
(set: $tidTyst to -7)(goto: $talkRoom)
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5pspp")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 0)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!-- Stopwatch aktiveras INTE i tysta rum
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
men tystnaden fortsätter förstås räknas upp om klockan redan är igång-->
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
(if: $dogCollision is "The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John says, “Bless you!”<br><br>")[The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John looks amused and pets the dog.<br><br>]
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
John is silent.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 0)
John is still silent.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“When she left the room for a minute, I caught a glimpse of her notes. They said I had a ‘well-groomed appearance’.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6psnpp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“As you’re neither lovable nor loving, I understand that it might be hard for you to put yourself in my shoes. But please try to empathize for once!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 2)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6psnpn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
<span class="extratopic">
(if: $extraTopic)
(link: $topic's last)
(set: $tidTyst to -7)(goto: $talkRoom)
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6psnps")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 0)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!-- Stopwatch aktiveras INTE i tysta rum
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
men tystnaden fortsätter förstås räknas upp om klockan redan är igång-->
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
(if: $dogCollision is "The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John says, “Bless you!”<br><br>")[The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John looks amused and pets the dog.<br><br>]
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
John is silent.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 0)
John is still silent.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“But you often have interesting things to say. I’ll give you that!”")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6psnnp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Ahh … peace and quiet … How refreshing!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.34)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4pnp")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
<span class="extratopic">
(if: $extraTopic)
(link: $topic's last)
(set: $tidTyst to -7)(goto: $talkRoom)
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7pnnnps")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 0)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- Detta är ett rum med SILENTLOOP. Alla andra silentlopp rum har formen av stående rektangel -->
<!-- ***
Man kan komma hit från:
6ssssp (om man varit i 9pnpnpss och själv redan ställt frågan om timber) ***-->
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(if: $pathToZen is "5pspn")[“Yes, according to Zen we must believe in nothing,” John says. “That means that we must believe in <i>something without form, color, smell and sound</i>,” he adds.]
(elseif: $pathToZen is "5nnnn")[“Does it matter whether it is Zen, Dada or Cage? Surely ‘why’ and ‘how’ is more interesting than ‘what’ and ‘who’,” John says.]
(elseif: $pathToZen is "7nsnnsn")[“Before studying Zen, beauty is beauty and ugliness is ugliness. While studying Zen, things become
confused. After studying Zen, beauty is beauty and ugliness is ugliness,” John says.]
(elseif: $pathToZen is "7pnppssA")[“You most assuredly do. Silence is the language of Zen,” John says.]
(elseif: $pathToZen is "7pnppssB")[“Yes, it is Zen. It is also common sense. Because Zen IS common <i>sense!</i> But most people turn away when common sense knocks on their shoulders,” John says.]
(elseif: $pathToZen is "8pnpnps")[“To the novice there are many distinctions, but to the Zen master there are none,” John says.]
(elseif: $pathToZen is "9pnpnpss")[“Well, contrary to the overtone series, the undertone series is a purely metaphysical concept. It is silent and silence is the language of Zen,” John says.]
(elseif: $pathToZen is "6ssssp")[“One time, one answer. Second time, second answer. Zen taught me that every moment is new and that is what I am trying to teach you,” John says.]
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
(if: $pathToZen is "5pspn")[“According to Zen we must believe in <i>nothing</i> – that is, <i>something without form, color, smell and sound</i>,” John reiterates.]
(elseif: $pathToZen is "5nnnn")[What does it matter whether something is Zen, Dada or Cage! Surely ‘why’ and ‘how’ is more interesting than ‘what’ and ‘who’,” John reiterates.]
(elseif: $pathToZen is "7nsnnsn")[“Before studying Zen, beauty is beauty and ugliness is ugliness. While studying Zen, things become
confused. After studying Zen, beauty is beauty and ugliness is ugliness,” John reiterates.]
(elseif: $pathToZen is "7pnppssA")[“You most assuredly do. Silence is the language of Zen,” John reiterates.]
(elseif: $pathToZen is "7pnppssB")[“Zen IS common sense, but most people turn away when common sense knocks on their shoulders,” John reiterates.]
(elseif: $pathToZen is "8pnpnps")[“To the novice there are many distinctions, but to the Zen master there are none,” John reiterates.]
(elseif: $pathToZen is "9pnpnpss")[“Contrary to the overtone series, the undertone series is a purely metaphysical concept. It is silent and silence is the language of Zen,” John reiterates.]
(elseif: $pathToZen is "6ssssp")[“Zen taught me that every moment is new and that is what I am trying to teach you,” John reiterates.]
<!-- Inte vanliga positiva och negativa svar här. Första alternativet pratar på om Zen. Andra alternativet återknyter till papegojkommentaren. Båda har flera variationer: första beroende på var man kommit från, andra beroende på hur mycket man haft diskussionen om papegojan med John
<!-- pratar på om Zen -->
(if: $pathToZen is "5pspn")[
(link: "“I see what you mean, but WHY?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "zen talk")(goto: $talkRoom)]
(elseif: $pathToZen is "5nnnn")[
(link: "“Of course, but I am interested in HOW you think and WHY you say the things you say.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "zen talk")(goto: $talkRoom)]
(elseif: $pathToZen is "7nsnnsn")[
(link: "“So, what is the difference between before and after?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "zen talk")(goto: $talkRoom)]
(elseif: $pathToZen is "7pnppssA")[
(link: "“Ah, that explains your fixation. So why does Zen favor silence?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "zen talk")(goto: $talkRoom)]
(elseif: $pathToZen is "7pnppssB")[
(link: "“So it’s not so common after all then?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "zen talk")(goto: $talkRoom)]
(elseif: $pathToZen is "8pnpnps")[
(link: "“Seems odd. How come?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "zen talk")(goto: $talkRoom)]
(elseif: $pathToZen is "9pnpnpss")[
(link: "“I guess I was right then as your joke was about both metaphysics and silence. But why does Zen favor silence?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "zen talk")(goto: $talkRoom)]
(elseif: $pathToZen is "6ssssp")[
(link: "“Lessons learned from question I to question II: Here a fool, there a fool. Tick, tack, too.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "zen talk")(goto: $talkRoom)]
<!-- återknyter till extra topic om "pest of a parrot"
if-satser i fallande ordninng, från att ha genomgått tre nivåer till att inte ha startat extra topic alls -->
(if: $zenTapOnShoulder is true)[(link: "“ZEN … Right! You said Zen would come tapping on my shoulder. Is this it?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "john splits")(goto: $talkRoom)]]
(elseif: $loseTheQuestion is true)[(link: "“ZEN … Right! You told me Zen isn’t about finding answers, but about losing the question?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "john splits")(goto: $talkRoom)]]
(elseif: $egoProblemZenSolution is true)[(link: "“ZEN … Right! You said something about Zen being the solution to my problem with your parrot?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "john splits")(goto: $talkRoom)]]
<span class="extratopic">
(link-reveal: "“…”")[(link-reveal:" You get a sense that your <b>ego is the problem</b>,")[(link-reveal: " that you should have a <b>question to lose</b>,")[(link-reveal: " but you just <b>turn away</b>, ")[(link-reveal: "trying but failing to suppress a hiccup:")[(link: " <b><i>“HIC!”</i></b>")[(set: $angryCage to it -1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "zen")(goto: $talkRoom)]]]]]]
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
<!------------------- OBS SILENT LOOP!!! ---------------------->
<!--MINSKA angry och nollställ EJ originalReplysaid------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $talkRoom to "zen")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!-- Stopwatch aktiveras INTE i tysta rum
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
men tystnaden fortsätter förstås räknas upp om klockan redan är igång-->
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
(if: $dogCollision is "The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John says, “Bless you!”<br><br>")[The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John looks amused and pets the dog.<br><br>]
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
John stays silent.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 0)
John still stays silent.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“But you have sensitive ears. Tell me, what did you hear when I was silent?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5pspp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Ahh … peace and quiet … How refreshing!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.34)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4pnp")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
<span class="extratopic">
(if: $extraTopic)
(link: $topic's last)
(set: $tidTyst to -7)(goto: $talkRoom)
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7pspsps")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 0)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!-- Stopwatch aktiveras INTE i tysta rum
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
men tystnaden fortsätter förstås räknas upp om klockan redan är igång-->
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
(if: $dogCollision is "The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John says, “Bless you!”<br><br>")[The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John frowns and pets the dog.<br><br>]
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
John stays silent.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 0)
John still stays silent.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Have I offended you, John?”")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "answer1")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“What are you thinking about?”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "answer2")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
<span class="extratopic">
(if: $extraTopic)
(link: $topic's last)
(set: $tidTyst to -7)(goto: $talkRoom)
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7pnpnns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 0)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!-- Stopwatch aktiveras INTE i tysta rum
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
men tystnaden fortsätter förstås räknas upp om klockan redan är igång-->
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
(if: $dogCollision is "The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John says, “Bless you!”<br><br>")[The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John looks amused and pets the dog.<br><br>]
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
Johns stays silent.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 0)
Johns still stays silent.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Sorry for being a tad sardonic, but you must admit silence is a rarity in your company.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "3pn")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Why not go all the way and stop composing too? And maybe start listening to real music?”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1.5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7pspsnn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
<span class="extratopic">
(if: $extraTopic)
(link: $topic's last)
(set: $tidTyst to -7)(goto: $talkRoom)
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7pnpnns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 0)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!-- Stopwatch aktiveras INTE i tysta rum
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
men tystnaden fortsätter förstås räknas upp om klockan redan är igång-->
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
(if: $dogCollision is "The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John says, “Bless you!”<br><br>")[The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John looks amused and pets the dog.<br><br>]
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
Johns stays silent.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 0)
Johns still stays silent.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“May I suggest Bach and Beethoven. Will we ever hear anything of equal brilliance?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "answer3")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“You’ve never actually listened to your own music, I take it? That would make you stop composing for good!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1.5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7nnspnn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
<span class="extratopic">
(if: $extraTopic)
(link: $topic's last)
(set: $tidTyst to -7)(goto: $talkRoom)
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7pnpnns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 0)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!-- Stopwatch aktiveras INTE i tysta rum
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
men tystnaden fortsätter förstås räknas upp om klockan redan är igång-->
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
(if: $dogCollision is "The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John says, “Bless you!”<br><br>")[The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John frowns and pets the dog.<br><br>]
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
John looks disapprovingly at you but doesn’t say anything.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 0)
John keeps looking disapprovingly at you and still doesn’t say anything.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Sorry, I was just trying to remember if I turned off the oven at home.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4ssn")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Right, I should do the talking. Hmm … Seems like I have nothing to say!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6psnsn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
<span class="extratopic">
(if: $extraTopic)
(link: $topic's last)
(set: $tidTyst to -7)(goto: $talkRoom)
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7pnnnps")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 0)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Those are not conventions, on the contrary, just human nature. I’m talking about intellectual conventions,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Racism and sexism are natural human instincts. I’m concerned about intellectual conventions,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Racism and sexism are natural human instincts. I’m concerned about intellectual conventions,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Like how we distinguish between noise and musical sounds?")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5pnnp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“So you’re a racist?”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnppn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7psnsns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!-- Stopwatch aktiveras INTE i tysta rum
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
men tystnaden fortsätter förstås räknas upp om klockan redan är igång-->
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
(if: $dogCollision is "The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John says, “Bless you!”<br><br>")[The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John looks amused and pets the dog.<br><br>]
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
John remains silent.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 0)
John still remains silent.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Now that I have flattered you, you must admit silence is a rarity in your company.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "3pn")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Now that you have shut your mouth, why not shut the piano too? Stop playing and start listening to real music!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1.5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7pspsnn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
<span class="extratopic">
(if: $extraTopic)
(link: $topic's last)
(set: $tidTyst to -7)(goto: $talkRoom)
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5psns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 0)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Whoa, slow down. Let me consider them one at a time,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Let me consider each subject one at a time.,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Pitch?")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnpn_pitch")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Harmony?")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnpn_harmony")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Rhythm?")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnpn_rhythm")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Reason?")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnpn_reason")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Sanity?")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnpn_sanity")(goto: $talkRoom)
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8nnnpnns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Intervals for example. In their progression they imply a sound not actually present to the ear,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Intervals are an outdated convention. In their progression they imply a sound not actually present to the ear,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Like deceptive cadences?")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnpsp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“But that’s what makes music ART! It involves the MIND, not only the EARS.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnpsn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "2s")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Glad to be of service, but why the foul mood?” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Glad to be of service, but why the foul mood?” John asks again.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Sorry, something has been bothering me all day.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5nspp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“I hate how you dress so sloppily and still seem so confident and smug about yourself!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnnpn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4nns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“If still boring, then eight. Then sixteen. Then thirty-two. Eventually you’ll discover that it is not boring at all,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“If still boring, then eight. Then sixteen. Then thirty-two. Eventually you’ll discover that it is not boring at all.” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“John, I dearly love you, but I can't bear another minute of this Zen nonsense. It <i>is</i> Zen, right?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "zen")(set: $pathToZen to "5nnnn")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“So you are trying to amuse your audience? I believed you were just amusing yourself …”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnnnn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4nns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Yes, durations are the fundamental elements of music and I find myself using silent durations more and more,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Durations are the fundamental elements of music and I find myself using silent durations more and more,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“That’s an interesting approach to rhythm.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnpn_rhythm")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Why not go all the way and use only silent durations? It would be a relief to ears everywhere.”")
(if: (count: (history:), "6pnpnp") is 0)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnspn_A")(goto: $talkRoom)
(set: $angryCage to it + 2)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnspn_B")(goto: $talkRoom)
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4sss")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Yes, I use the ancient Chinese Book of Changes to remove myself from the act of composing,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“I do indeed pick notes at random! I use the Chinese Book of Changes to remove my EGO from the act of composing,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“I do indeed pick notes at random! I use the Chinese Book of Changes to remove my EGO from the act of composing,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“The I Ching? Why?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "Cages random answers")(set: $pausingTime to true)(set: $question to "Why the I Ching?")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“I’ve always wondered how a talented man such as yourself can produce such dreck. Now I know.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnppn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4sss")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“I’m all ears,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Something has been bothering you? I’m all ears,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Something has been bothering you? I’m all ears,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“I’ve been dying to tell you! I went to the doctor today. She was very pretty and there were signs that my feelings were requited!”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nsppp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“None of your business!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nsppn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4sss")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“There is dissonance in your heart. That much I can hear,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“There is dissonance in your heart. That much I can hear,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“You’re right. I have very mixed emotions after my doctor’s visit today.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nspnp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“How can you hear that when you have no sense of harmony?”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nspnn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4sss")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“In the future, the point of disagreement will be between noise and so-called musical sounds,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“In the future, the point of disagreement will be between noise and so-called musical sounds,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Noise … why?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5pnnp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Sane people will disagree with insane people. What’s new about that?”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnpn_sanity")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7pnnnps")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“It is for everyone who isn't frightened of new ideas,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“My music is for everyone who isn't frightened of new ideas,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“My music is for everyone who isn't frightened of new ideas,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“We certainly need new ideas. It is 1951 for God's sake, yet there is still racism and sexism!”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nsnpp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Okaaay … But having no sense of harmony surely helps too!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnpn_harmony")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7nsppns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“If we drop beauty, what have we got?” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“If we drop beauty, what have we got?” John asks again.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Ugliness.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnpn_reason")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Dreck like your compositions.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 2)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nsnnn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nsnns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“You will still hear the sound of your own circulatory system,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“With ear plugs you will still hear the sound of your own circulatory system,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“With ear plugs you will still hear the sound of your own circulatory system,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Is that so? Fascinating!”")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5ssss")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“So what? It’s a pleasant reminder that I’m not dead … yet …”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.34)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6sssnn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5ssss")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“There is actually no such thing as empty space or empty time. There is always something to see, something to hear,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“There is actually no such thing as empty space or empty time. There is always something to see, something to hear,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“I get your point, but not at −273 °Celsius there isn’t!")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6ssssp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Doesn’t mean it’s worth seeing or worth hearing. Anyone who has seen your paintings or heard your music can attest to that.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1.5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6ssssn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6sssss")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“I plan to make use of silence extensively, but certainly not for an hour,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“I plan to make use of silence extensively but certainly not for an hour,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Interesting, but why? What’s the point?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4sss")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Splendid! On the other hand, why the restraint? Go for an hour … a day … a week … a year … forever!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7pnpnpn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7pnpnps")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“The sound of grass? Come to think of it, an outdoor performance is a great idea!” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“The sound of grass? Come to think of it, an outdoor performance is a great idea!” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“I’ll wear my double-breasted wool jacket then. Should be perfect for the occasion.")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7pnpnnp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“A landfill site could work. A beautiful backdrop will only amplify the ugliness of your music.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5nsnn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7pnpnns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Nice try, but not only did my MIND get your point, my EARS also enjoyed the sound,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Nice try, but not only did my MIND get your point, my EARS also enjoyed the sound,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“I can’t help myself it seems! Could you recognize the meter?")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnpn_rhythm")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Of course, your ears aren’t exactly discerning …”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnnnp")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7ssssps")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Lost causes are the only ones worth fighting for,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Lost causes are the only ones worth fighting for,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Have you always wanted to be a martyr?")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "Cages random answers")(set: $pausingTime to true)(set: $question to "Have you always wanted to be a martyr?")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Only a loser would say that. Why are you such a loser?”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1.33)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "Cages random answers")(set: $pausingTime to true)(set: $question to "Why are you such a loser?")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7pnnnps")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“I don’t claim to be wise,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“I don’t claim to be wise,” John restates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“You’d be a fool to!")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8pnpnnsn")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“No kidding, you don’t even qualify as sane.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnpn_sanity")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7pnpnns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- SPECIALFALL då man nyser efter att man varit tyst och John har en kommentar om tystnad -->
(if: $dogCollision is "The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John says, “Bless you!”<br><br>")[The dog is here. You let out a sharp sneeze. John smirks and says, “Yes, even when trying to keep silence, sounds keep emerging.”<br><br>]
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Can you hear it? A truck passing by at fifty miles per hour, rain pattering against the pavement, faint hissing from the kitchen,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Can you hear it? A truck passing by at fifty miles per hour, rain pattering against the pavement, faint hissing from the kitchen,” John restates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Yes, you’re right – it is weirdly fascinating! Why do you think that is?")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "answer5")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Yes, the hissing reminds that I might have forgotten to turn off the stove at home.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4ssn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7pnsnss")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“I see. Do you want to talk about it?” John asks.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“So you’ve been to the doctor. Do you want to talk about it?” John asks.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“So you’ve been to the doctor. Do you want to talk about it?” John asks again.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“I first noticed something wasn’t right when I was unable to urinate during the night.”")
(set: $angryCage to it - 0.5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7pspppp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Well, the doctor was very pretty and there were signs that my feelings were requited!”")
(set: $angryCage to it + 0.17)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7pspppn")(goto: $talkRoom)
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7nsppns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Perhaps something is nothing and perhaps nothing is something,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Perhaps something is nothing and perhaps nothing is something,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Well, Cancer is something, isn’t it?”")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8psppppp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“I wouldn’t say love is nothing. But I guess my feelings don’t count!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.67)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7psppsn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7psnsns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“So you went to a PSYCHIATRIST?” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“So you went to a psychiatrist?” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“NO! I just have some strange pains!”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7psnppp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Are you calling me crazy?!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.34)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnpn_sanity")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7ssssps")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“I will overlook that as you are obviously very upset. Do you want to talk about it?” John asks.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“I will overlook your insults as you are obviously upset. Do you want to talk about it?” John asks.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“I will overlook your insults as you are obviously upset. Do you want to talk about it?” John asks again.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“I fear I have cancer. I have the weirdest pains all over my body.”")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1.5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "9pspppppn")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“You have an abstract heart and an abstract mind. You wouldn’t understand.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 2)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnnnp")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6pnsns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“I am troubled by what I’m HEARING. Is there something else you haven’t been telling me?” John asks.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Is there something else you haven’t been telling me?” John asks again.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“I fear I have cancer. I have the weirdest pains all over my body.”")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1.5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "9pspppppn")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“You have an abstract heart and an abstract mind. You wouldn’t understand.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 2)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnnnp")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7nsppns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“You have nothing to say and you ARE saying it and that is NOT poetry as you need it!” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“You have nothing to say and you ARE saying it and that is NOT poetry as you need it!” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Heh … perhaps I just don’t need poetry. I’m a novelist, remember?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7psnsnp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“I let my clothes do the talking!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "12pspppppnppn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7psnsns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Music is continually going up and down, but why only on five, seven or twelve stepping stones?” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Music is continually going up and down, but why only on five, seven or twelve stepping stones?” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Because of the overtones and harmonic ratios?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8pnpnnsn")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Because they are pleasing to our ears?”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.17)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnpn_reason")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8nnnpnns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Harmony is a forced abstract relation which blots out the transmitting nature of each of the sounds forced into it. It is artificial and unrealistic,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Harmony is a forced abstract relation which blots out the transmitting nature of each of the sounds forced into it. It is artificial and unrealistic,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Just like the schmaltzy utopia of internationalism then? In reality just a brownish mush devoid of flavor.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8pnpnnsn")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“So you don’t think the whole is greater than the sum of its parts?”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "answer3")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8nnnpnns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Rhythm is durations of any length coexisting in any states of succession and synchronicity. The concept of pulse or meter is of no use to me,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Rhythm is durations of any length coexisting in any states of succession and synchronicity. The concept of pulse or meter is of no use to me,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“But if musical time is identical to ordinary time, how then can time be musical at all?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "answer1")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Of course not! You have no use of anything. You start each day by creating heaven and earth anew! It seems like you think of yourself as God’s elder brother … ”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnpn_sanity")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8nnnpnns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“When something doesn’t seem to be beautiful I ask myself why. I always discover that there is no reason,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“When something doesn’t seem to be beautiful I ask myself why. I always discover that there is no reason,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Beauty doesn’t need a reason. Science is for people too lacking in color to do art.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7nnpn_reason_p")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Reason itself IS beauty. Art is for people too stupid to do science.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7nnpn_reason_p")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8nnnpnns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“No one is sane all the time, but things work out because we’re not all insane on the same days,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“No one is sane all the time, but things work out because we’re not all insane on the same days,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“The way we argue, I guess we’re both insane today. Sane people only care about what they already understand.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8pnpnnsn")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“No one is sane all the time, but you’re INSANE all the time. Sane people don’t care about weird noises and silly thoughts on silence. ”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7nnpn_sanity_n")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8nnnpnns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“On the contrary!” John exclaims.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Science? Art?” John says, looking perplexed. He then exclaims, “On the contrary!”
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Science? Art?” John reiterates, looking as perplexed as before. He then once more exclaims, “On the contrary!”
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“So what reason is there for beauty?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "answer5")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Sigh … When you’re on your deathbed those will no doubt be your last words.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.34)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8pnpnnsn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8nnnpnns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Right, they fool the mind, not the ear. Noises are different,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Deceptive cadences fool the mind, not the ear. Noises are different,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Deceptive cadences fool the mind, not the ear. Noises are different,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“In what way?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5pnnp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Indeed. Noises fool NEITHER the mind nor the ear. Neither do they speak the truth. They can’t because they can’t convey ANYTHING”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5pnsn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6pnsns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Then you will find my new composition very ARTISTIC. It will certainly involve the mind. The ears? Not so much … Or will it …?” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“You are sure to find my new composition very artistic as it will certainly involve the mind. The ears? Not so much … Or …?” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“You are sure to find my new composition very artistic as it will certainly involve the mind. The ears? Not so much … Or …?” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Interesting. Is it a contemplative piece”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5pnpp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“I very much doubt it. I’d rather listen to an hour of silence that sitting through another one of your experiments.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5pnpn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4sss")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“I beg your pardon! And you, you are such a snappy dresser …?” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“What, me sloppy? And you, you are such a snappy dresser …?” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“What, me sloppy? And you, you are such a snappy dresser …?” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Sorry John, it’s been a day of mixed emotions.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5nspp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“I certainly am. It has been medically certified!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7nnnpnn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4nns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Quite the opposite. The way to get ideas is to do something boring. For instance, composing in such a way that the process of composing is boring,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“The way to get ideas is to do something boring. For instance, composing in such a way that the process of composing is boring,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“I agree. Boredom gives you the impetus to create your own mental world.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7nnnnnp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“I’m more a believer of ‘hope you have as much fun enjoying my work as I had creating it’.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.34)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7nnnnnn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7pnnnps")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“I’m actually contemplating something like that. I’m not clear about the particulars yet though,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“I’m contemplating sticking to silent durations, but I’m not clear about the particulars yet,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“I’m contemplating sticking to silent durations, but I’m not clear about the particulars yet,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Interesting, but why? What’s the point?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4sss")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Don’t hold back! Use really long durations … hour-long ones … week-long ones … forever-long ones!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7nnspnn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4sss")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“I’ve already told you that I plan to make use of silence extensively,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“I’ve already told you that I plan to make use of silence extensively,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Yes, sorry, just kidding. By the way, something happened this morning.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5nspp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“I guess I wasn’t listening. There are more urgent concerns on my mind.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5nspp")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4sss")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Hold back your enthusiasm; I’m not giving up on composing just because rigid reactionaries are afraid of new ideas!” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“I’m not giving up on composing just because rigid reactionaries are afraid of new ideas!” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Just joking, your new composition intrigues me. What are you hoping to achieve?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4sss")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Sigh … I am not afraid, just bored of half-baked fancies, old and new alike.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4nnn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "3ns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Really?” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“You really think your feelings were requited?” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“You really think your feelings were requited?” John repeats.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Yes! When she left the room for a minute, I caught a glimpse of her notes. They said I had a ‘well-groomed appearance’.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6psnpp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“As you’re neither lovable nor loving, I understand that it might be hard for you to put yourself in my shoes. But please try to empathize for once!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 2)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6psnpn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6psnps")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Whoa! Just trying to be your friend here …” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“You’re giving me a hard time when I’m just trying to be a friend,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“You’re giving me a hard time when I’m just trying to be a friend,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Of course … of course … terribly sorry. I’m just not ready to talk about it.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnnnp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“You’re tone deaf, not only musically, but in matters of heart most of all.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 2)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5nspn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7nsppns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Oh … Do you want to talk about it?” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Do you want to talk about what happened at the doctor’s?” John asks.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Do you want to talk about what happened at the doctor’s?” John asks again.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“I fear I have cancer. I have the weirdest pains all over my body.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "9pspppppn")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“You have an abstract heart and an abstract mind. You wouldn’t understand.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnnnp")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6pnsns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“The concept of harmony is not restricted to the world of music and sound, my friend,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“The concept of harmony is not restricted to the world of music and sound,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“True …”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnnnp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“But you admit that you have a tin ear for harmony?”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.67)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnpn_harmony")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7nsppns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“That is not that I’m talking about. That is just human nature. I’m talking about intellectual conventions that stifle our senses,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Racism and sexism are parts of human nature. I’m opposed to INTELLECTUAL conventions that stifle our senses,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Racism and sexism are parts of human nature. I’m opposed to INTELLECTUAL conventions that stifle our senses,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Like how we distinguish between noise and musical sounds?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5pnnp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“So you’re a racist?”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnppn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5nnps")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“And what will happen to us if we are surrounded by dreck?” John asks.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“And what will happen to us if we are surrounded by dreck?” John asks again.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“We might learn to find new kinds of beauty?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7nsnnnp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“I’d give up on life. What about you? Would you thrive?”")[(set: $question to "Would you thrive if you were surrounded by dreck?")(set: $angryCage to it + 0.5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "answer6")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7nsnnns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Have we got truth?” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“If we drop beauty, what is left – truth?” John asks.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“If we drop beauty, what is left – truth?” John asks again.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“I’m not sure I follow.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnpn_reason")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Ugly people logic at its finest … Beauty doesn’t hide truth; beauty illuminates truth!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 2)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7nsnnsn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7pnnnps")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Here we go again … Your hypochondria bores me,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Your hypochondria is getting tedious,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Your hypochondria is getting tedious,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“That doctors can’t explain my pains does not mean that my pains are all in my head!”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7sssnnp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“‘Hypochondria’? Like listening so intensely that even silence seems to make a loud echo …?”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7sssnnn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7ssssps")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Neither are there ears. If a tree does not fall in a forest and no one is around to not hear it, is it really silent?” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“If a tree does NOT fall in a forest and NO ONE is around to hear it, is it really silent?” John asks.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“If a tree does NOT fall in a forest and NO ONE is around to NOT hear it, is it really silent?” John asks again.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“It won’t generate vibration of air molecules, so there will be the <i>stimulus</i> of silence. But there will be no ears to not hear it, so there will be no <i>sensation</i> of silence.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7sssspp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(if: $timber is true)
(set: $score to it + 300)<!--Svårt att komma hit-->
(link: "“When I asked YOU that question, you responded with some smart-alecky proverb … Is this your way of teaching me a lesson Zen style?”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "zen")(set: $pathToZen to "6ssssp")(goto: $talkRoom)]
(link: "“‘Now there’s a fascinating question!’ said no sane person ever.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1.5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7sssspn")(goto: $talkRoom)]
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7ssssps")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“I’ll just overlook that as you’re obviously grumpy for good reasons today,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“As I’m sure that you’re grumpy for good reasons, I will let the insults pass,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“As I’m sure that you’re grumpy for good reasons, I will let the insults pass,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Thank you.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnnnp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Hmph.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnnnp")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6sssss")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“In fact, try as we may to make a silence, we cannot!” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Even if we try to make a silence, we cannot!” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Even if we try to make a silence, we cannot!” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“You do actually make some sense. You should put your ideas down on paper.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "11psnsnppppp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Don’t you ever tire of talking? It boggles my mind that anyone can have so much to say about silence.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7sssssn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7ssssss")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Huh? Since when do you care for fashion?” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Since when do you care for fashion?” John asks.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Since when do you care for fashion?” John asks again.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“I don’t know. I guess I’m just a natural when it comes to style and dress sense.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnppn")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“I hate how you dress so sloppily and still seem so confident and smug about yourself!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1.34)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnnpn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4nns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
John nods approvingly. “One should only speak if it improves upon the silence,” he says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“One should only speak if it improves upon the silence,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“What’s so special about silence … isn’t it pretty useless in itself?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4sss")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“How about heeding your own advice?”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.34)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8pnpnnsn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7ssssps")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
John laughs. “Right, but let’s get back to the topic,” he says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Let’s get back to the topic,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Silence?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4sss")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“You? $johnsName? Because that’s the only topic that really interests you, right?”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7nnppnn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7psnsns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“A penny for your thoughts,” John says innocuously. And yet you are rattled …
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“A penny for your thoughts,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Sorry, I was just trying to remember if I turned off the oven at home?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4ssn")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“I guess you just left me speechless, John … ”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6psnsn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- Istället för extra topic i vissa rum där John kommenterar ens tystnad. Loopar tillbaka till aktuella rummet första gången. Går andra gången vidare till 7psnsns - samma som i "say nothing" alternativet. -->
<span class="extratopic">
(if: $extraTopic)
(if: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(link-reveal: "“…”")[(link-reveal:" John’s innocuous comment dumbfounds you.")[(link-reveal: " You forget your question and think only about Penny …")[(link: " the lovely doctor!")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(set: $talkRoom to "7pnnnps")(goto: $talkRoom)]]]]<br>
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(link-reveal: "“…”")[(link-reveal:" You are dumbfounded by John’s innocent comment.")[(link-reveal: " You wanted to ask about something, but don’t remember the question …")[(link: " You think only about Penny, the lovely doctor …")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(set: $talkRoom to "7psnsns")(goto: $talkRoom)]]]]<br>
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7psnsns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $score to it + 200) <!--Svårt att komma till denna passage-->
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Your (if: $dogRoom is "study")[sneezing](else:)[breathing] does get on ones nerves though,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Everyday noises fascinate me,” John says. “Your (if: $dogRoom is "study")[sneezing](else:)[breathing] does get on ones nerves though,” he adds.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Everyday noises fascinate me,” John reiterates. “Your (if: $dogRoom is "study")[sneezing](else:)[breathing] does get on ones nerves though,” he adds.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Sorry, my asthma gets worse in spring.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "answer4")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Speak only if it improves upon the silence!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4sss")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7ssssps")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“I see …” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“So, you have problems with urination?” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“So, you have problems with urination?” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“But it never crossed my mind that it could be cancer.”")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8psppppp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“But my doctor is very pretty and there were signs that my feelings were requited!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.17)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8pspppnp")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7psnsns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“So why are you upset?” John asks.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“So why are you upset?” John asks again.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“I still have my doubts despite the very clear signs.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8pspppnp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Because I’m unable to urinate during the night! And because I have pains all over my body!!!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.67)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "9pspppppn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnnnp")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- Rum med SILENTLOOP har alla formen av stående rektangel -->
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $score to it + 200) <!--Svårt att komma till denna passage-->
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Love!?” John exclaims.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Are you in love?” John asks.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Are you in love?” John asks again.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Yes, I met a new doctor this morning. She was very pretty and there were signs that my feelings were requited.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8pspppnp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“You have an abstract heart and an abstract mind. You wouldn’t understand.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8psnsnpn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
<!------------------- OBS SILENT LOOP!!! ---------------------->
<!--MINSKA angry och nollställ EJ originalReplysaid------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $talkRoom to "7psppsn")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Yes … and psychiatrists are the only doctors who keep notes on appearances,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Psychiatrists are the only doctors who keep notes on appearances,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Why?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8psnpppp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Hardly. Ever heard of sexual attraction? Ever heard of Occam’s razor?”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8psnpppn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6pnsns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- Rum med SILENTLOOP har alla formen av stående rektangel -->
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Everyone knows you as a very prosaic writer! So how is your novel coming along?” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“So how is your novel coming along?” John asks.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“So how is your novel coming along?” John asks again.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Step by step I bring order out of chaos. That’s what writing is all about.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8psnsnpp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Inch by inch I unveil the chaos behind our tidy narratives about the world. That’s what writing is all about.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8psnsnpn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
<!------------------- OBS SILENT LOOP!!! ---------------------->
<!--MINSKA angry och nollställ EJ originalReplysaid------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $talkRoom to "7psnsnp")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- Rum med SILENTLOOP har alla formen av stående rektangel -->
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“You have nothing to say and you are NOT saying it. Yet that is poetry as you need it,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“You have nothing to say and you are NOT saying it. Yet that is poetry as you need it,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Well, I’m the writer lost for words and you are the composer lost for notes. Maybe we should switch careers?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "11psnsnppppp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“I don’t care much for poetry. Poetry is sugar and spice. It can add flavor to a text but is unsavory on its own.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7psnsnp")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- Istället för extra topic i vissa rum där John kommenterar ens tystnad. Loopar tillbaka till aktuella rummet. -->
<span class="extratopic">
(if: $extraTopic)
(link-reveal: "“…”")[(link-reveal:" You had something to say,")[(link-reveal: " but John’s odd compliment undermines your confidence.")[(link-reveal: "Your words seem worthless …")[(link: " and you are not saying them.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(set: $talkRoom to "7psnsns")(goto: $talkRoom)]]]]]<br>
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
<!------------------- OBS SILENT LOOP!!! ---------------------->
<!--MINSKA angry och nollställ EJ originalReplysaid------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $talkRoom to "7psnsns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“When you start working, everybody is in your studio – the past, your friends, enemies, the art world, and above all, your OWN ideas – ALL are there,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“When you start working, everybody is in your studio – the past, your friends, enemies, the art world, and above all, your OWN ideas – ALL are there,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Yes …”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8nnppnnp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“And you of course. You, you, you!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1.5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8nnppnnp")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8nnppnnp")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“But as you continue working, they start leaving, one by one, and you are left completely alone. Then, if you are lucky, even you leave,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“But as you continue working, they start leaving, one by one, and you are left completely alone. Then, if you are lucky, even you leave,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Exactly, those moments are the reason I’m a writer!”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "11psnsnppppp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“You? Leave? I should be so lucky!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 3)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "9ssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- går till offended-svansen även om angry inte uppnått offended-gränsvärdet. BÖR SÄTTA ANGRYCAGE TILL $offended OM ANGRYCAGE ÄR < $offended så att JOHN räknas som offended i offended-svansen efter 9ssssssss HAR EJ GJORT DETTA VILKET GÖR ATT PACIFY EJ KOMMER TILL SIN RÄTTA EFTER DETTA ALTERNATIV -->
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnnnp")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
} {
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
(if: $dogCollision is "The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John says, “Bless you!”<br><br>")[The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John looks at you with disgust and says, “Allergy is a disease of the decadent.”<br><br>]
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(set: _historysLast to (history:)'s last)
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(if: $changedsubject is true)
(set: $changedsubject to false)
$johnsName slams his hand on the armrest of his chair. “Don’t change the subject,” he says, “stop monkeying around with me!”<br><br>
(elseif: $CageIsEmbarrased is true)
John’s face turns deep red. He then composes himself, giving you a look of pure hate.<br><br>
(elseif: _historysLast is "8sssssss" AND $saidNothing is true)
(set: $saidNothing to false)
You have obviously snubbed John by your silence one time too many. He isn’t exactly the kind of person that takes humiliation well.<br><br>
John won’t put up with your rudeness any more. He is clearly fuming but compels himself to put on a feigned smile.<br><br>
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“As I am fond of saying: every something is an echo of nothing …” John says, honing in on you with a sudden chill in his voice.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“As I am so very fond of saying: every something is an echo of NOTHING …” John says.
<!--Specialfall då John är arg och fortsätter sin monolog nästa drag även om man går ut och in ur rummet -->
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 2)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)
(set: $talkRoom to "10sssssssss")
“As I am so VERY fond of saying: every something is an echo of NOTHING …” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“It has a nice ring to it, but I still haven’t a clue to what it means.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "10sssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“What you cannot say clearly, you do not know.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1.33)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "10sssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
<!-- John är arg och driver på sin linje utan att vilja bli avbruten av sånt som inte hör dit. Framåt till 10sssssssss precis som positiv, negativ och silent. -->
<span class="extratopic">
(if: $extraTopic)
(link: $topic's last)
(set: $changedsubject to true)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)
(set: $tidTyst to -7)
(set: $talkRoom to "10sssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "10sssssssss")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Sane people are open-minded about new ideas,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Sane people are open-minded about new ideas,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Yes, I can see how you find that a very convenient definition of sanity. Everyone who doesn’t warm to the weird ideas of $johnsName is crazy.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8pnpnnsn")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“So it might seem. But a sane person is actually prejudiced that no idea can be more valuable than the ideas he already understands. It is a defense mechanism that lets him tolerate unpleasant people going on and on about weird ideas.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8nnpn_sanity_nn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8nnnpnns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“So only insane people speak out freely against flawed new ideas?” John asks.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“So only insane people speak out freely against flawed new ideas?” John asks again.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Heh, you got me there … I guess that makes me insane!”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8pnpnnsn")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Yes, but sane people just don’t care enough. If they did, they would probably hate you TOO!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "9ssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8nnnpnns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Huh? You speak like a certified mad man, my friend,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Your dress sense, medically certified? You speak like a certified mad man,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Your dress sense, medically certified? You speak like a certified mad man,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“No really. I caught a glimpse of my doctor’s notes this morning; they said I had a ‘well-groomed appearance’”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8nnnpnnp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Ha! It is you who are clinically insane. I could tell the first time I attended one of your concerts.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnpn_sanity")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8nnnpnns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Silence is sometimes the sound response!” John says with an approving gesture.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Silence is sometimes the sound response!” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Silence is sound … I'll go with that because silence certainly isn't A SOUND!”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5ssss")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Speak only if it improves upon the silence!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.33)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4sss")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7ssssps")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“But that just proves my point! Psychiatrists are the only doctors who keep notes on appearances …” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Psychiatrists are the only doctors who keep notes on appearances,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Why?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8psnpppp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Hardly. Ever heard of sexual attraction? Ever heard of Occam’s razor?”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8psnpppn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7nsppns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Yes, all great art is a form of complaint,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“All great art is a form of complaint,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“And if complaining is an art form, my arguing today suggests I am Rembrandt!”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnnnp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“But isn’t that just the cliché of the suffering artist? Do ‘Mr. Old-ideas-frighten-me’ really believe in such bourgeoisie banalities?”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "Cages random answers")(set: $pausingTime to true)(set: $question to "Do you really believe in such bourgeoisie banalities?")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7pnnnps")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“No, all great art is a form of complaint!” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“All great art is a form of complaint,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“And if complaining is an art form, my arguing today suggests I am Rembrandt!”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnnnp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Pfff! isn’t that just the cliché of the suffering artist? Do ‘Mr. Old-ideas-frighten-me’ really believe in such bourgeoisie banalities?”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.67)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "Cages random answers")(set: $pausingTime to true)(set: $question to "Do you really believe in such bourgeoisie banalities?")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7pnnnps")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Rein in your enthusiasm; I’m not giving up on composing just because rigid reactionaries are afraid of new ideas!” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“I’m not giving up on composing just because rigid reactionaries are afraid of new ideas,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Just joking, your new composition intrigues me. What are you hoping to achieve?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4sss")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Sigh … l am not afraid, just bored of half-baked fancies, old and new alike. But go ahead, make a fool of yourself.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6pnnnn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnnnp")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Your silence speaks volumes,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Your silence speaks volumes,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“I guess …”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnnnp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Not really, I was just trying to remember if I turned off the oven at home.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4ssn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- Istället för extra topic i vissa rum där John kommenterar ens tystnad. Loopar tillbaka till aktuella rummet första gången. Går andra gången vidare till 6nnnnp - samma som i "say nothing" alternativet. -->
<span class="extratopic">
(if: $extraTopic)
(if: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(link-reveal: "“…”")[(link-reveal:" Your mind goes blank.")[(link-reveal: " You had question of some sort, but …")[(link: " John’s remark renders you speechless and silent.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(set: $talkRoom to "7nsppns")(goto: $talkRoom)]]]]<br>
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(link-reveal: "“…”")[(link-reveal:" Your mind goes blank.")[(link-reveal: " You had question of some sort, but …")[(link: " John’s remark renders you speechless and silent.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnnnp")(goto: $talkRoom)]]]]<br>
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnnnp")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Exactly!” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“When surrounded by dreck, we’ll learn to find new kinds of beauty,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“When surrounded by dreck, we’ll learn to find new kinds of beauty,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“But what’s the point? Aren’t you’re just replacing one kind of beauty with another kind of beauty?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "answer3")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Inferior kinds that will be rejected as soon as the replaced ones are rediscovered!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnpn_reason")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8nsnnnps")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“We would find new kinds of beauty!” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“When surrounded by dreck, we’ll learn to find new kinds of beauty,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“When surrounded by dreck, we’ll learn to find new kinds of beauty,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“But what’s the point? Aren’t you’re just replacing one kind of beauty with another kind of beauty?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "answer3")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Inferior kinds that will be rejected as soon as the replaced ones are rediscovered!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnpn_reason")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8nsnnnps")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“And the world could surely do with more beauty …” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“The world could surely do with new kinds of beauty,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“The world could surely do with new kinds of beauty,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“But aren’t you’re just replacing one kind of beauty with another kind of beauty?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "answer3")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Speak only if it improves upon the silence …”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4sss")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7nsppns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“You cannot see beauty with an ugly mind,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“You cannot see beauty with an ugly mind,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Is that zen? Sounds like zen to me.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "zen")(set: $pathToZen to "7nsnnsn")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“No. Beauty is a rare thing, but an ugly mind sees beauty EVERYWHERE. You see beauty where it is NOT!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnpn_reason")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7nsppns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Sorry, You know that I will always stand by your side when you need me,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“You know that I will always stand by your side when you need me,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Yes, you’re a good friend even though you’re not always easy to get along with.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnnnp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“You mean you will always stand by my side when YOU need ME! I used to be a successful writer, you know … I used to have some influence! ”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6ssssn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7ssssps")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“I might have phrased that differently, but I get your point …” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“I hear things that are not really there? Yes, yes, I get your point …” John says, not loudly but silently as a sorrow’s sigh in sleep.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“I hear things that are not really there? Yes, yes, I get your point …” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“‘<i>Every something is an echo of nothing</i>’ is a phrase I seem to recall … Not that I understand what it means, but you sure have a way with words!”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "11psnsnppppp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Then you’ll understand that you’re not the only one being bored!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.67)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "17psnsnpppnppppnpn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5ssss")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Right, ‘no sensation of silence’. You just proved my point – silence doesn’t exist!” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“You proved my point. You admitted that even a non-falling tree isn’t silent!” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“You proved my point. You admitted that even a non-falling tree isn’t silent!” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Oh?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6sssss")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“So it is not only MUSIC … you’re tone deaf to SARCASM as well?”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6ssssn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6sssss")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“On the contrary. Sane people are open-minded and curious!” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Sane people are open-minded and curious,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Your high IQ and egocentric optimism makes you endearingly naïve, my friend! Sane people only care about what they already understand.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnnnp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“So it might seem to a gullible fool. But a sane person is actually prejudiced that nothing can be more valuable than what he already understands. It is a defense mechanism that lets him tolerate unpleasant people with weird questions.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6ssssn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7ssssps")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- SPECIALFALL då man nyser efter att man varit tyst och John har en kommentar om tystnad -->
(if: $dogCollision is "The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John says, “Bless you!”<br><br>")[The dog is here. John smirks as you let out a sharp sneeze.<br><br>]
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“I listen to what you don’t say and what I hear proves my point,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“I listen to what you don’t say and what I hear proves my point,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Oh?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6sssss")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Once again, I’m speechless …”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.34)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6psnsn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- Istället för extra topic i vissa rum där John kommenterar ens tystnad. Loopar tillbaka till aktuella rummet första gången. Går andra gången vidare till 6sssss - samma som i p) och "say nothing" alternativet. -->
<span class="extratopic">
(if: $extraTopic)
(if: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(link-reveal: "“…”")[(link-reveal:" John’s smug remark flabbergasts you.")[(link-reveal: " Communication seems futile and to prove your point you drop your question …")[(link: " and let John listen to what you don’t say.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(set: $talkRoom to "7ssssps")(goto: $talkRoom)]]]]<br>
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(link-reveal: "“…”")[(link-reveal:" John’s smug remark flabbergasts you.")[(link-reveal: " Communication seems futile and to prove your point you drop your question …")[(link: " and let John listen to what you don’t say.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(set: $talkRoom to "6sssss")(goto: $talkRoom)]]]]<br>
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6sssss")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(if: $pacify is true)[John's anger dissolves temporarily.<br><br>
“And I’m just getting started! You see, I’m writing a book about silence and I’d love to hear your opinion!” he says.]
(else:)[“And I’m just getting started! You see, I’m writing a book about silence and I’d love to hear your opinion!” John says.]
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“I’m writing a book about silence and I’d love to hear your opinion!” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“And I'd love to hear you read it out loud!”")[(set: $pathToCoda to 1)(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "coda reading")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“If it has 433 blank pages I’ll shout out my unconditional approval …”")[(set: $pathToCoda to 2)(set: $angryCage to it + 0.67)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "coda reading")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $pathToCoda to 0)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "coda reading")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
John gets a white ring binder from the center bottom shelf of the bookcase and clears his throat.<br><br>
(set: $hasTakenManuscript to true)
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(if: $pathToCoda is 0)[
“I’ll read you one sentence at a time,” he says. “Each sentence is 7 words long and I will read one word per second.”]
(elseif: $pathToCoda is 1)[
“Certainly!” he says, “I’ll read you one sentence at a time, starting with chapter 1. There are 7 chapters; each has 39 pages and each page has one sentence.”]
(elseif: $pathToCoda is 2)[
“It has 273 pages, which, come to think of it, is 4.33 in base 60,” he says. “And the pages are NOT blank. There is one sentence per page and each sentence is 7 words long. If I read one word per second, it will take me 7 seconds to read one sentence, and exactly 4 minutes and 33 seconds to read the 39 pages of each of the 7 chapters. Here we go!”]
(elseif: $pathToCoda is 3)[
“Certainly, I won’t shout though!” he laughs. “But I’ll read you one sentence at a time, loud and clearly!”]
(elseif: $pathToCoda is 4)[
“No, I approach language as sound,” he says, “and sounds are meant to be heard. I’ll start from the top.”]
(elseif: $pathToCoda is 5)[
“I am,” he mouths back, “and about many other things as well.” He then makes a hushing gesture and opens the binder.]
(elseif: $pathToCoda is 6)[
“No, the time is not right,” he says. “Some truths are still too controversial. My book is about sound, silence and Zen. I think you will like it.”]
(elseif: $pathToCoda is 7)[
“Much too conventional,” he says, “I’m not Louis Armstrong! You’ll have to hear for yourself.”]
(elseif: $pathToCoda is 8)[
“On the contrary,” he says, “they are fighting for the rights on Fifth Avenue. You’ll soon see why!”]
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $pausingTime to true) <!-- för att stoppa tid och npcförflyttning då vi går till nytt rum här -->
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)
(set: $talkRoom to "coda reading p")
(goto: $talkRoom)
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Alright, I’m all ears.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "coda reading p")(goto: $talkRoom)
<!----------------- NO Extra topics while reading! ------------------>
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "coda reading p")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
(if: $dogCollision is "The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John says, “Bless you!”<br><br>")[The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John says, “Cover your mouth, for Christ's sake!”<br><br>]
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Can you follow me?” John asks.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 2) <!-- argare än vanligt eftersom han nu verkligen vill ha svar -->
(if: $changedsubject is true)[(set: $changedsubject to false)“Don’t change the subject,” John says, “I asked you a question. Can you follow me!?”<br><br>]
(else:)[“I asked you a question,” John says. “Can you follow me!?” <br><br>]
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 2)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 2.5) <!-- argare än vanligt eftersom han nu verkligen vill ha svar -->
(if: $changedsubject is true)[(set: $changedsubject to false)“Don’t change the subject!” John shouts, “Have you been listening at all!?”<br><br>]
(else:)[“John raises his voice. “Have you been listening at all!?” he asks.<br><br>]
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 2)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 3) <!-- argare än vanligt eftersom han nu verkligen vill ha svar -->
(if: $changedsubject is true)[(set: $changedsubject to false)“DON’T CHANGE THE SUBJECT!” John screams, “Have you been listening AT ALL!?”<br><br>]
(else:)[“John raises his voice another notch. “Have you been listening AT ALL!?” he shouts.<br><br>]
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Yes, but it’s a lot to ponder.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7sssssn")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“I haven’t really been listening.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "17psnsnpppnppppnpn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
<!-- LEDER TILLBAKA TILL DETTA RUM EFTERSOM JOHN är arg och inte vill bli avbruten av sånt som inte hör dit -->
<span class="extratopic">
(if: $extraTopic)
(link: $topic's last)
(set: $changedsubject to true)
(set: $tidTyst to -7)(goto: $talkRoom)
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8sssssss")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
(if: $dogCollision is "The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John says, “Bless you!”<br><br>")[The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John says, “Cover your mouth, for Christ's sake!”<br><br>]
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Alright, you’ve made your point, start talking!” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“You’ve made your point, start talking!” John insists with a heated tone.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“You’ve made your point, START TALKING!” John demands again.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“You’re shouting! Don’t you know that silence is golden?”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "9ssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“What point? That silence can be unnerving? That it can be ridiculous and even obnoxious!?”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1.33)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "9ssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
<!-- John är arg och driver på sin linje utan att vilja bli avbruten av sånt som inte hör dit. I föregående rum leder extratopic TILLBAKA i LOOP men det funkar inte här eftersom John säger "start talking". Istället framåt till 9ssssssss precis som positiv, negativ och silent. -->
<span class="extratopic">
(if: $extraTopic)
(link: $topic's last)
(set: $changedsubject to true)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)
(set: $tidTyst to -7)
(set: $talkRoom to "9ssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $saidNothing to true)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "9ssssssss")(set: $angryCage to it + 2)(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- Rum med SILENTLOOP har alla formen av stående rektangel -->
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Cancer!?” John exclaims.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Do you have cancer?” John asks.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Do you have cancer?” John asks again.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“My doctor says it probably isn’t. But on the other hand her feelings for me might cloud her judgement.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "9pspppppp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Yes, I fear so. I have the weirdest pains all over my body.”")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "9pspppppn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
<!------------------- OBS SILENT LOOP!!! ---------------------->
<!--MINSKA angry och nollställ EJ originalReplysaid------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $talkRoom to "8psppppp")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- Rum med SILENTLOOP har alla formen av stående rektangel -->
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“What signs?” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“What signs were there that your feelings were requited?” John asks.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“What signs were there that your feelings were requited?” John asks again.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“When she left the room for a minute, I caught a glimpse of her notes. They said I had a ‘well-groomed appearance’.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6psnpp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“As you’re neither lovable nor loving, I understand that it might be hard for you to grasp matters of the heart!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6psnpn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
<!------------------- OBS SILENT LOOP!!! ---------------------->
<!--MINSKA angry och nollställ EJ originalReplysaid------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $talkRoom to "8pspppnp")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Because a disheveled look might, for example, suggest schizophrenia. And dirty clothes may suggest depression,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“To a psychiatrist, a disheveled look might suggest schizophrenia. Dirty clothes may suggest depression,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“To a psychiatrist, a disheveled look might suggest schizophrenia. Dirty clothes may suggest depression,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Oh …”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8pnpnnsn")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“What then do tacky clothes suggest? You should know …”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "answer1")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7ssssps")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Oh, it’s dangerously sharp, isn’t it? Is that why you prefer his butter knife?” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Occam’s razor is dangerously sharp. I guess that’s why you prefer Occam’s butter knife,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Occam’s razor is dangerously sharp. I guess that’s why you prefer Occam’s butter knife,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Haha! A knife so smooth it soothes the ego …”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8pnpnnsn")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“A little blood doesn't scare those of us who live in the real world.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnppn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7ssssps")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- Rum med SILENTLOOP har alla formen av stående rektangel -->
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“So you’re reducing the complexity of reality to a tidy little model? Seems more like science than art to me,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“It is of course convenient to reduce the messiness of reality to a tidy little model,” John says. “But isn’t that the way of the scientist rather than the way of the artist?”
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“It is of course convenient to reduce the messiness of reality to a tidy little model,” John reiterates. “But isn’t that the way of the scientist rather than the way of the artist?”
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Yes, in a way it is, I guess.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "9psnsnppp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“No, Science does the opposite. Science dissects deceptively simple phenomena and pores over all the bewildering and boring little details.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.33)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "9psnsnppn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
<!------------------- OBS SILENT LOOP!!! ---------------------->
<!--MINSKA angry och nollställ EJ originalReplysaid------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $talkRoom to "8psnsnpp")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- Rum med SILENTLOOP har alla formen av stående rektangel -->
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“So you’re probing into the subatomic whirl? The subatomic whirl that man escaped by creating language, form and beauty? Seems more like science than art to me,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Man escaped chaos by creating language, form and beauty,” John says. “It is of course thrilling to return to that chaos – that subatomic whirl. But isn’t that the way of the scientist rather than the way of the artist?”
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Man escaped chaos by creating language, form and beauty,” John reiterates. “It is of course thrilling to return to that chaos – that subatomic whirl. But isn’t that the way of the scientist rather than the way of the artist?”
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Yes, in a way it is, I guess.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "9psnsnpnp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“On the contrary. Science is all about reducing that subatomic chaos into simplified models. Models that fool us into believing that we are in control.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.33)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "9psnsnppn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
<!------------------- OBS SILENT LOOP!!! ---------------------->
<!--MINSKA angry och nollställ EJ originalReplysaid------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $talkRoom to "8psnsnpn")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Her feelings?” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Your doctor has feelings for you?” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Your doctor has feelings for you?” John says again.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Oh yes. When she left the room for a minute, I caught a glimpse of her notes. They said I had a ‘well-groomed appearance’.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6psnpp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“As you’re neither lovable nor loving, I understand that it might be hard for you to grasp matters of the heart!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1.5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6psnpn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7nsppns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Please don’t assume the worst. Most pain is psychosomatic,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Don’t worry about cancer. Your pain is probably psychosomatic,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Don’t worry about cancer. Your pain is probably psychosomatic,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Oh, I don’t care much about THAT. I’m mostly worried that my doctor doesn’t feel about me as I feel about her. She was so pretty!”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "10pspppppnp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Psychosomatic?! Are you calling me crazy?!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnpn_sanity")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7ssssps")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $score to it + 200) <!--Svårt att komma till denna passage-->
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“What?! You care more about a woman you’ve met for 15 minutes than you care about a serious health issue?” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“You care more about a woman you’ve met for 15 minutes than you care about a serious health issue?!” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Yes.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "11pspppppnpp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“You wouldn’t understand as you’re tone deaf, not only musically, but in matters of heart most of all.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 2)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnppn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8pnpnnsn")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $score to it + 200) <!--Svårt att komma till denna passage-->
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“You have no sense of proportion, my friend …” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“You have no sense of proportion!” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“I have sense! It is proportion that is lacking!”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "12pspppppnppp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“At least, I have excellent DRESS sense. Unlike you! You don’t really care how you present yourself, do you?”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "12pspppppnppn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8pnpnnsn")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Haha! Well, property may be theft, but proportion is murder as far as I’m concerned!” John says, looking pleased with himself.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Property may be theft, but proportion is murder as far as I’m concerned!” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“I prefer Proust: ‘The charms of a passing woman are generally in direct proportion to the swiftness of her passing.’”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "13pspppppnpppp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“So you like Proudhon? Not surprising as anarchy is anathema to art …”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.67)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "13pspppppnpppn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7ssssps")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Huh? You … care about clothes … ?” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“I didn’t know that you paid much attention to clothes and style,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“I didn’t know that you paid much attention to clothes and style,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“I do. And most seem to notice. I caught a glimpse of my doctor’s notes. They said I had a ‘well-groomed appearance’!”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6psnpp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“It’s like pitch. Some of us have a sense for it. Some of us have not … ”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnpn_pitch")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7nsppns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Rather her passing than your passing,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“I’m sure your passion is just a passing sensation. I’d prefer that to YOUR passing,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“I’m sure your passion is just a passing sensation. I’d prefer that to YOUR passing,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“I’m not so sure …”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnnnp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“In a fair world YOU should be the one with cancer!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "9ssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7pnpnns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“You think order and proportion is vital to art?” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“I’m indeed an anarchist and a great admirer of Proudhon. But you – you think order and proportion is vital to art?” John asks.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“I’m indeed an anarchist and a great admirer of Proudhon. But you – you think order and proportion is vital to art?” John asks again.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Imposing structure on chaos – that’s what art is all about!”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnppn")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Yes, the golden ratio is the foundation of all art. And the harmonic ratios are the foundation of all music … all REAL music”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6nnpn_pitch")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7nsppns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- Rum med SILENTLOOP har alla formen av stående rektangel -->
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“So you’d say that BOTH science and art are more about synthesis than analysis?” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Let me get this right … Are you saying that both science and art are more about synthesis than analysis?” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Let me get this right … Are you saying that both science and art are more about synthesis than analysis?” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Both science and art are human attempts to explain and describe the world. Let’s just agree on that!”")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "10psnsnpppp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Synthesis and analysis? I thought you were too Zen for western philosophy. What’s next, thesis and antithesis?”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.17)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "10psnsnpppn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
<!------------------- OBS SILENT LOOP!!! ---------------------->
<!--MINSKA angry och nollställ EJ originalReplysaid------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $talkRoom to "9psnsnppp")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- Rum med SILENTLOOP har alla formen av stående rektangel -->
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“I don’t agree. I’d say a union of analysis and synthesis benefits both science and art,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“I’d say a union of analysis and synthesis benefits both science and art,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“You’re right of course. Science and art alike seek to explain and describe the world we live in. ”")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "10psnsnpppp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Huh? A union of analysis and synthesis? I didn’t think anarchists believed in Hegelian dialectics.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.17)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "10psnsnpppn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
<!------------------- OBS SILENT LOOP!!! ---------------------->
<!--MINSKA angry och nollställ EJ originalReplysaid------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $talkRoom to "9psnsnppn")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- Rum med SILENTLOOP har alla formen av stående rektangel -->
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“So you’d say that BOTH science and art are more about analysis than synthesis?” John says, looking incredulous.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Let me get this straight … Are you saying that both science and art are more about analysis than synthesis?” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Let me get this straight … Are you saying that both science and art are more about analysis than synthesis?” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Both science and art are human attempts to explain and describe the world. Let’s just agree on that!”")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "10psnsnpppp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Analysis and synthesis? I thought you were too Zen for western philosophy. What’s next, thesis and antithesis?”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.17)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "10psnsnpppn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
<!------------------- OBS SILENT LOOP!!! ---------------------->
<!--MINSKA angry och nollställ EJ originalReplysaid------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $talkRoom to "9psnsnpnp")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
(if: $dogCollision is "The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John says, “Bless you!”<br><br>")[The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John looks at you with disgust and says, “Allergy is a disease of the decadent.”<br><br>]
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(if: $changedsubject is true)[(set: $changedsubject to false)“Stop changing the subject!” John says. He then continues from where he left off, laughing and looking intently at you. “Every nothing is also an echo of something …” he says <br><br>]
(else:)[“But every nothing is also an echo of something …” John continues while laughing and looking intently at you.<br><br>]
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Yes, every NOTHING is an echo of something …” John says with a scornful smile.
<!--Specialfall då John är arg och fortsätter sin monolog nästa drag även om man går ut och in ur rummet -->
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 2)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)
(set: $talkRoom to "11ssssssssss")
“Every NOTHING is an echo of something!” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“That actually makes a little more sense!”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "11ssssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“That which is dimly said was dimly thought.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1.33)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "11ssssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
<!-- John är arg och driver på sin linje utan att vilja bli avbruten av sånt som inte hör dit. Framåt till 11ssssssssss precis som positiv, negativ och silent. -->
<span class="extratopic">
(if: $extraTopic)
(link: $topic's last)
(set: $changedsubject to true)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)
(set: $tidTyst to -7)
(set: $talkRoom to "11ssssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "11ssssssssss")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
(if: $dogCollision is "The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John says, “Bless you!”<br><br>")[The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John looks at you with disgust and says, “Allergy is a disease of the weak.”<br><br>]
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(if: $changedsubject is true)[(set: $changedsubject to false)“Do NOT change the topic!” John yells. He then continues from where he left off: “I am SOMETHING but you are NOTHING – A nothing writer!”<br><br>]
(else:)[“I am SOMETHING but you are NOTHING – A nothing writer!” John continues.<br><br>]
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“You are a nothing writer! Do you HEAR me? A NOTHING WRITER!” John yells.
<!--Specialfall då John är arg och fortsätter sin monolog nästa drag även om man går ut och in ur rummet -->
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 2)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)
(set: $talkRoom to "12sssssssssss")
“You are a nothing writer! Do you HEAR me? A NOTHING WRITER!” John yells once again.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(if: $angryCage < $offended)[
(link: "“You are correct and I am sorry to have offended you, John. I have had writer’s block for the last five years.”")[(set: $apology to true)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "12sssssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)]
(if: $angryCage >= $offended)[
(link: "“You are correct and that’s why I am rude and why I lash out in frustration. I have had writer’s block for the last five years.”")[(set: $apology to true)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "12sssssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)]
(link: "“Shut the hell up, you deluded fool. You are just a court jester for artsy socialites. No one takes you seriously!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 2)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "12sssssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
<!-- John är arg och driver på sin linje utan att vilja bli avbruten av sånt som inte hör dit. Framåt till 12sssssssssss precis som positiv, negativ och silent. -->
<span class="extratopic">
(if: $extraTopic)
(link: $topic's last)
(set: $changedsubject to true)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)
(set: $tidTyst to -7)
(set: $talkRoom to "12sssssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "12sssssssssss")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
(if: $dogCollision is "The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John says, “Bless you!”<br><br>")[The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John looks at you with disgust and says, “Allergy is a disease of the decadent.”<br><br>]
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
<!--påverkas av FÖREGÅENDE rums extra topic -->
(if: $changedsubject is true)[(set: $changedsubject to false)“Stop changing the subject!” John shouts before continuing his abuse: “You’re a nothing writer with nothing to say! A boring person with boring thoughts!”<br><br>]
(else:)[“A nothing writer with nothing to say! A boring person with boring thoughts!” John continues.<br><br>]
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
<!--påverkas av DETTA rums extra topic -->
(if: $changedsubject is true)[(set: $changedsubject to false)“Don’t change the topic,” John yells before piling on the abuse: “You have nothing to say! Do you HEAR me? You’re a boring person with boring thoughts!”<br><br>]
(else:)[“You have nothing to say! Do you HEAR me? You’re a boring person with boring thoughts!” John yells.<br><br>]
<!--Specialfall då John är arg och fortsätter sin monolog nästa drag även om man går ut och in ur rummet -->
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)
(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss")
<!--påverkas av DETTA rums extra topic -->
(if: $changedsubject is true)[(set: $changedsubject to false)“Stop asking me about that,” John shouts before he continues to berate you: “But that’s typical. You have nothing original to say! You’re a boring person with boring thoughts!”<br><br>]
(else:)[“You have nothing to say! Do you HEAR me? You’re a boring person with boring thoughts!” John yells once again.<br><br>]
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(if: $angryCage < $offended)[
(link: "“My mind just draws a blank. I can’t come up with anything to say. I’d rather just listen to your astute insights.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)
(if: $apology is true)[(set: $talkRoom to "17psnsnpppnppppnpn")(goto: $talkRoom)]
(else:)[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss_sarcasm")(goto: $talkRoom)]
(if: $angryCage >= $offended)[
(link: "“Yes, the well has run dry. I’m only capable of snark nowadays. You, on the other hand, are overflowing with wit and wisdom.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)
(if: $apology is true)[(set: $pacify to true)(set: $talkRoom to "7sssssn")(goto: $talkRoom)]
(else:)[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss_sarcasm")(goto: $talkRoom)]
(link: "“That’s because I am sane. You are clearly NOT. Yet your insanity isn’t even interesting. It is trite, just like your ideas!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1.67)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
<!-- LEDER liksom i 7ssssss TILLBAKA TILL DETTA RUM EFTERSOM JOHN är arg och inte vill bli avbruten av sånt som inte hör dit. -->
<span class="extratopic">
(if: $extraTopic)
(link: $topic's last)
(set: $changedsubject to true)
(set: $tidTyst to -7)(goto: $talkRoom)
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
Detta rum har dessutom loopar där originalReplySaid inte får nollställas
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!-- Stopwatch aktiveras INTE i tysta rum
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
men tystnaden fortsätter förstås räknas upp om klockan redan är igång-->
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
(if: $dogCollision is "The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John says, “Bless you!”<br><br>")[The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John frowns and pets the dog, as to console it.<br><br>]
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
John is clearly fed up with you. He stares (if: $angryCage >= $offended)[icily] from his chair and takes no notice of you.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 0)
John stares (if: $angryCage >= $offended)[icily] from his chair and takes no notice of you.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(if: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(link: "“Every word has consequences. Every silence, too.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Okay, John … I <i>hear</i> you! You’re angry …”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(if: $originalReplySaid is 2)
(link: "“That’s right, hear me out. Suspend your judgments, complaints, arguments and ego-noise, and just listen!”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Sure, I’m a nothing writer, a has-been, but I’m not smooth like you – I never learned to make <i>all the right noises</i> !”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(if: $originalReplySaid is 3)
(link: "“Just don’t give me that song and dance about silence … Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is <i>impossible</i> to be silent!”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“You always had a knack for self-promotion and pleasing the critics. Using silence to make all the right noises is just another shrewd career move.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(if: $originalReplySaid is 4)
(link: "“You are wrong about noise. Sound without structure is unlistenable!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.67)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“You are wrong about silence. Structure without sound is dead!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.67)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(if: $originalReplySaid is 5)
(link: "“That’s right. Listen and you may learn something new! When you are talking you are merely restating what you already know. Haha!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“There was a kid who said I looked like you. I was livid! Telling people they look like John Cage should be a hate crime.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 2)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(if: $originalReplySaid is 6)
(link: "“Some say silence is the language of God. And finally even God’s elder brother has tuned in and joined the heavenly choir!”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Yes, I may be boring but at least I’m not a grandiose con man like you!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1.44)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(if: $originalReplySaid is 7)
(link: "“Hallowed be he who has nothing to say and refrains from giving wordy evidence of the fact!”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(if: $originalReplySaid is 8)
(link: "“That’s right, never miss a good chance to shut up!”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(if: $originalReplySaid is 9)
(link: "“The deepest feeling always shows itself in silence.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(if: $originalReplySaid is 10)
(link: "“I have never heard a more articulate silence!”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(if: $originalReplySaid is 11)
(link: "“Silence makes even a fool seem wise.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(if: $originalReplySaid is 12)
(link: "“Your silence is music to my ears. It is saturated by syncopated rests and perfect phase cancellations.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(if: $originalReplySaid is 13)
(link: "“Whereof one cannot speak thereof one must be silent.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(if: $originalReplySaid is 14)
(link: "“Whereof one cannot hear thereof one must listen.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(if: $originalReplySaid is 15)
(link: "“C'mon John, be a voice, not an echo!”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(if: $originalReplySaid is 16)
(link: "“C'mon John, be a NOISE, not an echo!!!”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(if: $originalReplySaid is 17)
(link: "“Sorry … truly. I would also turn a deaf ear to someone who shouts as loud as me.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(if: $originalReplySaid is 18)
(link: "“Still <i>nothing</i> ? Or … wait, did I hear <i>something</i> ? Oh, right … <i>samething</i> !”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
<span class="extratopic">
(if: $extraTopic)
(link: $topic's last)
(set: $tidTyst to -7)(goto: $talkRoom)
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 0)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
Detta rum har dessutom loopar där originalReplySaid inte får nollställas
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!-- Stopwatch aktiveras INTE i tysta rum
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
men tystnaden fortsätter förstås räknas upp om klockan redan är igång-->
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
(if: $dogCollision is "The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John says, “Bless you!”<br><br>")[The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John frowns and pets the dog, as to console it.<br><br>]
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
John obviously took your last remark as sarcasm. If it was truly meant as an apology, it was probably too late. He stares icily at you.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 0)
John is clearly fed up with you. He stares (if: $angryCage >= $offended)[icily] from his chair and takes no notice of you.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 0)
John stares (if: $angryCage >= $offended)[icily] from his chair and takes no notice of you.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(if: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(link: "“God speaks only in silence. All else is poor translation. Thank God that even his elder brother finally acquiesced!”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss_sarcasm")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Yes, I may be boring but at least I’m not a grandiose con man like you!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1.44)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss_sarcasm")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(if: $originalReplySaid is 2)
(link: "“That’s right, hear me out. Suspend your judgments, complaints, arguments and ego-noise, and just listen!”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss_sarcasm")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Sure, I’m a nothing writer, a has-been, but I’m not smooth like you – I never learned to make <i>all the right noises</i> !”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss_sarcasm")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(if: $originalReplySaid is 3)
(link: "“Just don’t give me that song and dance about silence … Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is <i>impossible</i> to be silent!”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss_sarcasm")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“You always had a knack for self-promotion and pleasing the critics. Using silence to make all the right noises is just another shrewd career move.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss_sarcasm")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(if: $originalReplySaid is 4)
(link: "“You are wrong about noise. Sound without structure is unlistenable!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.67)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss_sarcasm")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“You are wrong about silence. Structure without sound is dead!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.67)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss_sarcasm")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(if: $originalReplySaid is 5)
(link: "“That’s right. Listen and you may learn something new! When you are talking you are merely restating what you already know. Haha!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss_sarcasm")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“There was a kid who said I looked like you. I was livid! Telling people they look like John Cage should be a hate crime.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 2)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss_sarcasm")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(if: $originalReplySaid is 6)
(link: "“Every word has consequences. Every silence, too.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss_sarcasm")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Okay, John … I <i>hear</i> you! You’re angry …”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss_sarcasm")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(if: $originalReplySaid is 7)
(link: "“Still <i>nothing</i> ? Or … wait, did I hear <i>something</i> ? Oh, right … <i>samething</i> !”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss_sarcasm")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(if: $originalReplySaid is 8)
(link: "“That’s right, never miss a good chance to shut up!”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss_sarcasm")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(if: $originalReplySaid is 9)
(link: "“The deepest feeling always shows itself in silence.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss_sarcasm")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(if: $originalReplySaid is 10)
(link: "“I have never heard a more articulate silence!”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss_sarcasm")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(if: $originalReplySaid is 11)
(link: "“Silence makes even a fool seem wise.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss_sarcasm")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(if: $originalReplySaid is 12)
(link: "“Your silence is music to my ears. It is saturated by syncopated rests and perfect phase cancellations.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss_sarcasm")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(if: $originalReplySaid is 13)
(link: "“Whereof one cannot speak thereof one must be silent.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss_sarcasm")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(if: $originalReplySaid is 14)
(link: "“Whereof one cannot hear thereof one must listen.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss_sarcasm")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(if: $originalReplySaid is 15)
(link: "“C'mon John, be a voice, not an echo!”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss_sarcasm")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(if: $originalReplySaid is 16)
(link: "“C'mon John, be a NOISE, not an echo!!!”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss_sarcasm")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(if: $originalReplySaid is 17)
(link: "“Hallowed be he who has NOTHING TO SAY and refrains from giving wordy evidence of the fact!”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss_sarcasm")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(if: $originalReplySaid is 18)
(link: "“Sorry … truly. I would also turn a deaf ear to someone who shouts as loud as me.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss_sarcasm")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
<span class="extratopic">
(if: $extraTopic)
(link: $topic's last)
(set: $tidTyst to -7)(goto: $talkRoom)
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $talkRoom to "13ssssssssssss")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 0)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Oh, then let me appease you by reading an excerpt from my upcoming book. It will excite and delight you for sure!” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Let me appease you by reading an excerpt from my upcoming book. It will excite and delight you for sure!” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(if: $pathToZen is "null") <!-- default -->
(link: "“Let me guess the title. ‘Swinging with the Pendulum, or Circling the Drain?’ I’d rush to buy a copy!”")[(set: $pathToCoda to 6)(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "coda reading")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Let me guess the title. ‘Swinging with the Metronome, or Circling the Fifths?’ No, too conventional, right?”")[(set: $pathToCoda to 7)(set: $angryCage to it + 0)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "coda reading")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(link: "“Let me guess the title. ‘Swinging with Silence in a Circle of Noise. The Sound of Music Going Down the Drain’ Yep, the vanity press will be delighted …”")[(set: $pathToCoda to 8)(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "coda reading")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(else:) <!-- använd svar från 11psnsnppppp ifall man kommit hit via "zen talk"-passagen eftersom man då inte hört dialogen om circling the drain -->
(link: "“Yes please! Silent reading used to be considered rude, you know. Share your wisdom and shout it out LOUD!”")[(set: $pathToCoda to 3)(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "coda reading")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Maybe instead give me the script to read alone later? SILENT reading is actually considered more stimulating for the mind …”")[(set: $pathToCoda to 4)(set: $angryCage to it + 0.33)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "coda reading")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(link: "Don’t make a sound but silently mouth “You’re not writing about silence, I hope?”")[(set: $pathToCoda to 5)(set: $angryCage to it + 0)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "coda reading")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- mouthing bryter inte tystnad men ökar ändå INTE ignoredCage eftersom John får respons och inte känner sig förbisedd. Här tycker han tvärtom att det är småroligt -->
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $pathToCoda to 0)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "coda reading")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“That is a very good question. I should not want to spoil it with an answer,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“That was a very good question. I should not want to spoil it with an answer,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(if: $askedBeingDeaf is false)
(link: "“What’s so good about it?”")[(set: $question to "What’s so good about it?")(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to (either: "answer2", "answer3", "answer4", "answer5", "answer6", "answer7"))(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Are you that intimidated by my dress sense and sharp mind?”")[(set: $question to "Are you that intimidated by my dress sense and sharp mind?")(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to (either: "answer2", "answer3", "answer4", "answer5", "answer6", "answer7"))(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(if: $askedBeingDeaf is true)
(set: $askedBeingDeaf to false)
(link: "“Why not? Is it so hard to admit that your beloved noises have ruined your ears?”")[(set: $question to "Is it so hard to admit that noise has ruined your ears?")(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to (either: "answer2", "answer3", "answer4", "answer5", "answer6", "answer7"))(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Why not? Is it so hard to accept that your ‘music’ is just a product of faulty hearing?”")[(set: $question to "Is it so hard to accept that your ‘music’ is just a product of faulty hearing?")(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to (either: "answer2", "answer3", "answer4", "answer5", "answer6", "answer7"))(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
<span class="extratopic">
(if: $extraTopic)
(link: $topic's last)
(set: $tidTyst to -7)(goto: $talkRoom)
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4sss")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“My head wants to ache,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“My head wants to ache,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Why? Surely my question was not that confusingly phrased?”")[(set: $question to "Was my question confusingly phrased?")(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to (either: "answer1", "answer3", "answer4", "answer5", "answer6", "answer7"))(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Was my question that hard? Am I too clever for you?”")[(set: $question to "Was my question that hard?")(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to (either: "answer1", "answer3", "answer4", "answer5", "answer6", "answer7"))(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
<span class="extratopic">
(if: $extraTopic)
(link: $topic's last)
(set: $tidTyst to -7)(goto: $talkRoom)
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7psnsns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Had you heard Marya Freund last April in Palermo singing Arnold Schönberg’s <i>Pierrot Lunaire</i>, I doubt whether you would ask that question,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Had you heard Marya Freund last April in Palermo singing Arnold Schönberg’s <i>Pierrot Lunaire</i>, I doubt whether you would ask that question,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Was she that good?”")[(set: $question to "Was she that good?")(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to (either: "answer1", "answer2", "answer4", "answer5", "answer6", "answer7"))(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“What the hell do you mean by that?”")[(set: $question to "Huh? What do you mean by that?")(set: $angryCage to it + 0.5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to (either: "answer1", "answer2", "answer4", "answer5", "answer6", "answer7"))(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
<span class="extratopic">
(if: $extraTopic)
(link: $topic's last)
(set: $tidTyst to -7)(goto: $talkRoom)
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4sss")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“According to the <i>Farmers’ Almanac</i> this is False Spring,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“According to the <i>Farmers’ Almanac</i> this is False Spring,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Huh? And what is a false spring?”")[(set: $question to "What is a false spring?")(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to (either: "answer1", "answer2", "answer3", "answer5", "answer6", "answer7"))(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“You don’t make sense … and why do you read the Farmers’ Almanac?”")[(set: $question to "Why do you read the Farmers’ Almanac?")(set: $angryCage to it + 0)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to (either: "answer1", "answer2", "answer3", "answer5", "answer6", "answer7"))(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
<span class="extratopic">
(if: $extraTopic)
(link: $topic's last)
(set: $tidTyst to -7)(goto: $talkRoom)
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7psnsns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“I take it YOU are the wise man?”")[(set: $question to "I take it YOU are the wise man?")(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6pnnnn")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Was my question that foolish?”")[(set: $question to "Was my question that foolish?")(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to (either: "answer1", "answer2", "answer3", "answer4", "answer6", "answer7"))(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Are you calling ME a fool?”")[(set: $question to "Are you calling ME a fool?")(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to (either: "answer1", "answer2", "answer3", "answer4", "answer6", "answer7"))(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Is that why you don’t give me any wise answers?”")[(set: $question to "Is that why you don’t give me any wise answers?!")(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to (either: "answer1", "answer2", "answer3", "answer4", "answer6", "answer7"))(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
<span class="extratopic">
(if: $extraTopic)
(link: $topic's last)
(set: $tidTyst to -7)(goto: $talkRoom)
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7psnsns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Please repeat the question,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Please repeat the question,” John insists.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Of course: $question”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "answer6p")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“(uppercase: $question)!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "answer6n")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
<span class="extratopic">
(if: $extraTopic)
(link: $topic's last)
(set: $tidTyst to -7)(goto: $talkRoom)
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
<!------------------- OBS SILENT LOOP!!! ---------------------->
<!--MINSKA angry och nollställ EJ originalReplysaid------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $talkRoom to "answer6")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“I have no more answers,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“I have no more answers,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“And I have no more questions!”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "6psnsn")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Finally … He stops talking!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "answer7n")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
<span class="extratopic">
(if: $extraTopic)
(link: $topic's last)
(set: $tidTyst to -7)(goto: $talkRoom)
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "answer7s")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Again, please,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“The question again, please,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“The question again, please,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Of course: $question”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "answer6p")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Sigh … (uppercase: $question)!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "answer6n")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
<span class="extratopic">
(if: $extraTopic)
(link: $topic's last)
(set: $tidTyst to -7)(goto: $talkRoom)
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4sss")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“And again,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Repeat the question!” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Repeat the question!” John insists.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Of course: $question”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "answer6p")(goto: $talkRoom)
(if: $beenToAnswer6n is false)[
(link: "“Oh, so that’s the reason for your fixation with silence … ARE YOU GOING DEAF?!”")[(set: $beenToAnswer6n to true)(set: $question to "ARE YOU GOING DEAF?")(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "answer6")(goto: $talkRoom)]
(elseif: $beenToAnswer6n is true)[
(link: "“Yes, your insane fixation with silence finally makes perfect sense! ARE YOU GOING DEAF?!”")[(set: $askedBeingDeaf to true)(set: $question to "ARE YOU GOING DEAF?")(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "answer1")(goto: $talkRoom)]
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
<span class="extratopic">
(if: $extraTopic)
(link: $topic's last)
(set: $tidTyst to -7)(goto: $talkRoom)
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7psnsns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!-- Stopwatch aktiveras INTE i tysta rum
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
men tystnaden fortsätter förstås räknas upp om klockan redan är igång-->
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
(if: $dogCollision is "The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John says, “Bless you!”<br><br>")[The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John looks amused and pets the dog.<br><br>]
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
John is silent.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 0)
John is still silent.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Sorry, but you must admit silence is a rarity in your company.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5ssss")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Why not go all-in on this quietness thing and stop composing too? There is more than enough music to listen to – REAL music!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7pspsnn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
<span class="extratopic">
(if: $extraTopic)
(link: $topic's last)
(set: $tidTyst to -7)(goto: $talkRoom)
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7psnsns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 0)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!-- Stopwatch aktiveras INTE i tysta rum
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
men tystnaden fortsätter förstås räknas upp om klockan redan är igång-->
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
(if: $dogCollision is "The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John says, “Bless you!”<br><br>")[The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John looks amused and pets the dog.<br><br>]
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
John is silent too.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 0)
John is still silent.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Sorry, I was just trying to remember if I turned off the oven at home.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4ssn")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Ahh … peace and quiet … How refreshing!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4sss")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
<span class="extratopic">
(if: $extraTopic)
(link: $topic's last)
(set: $tidTyst to -7)(goto: $talkRoom)
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7psnsns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 0)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- Rum med SILENTLOOP har alla formen av stående rektangel -->
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“And to explain and describe we need both analysis and synthesis,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“To explain and describe the world we need both analysis and synthesis,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“To explain and describe the world we need both analysis and synthesis,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Right, but you were asking about my book …”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "11psnsnppppp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Analysis and synthesis? Sigh … What’s next, a discourse on Hegel … thesis and antithesis?”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.67)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "10psnsnpppn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
<!------------------- OBS SILENT LOOP!!! ---------------------->
<!--MINSKA angry och nollställ EJ originalReplysaid------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $talkRoom to "10psnsnpppp")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Yes, that reminds me … I’m working on a book MYSELF! I’ll read you an excerpt that you’re sure to find fascinating,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“I’m sure you’ll find my upcoming book surprisingly fascinating. I’ll read you an excerpt!” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“I’m sure you’ll find my upcoming book surprisingly fascinating. I’ll read you an excerpt!” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Yes please! Silent reading used to be considered rude, you know. Share your wisdom and shout it out LOUD!”")[(set: $pathToCoda to 3)(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "coda reading")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Maybe instead give me the script to read alone later? SILENT reading is actually considered more stimulating for the mind …”")[(set: $pathToCoda to 4)(set: $angryCage to it + 0.33)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "coda reading")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(link: "Don’t make a sound but silently mouth “You’re not writing about silence, I hope?”")[(set: $pathToCoda to 5)(set: $angryCage to it + 0)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "coda reading")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- mouthing bryter inte tystnad men ökar ändå INTE ignoredCage eftersom John får respons och inte känner sig förbisedd. Här tycker han tvärtom att det är småroligt -->
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $pathToCoda to 0)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "coda reading")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“No the dialectic view is an illusion. 20th century history is not a pendulum swinging back and forth,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“The dialectic view is an illusion. 20th century history is not a pendulum swinging back and forth,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“No?”")
(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "11psnsnpppnp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Phew! I was expecting forced parallels: sound as thesis, silence as antithesis; music as synthesis, noise as analysis … Rigorous thinking $johnsName style!”")
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "11psnsnppppp")(goto: $talkRoom)
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "11psnsnpppnp")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- Rum med SILENTLOOP har alla formen av stående rektangel -->
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“It is a drain and we are circling it,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“The world we live in is a drain and we are circling it,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“The world we live in is a drain and we are circling it,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“We need to build an ark then!”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "12psnsnpppnpp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“There is no ‘we’. Some people lean left, some lean right.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.33)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "12psnsnpppnpn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
<!------------------- OBS SILENT LOOP!!! ---------------------->
<!--MINSKA angry och nollställ EJ originalReplysaid------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $talkRoom to "11psnsnpppnp")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“They have already built us an ark,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“They have already built us an ark,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“So we are safe then?”")
(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "13psnsnpppnppp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“They?”")
(set: $angryCage to it + 0)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "13psnsnpppnppn")(goto: $talkRoom)
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "14psnsnpppnppns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- Rum med SILENTLOOP har alla formen av stående rektangel -->
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“On the contrary. It is because we are on it that we perceive that we are sometimes travelling back, sometimes forth,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Because we are on the ark, we think that we are sometimes travelling back, sometimes forth,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Because we are on the ark, we think that we are sometimes travelling back, sometimes forth,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“But what we are really doing is circling the drain?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "14psnsnpppnpppp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Sounds fun, like a Coney Island merry-go-round!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "14psnsnpppnpppn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
<!------------------- OBS SILENT LOOP!!! ---------------------->
<!--MINSKA angry och nollställ EJ originalReplysaid------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $talkRoom to "13psnsnpppnppp")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- Rum med SILENTLOOP har alla formen av stående rektangel -->
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Yes, closing in fast. And down the drain goes western civilization,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“We’re closing in fast on the drain. And flush goes western civilization!” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“We’re closing in fast on the drain. And flush goes western civilization,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“That’s actually a theme I touch upon in my upcoming novel that you were asking about!”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "11psnsnppppp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“But you’re too Zen to care, right?”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "15psnsnpppnppppn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
<!------------------- OBS SILENT LOOP!!! ---------------------->
<!--MINSKA angry och nollställ EJ originalReplysaid------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $talkRoom to "14psnsnpppnpppp")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“I cannot awaken those that are not ready to awaken,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“I cannot awaken those that are not ready to awaken,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“But what about those who are merely sleepy?”")
(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "16psnsnpppnppppnp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Sigh … You were asking about my book though.”")
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "11psnsnppppp")(goto: $talkRoom)
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "16psnsnpppnppppnp")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- Rum med SILENTLOOP har alla formen av stående rektangel -->
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
(if: $originalReplySaid > 3)
(if: $dogCollision is "The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John says, “Bless you!”<br><br>")
(set: $dogCollision to "The dog is here, but you are too tired to react to it.<br><br>")
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“If anyone is sleepy let him go to sleep,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“If anyone is sleepy let him go to sleep,” John reiterates.<i>
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(if: $originalReplySaid is 1)[(set: $x to "first")(set: $sleepy to "You are beginning to feel a little drowsy.")]
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 2)[(set: $x to "second")(set: $sleepy to "You are feeling drowsy.")]
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 3)[(set: $x to "third")(set: $sleepy to "You are feeling very drowsy.")]
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 4)[(set: $x to "fourth")(set: $sleepy to "You can hardly keep your eyes open.")(set: $reactToDog to false)]
(if: $originalReplySaid is 5)[(set: $x to "fifth")(set: $sleepy to "You find it exceedingly difficult to keep your eyes open.")]
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 6)[(set: $x to "sixth")(set: $sleepy to "You cannot resist sleep any longer.")]
(if: $originalReplySaid is < 7) <!-- If still awake -->
(link: "“Here we are now at the beginning of the $x unit!”")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "16psnsnpppnppppnp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(if: $pathToZen is "5nnnn")
<!-- för att undvika upprepning av frasen "John, I dearly love you" -->
(link: "“Dearest John, I am not in the mood. Please, no more gibberish!”")[(set: $reactToDog to true)(set: $angryCage to it + 0.33)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "17psnsnpppnppppnpn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(link: "“John, I dearly love you, but I can't bear another minute of this nonsense.”")[(set: $reactToDog to true)(set: $angryCage to it + 0.5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "17psnsnpppnppppnpn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
<!------------------- OBS SILENT LOOP!!! ---------------------->
<!--MINSKA angry och nollställ EJ originalReplysaid------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $talkRoom to "16psnsnpppnppppnp")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
(if: $originalReplySaid > 3)
(if: $dogCollision is "The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly, but John is too far away to hear you.<br><br>")
(set: $dogCollision to "The dog is here, but you are too tired to react to it.<br><br>")
<!--** --------------- Choices with John away **-------------- -->
<!-- If still only drowsy -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is < 5)
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is < 7) <!-- If still awake -->
(link: "Wait")[(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
<!-- Conditional choices -->
<!-- If still only drowsy -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is < 5)
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- If can't resist sleep any longer -->
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is > 6)
(link: "Drift off to sleep.")[(set: $sleeping to true)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "sleeping")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Yes, they have a nose for entertainment, profit and filth,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“The people draining our culture have a nose for entertainment, profit and filth,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“The people draining our culture have a nose for entertainment, profit and filth,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“But you have to agree that they are musically gifted too! And they make up some of my favorite writers.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "11psnsnppppp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Stop this nonsense. You come off as both a fool and a racist!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "14psnsnpppnppnn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "15psnsnpppnppppn")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- Det måste finnas varianter av denna för de andra tre rummen!!! -->
<!-- $sleeping är set to true i 16psnsnpppnppppnp. detta behövs för specialtext om att man blir väckt av gökuret då klockan blir 7 pm och header skickar en till 7pm study -->
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
<b>You are in the study</b>.
(if: $sleeping is true)[(t8n: "pulse")[“<b>Coo-coo! Coo-coo!</b>”]
You are jolted awake by the cuckoo, which springs out of the clock.]
[(t8n: "pulse")[“<b>Coo-coo! Coo-coo!</b>”] The cuckoo springs out of the clock.]
(text-style: "fade-in-out")[$smokeMessage]<br><br>
(if: $justBackFromSearch is true)[(set: $justBackFromSearch to false)$searchMessage<br><br>]
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")[
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $cageCheckingSmokeCounter is 49)
$johnsName arrives and ushers you out. “Time for my 7 pm meditation,” he says.
(if: $johnsName is "John")[“I need to get whole again,” he adds.]
$johnsName rises from his chair and ushers you out. “Time for my 7 pm meditation,” he says.
(if: $johnsName is "John")[“I need to get whole again,” he adds.]
(link: "“Alright, goodbye.” (Leave the apartment.)")[(set: $playerRoom to "leftApartment")(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "end")(goto: $talkRoom)
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")[
$johnsName rushes into the study, ushering you out. “Time for my 7 pm meditation,” he says.
(if: $johnsName is "John")[“I need to get whole again,” he adds.]
(link: "“Alright, goodbye.” (Leave the apartment.)")[(set: $playerRoom to "leftApartment")(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "end")(goto: $talkRoom)
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="lounge">
<b>The lounge</b><br><br>
(if: $parrotRoom is "lounge")[The parrot is here.<br>]
(if: $dogRoom is "lounge")[The dog is here.<br>]
<div class ="entrance">
<b>The entrance hall</b><br><br>
(if: $parrotRoom is "entrance")[The parrot is here.<br>]
(if: $dogRoom is "entrance")[The dog is here.<br>]
<div class ="kitchen">
<b>The kitchen</b><br><br>
(if: $parrotRoom is "kitchen")[The parrot is here.<br>]
(if: $dogRoom is "kitchen")[The dog is here.<br>]
<div class ="doorstudy"></div><div class ="doorkitchen"></div><div class ="doorlounge"></div><div class ="entrancedoor"></div>
<div class ="endgame">
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Score avdrag för Cages antipati xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(set: $CagesTotalAntipathy to $ignoredCage + $angryCage)
(if: $CagesTotalAntipathy < 0)[(set:$CagesTotalAntipathy to 0)]
(set: $scorereduction to ($CagesTotalAntipathy * 20))
(set: $CagesTotalAntipathy to (round: $CagesTotalAntipathy))
(set: $scorereduction to (round: $scorereduction))
(set: $score to it - $scorereduction)
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Score för längsta tid tyst xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(set: $score to it + (($LongestTyst/7) * 25))
<!-- varje 7s period tyst ger 25p
273s (4.33) ger 975p
371s ger 1325. (längsta möjliga man kan vara tyst: gå ta klocka, återvända till John, sen vara tyst hela tiden)
Man får alltså mer poäng om man är tyst längre än måltiden. Man kommer å andra sidan inte att få bonuspoäng 500 och 1000 fär de två vinnande sluten. Men man belönas för att man lyckats hålla tyst så länge. -->
Before leaving, you tell John that you were silent for $minutesLongest:(if: $secondsLongest < 10)[0]$secondsLongest.
(if: $minutesLongest is 4 and $secondsLongest is 33)[(set: $finalSilentTime to "433")He gives you a look of pure shock but doesn’t say anything before closing the door behind you.]
(elseif: $minutesLongest is 4 and $secondsLongest > 33)[(set: $finalSilentTime to "longer")“Yes,” he replies, “your rudeness was duly noted!” He then slams the door behind you]
(elseif: $minutesLongest > 4)[(set: $finalSilentTime to "longer")“Yes,” he replies, “your rudeness was duly noted!” He then slams the door behind you]
(else:)[(set: $finalSilentTime to "shorter")“Oh?” he says. He then closes the door behind you.]
<blockquote><b>Your visit caused John to develop an aggregated antipathy (anger + feeling ignored) of $CagesTotalAntipathy towards you. This will deduct $scorereduction from your final score.</b>
Home again, you pick a piece of paper and write: “Today I was silent for $minutesLongest:(if: $secondsLongest < 10)[0]$secondsLongest while John Cage, the composer, was talking to me in his apartment.” You put the paper in an envelope, walk to the post office and send it special delivery to yourself. It is known as “poor man’s copyright” and that seems most apt for poor pennyless you.
(if: $finalSilentTime is "433")[(set: $talkRoom to "ConcertWin")]
(else:)[(set: $talkRoom to "ConcertFail")]
(link: "Continue")[(set: $playerRoom to "concert")(set: $hasStopwatch to false)(goto: $talkRoom)]
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="lounge">
<b><b>You are in the lounge</b></b>. A battered grand piano dominates the room.
(text-style: "fade-in-out")[$smokeMessage]<br><br>
(if: $justBackFromSearch is true)[(set: $justBackFromSearch to false)$examinePianoMessage<br><br>]
(t8n: "pulse")[“<b>Coo-coo! Coo-coo!</b>”] From the study you hear the cuckoo clock announcing the time. (if: $parrotRoom is "cagedInLounge")[The parrot instinctively flaps its wings before realizing it is safe in its cage.]<br><br>
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "lounge")[
(if: $parrotRoom is "lounge" AND $dogRoom is "lounge")
(if: ($dogIsMovingToKitchen is false) AND ($dogIsMovingToStudy is false))
A long haired dog comes rushing from under the piano, barking ferociously while dashing into the study. A parrot is also here. It flaps away frantically in the opposite direction.<br><br>
$johnsName is present too. He grabs you by the shoulder, ushering you out. “Time for my 7 pm meditation,” he says.
(if: $johnsName is "John")[“I need to get whole again,” he adds.]<br><br>
The dog is here. It dashes towards the study, barking ferociously. The parrot is also here but flaps away frantically in the opposite direction.<br><br>
$johnsName, who is present too, grabs you by the shoulder, ushering you out. “Time for my 7 pm meditation,” he says.
(if: $johnsName is "John")[“I need to get whole again,” he adds.]<br><br>
(elseif: $dogRoom is "lounge")
(if: ($dogIsMovingToKitchen is false) AND ($dogIsMovingToStudy is false))
A long haired dog comes rushing from under the piano, barking ferociously while dashing into the study.<br><br>
$johnsName is here. He grabs you by the shoulder, ushering you out. “Time for my 7 pm meditation,” he says.
(if: $johnsName is "John")[“I need to get whole again,” he adds.]<br><br>
The dog and $johnsName are here. The dog dashes towards the study, barking ferociously while John grabs you by the shoulder, ushering you out. “Time for my 7 pm meditation,” he says.<br><br>
(if: $johnsName is "John")[“I need to get whole again,” he adds.<br><br>]
(elseif: $parrotRoom is "lounge")
The parrot and $johnsName are here. The parrot panics and flaps away towards the entrance hall while John grabs you by the shoulder, ushering you out. “Time for my 7 pm meditation,” he says.<br><br>
(if: $johnsName is "John")[“I need to get whole again,” he adds.<br><br>]
$johnsName is here. He grabs you by the shoulder, ushering you out. “Time for my 7 pm meditation,” he says.
(if: $johnsName is "John")[“I need to get whole again,” he adds.]
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(link: "“Alright, goodbye.” (Leave the apartment.)")[(set: $playerRoom to "leftApartment")(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "end")(goto: $talkRoom)
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "lounge")[
(if: $parrotRoom is "lounge" AND $dogRoom is "lounge")
(if: ($dogIsMovingToKitchen is false) AND ($dogIsMovingToStudy is false))
A long haired dog comes rushing from under the piano, barking ferociously while dashing into the study. A parrot is here. It flaps away frantically in the opposite direction.<br><br>
$johnsName runs into the lounge, ushering you out. “Time for my 7 pm meditation,” he says.
(if: $johnsName is "John")[“I need to get whole again,” he adds.]<br><br>
The dog is here. It dashes towards the study, barking ferociously. The parrot is also here but flaps away frantically in the opposite direction.<br><br>
$johnsName rushes into the lounge, ushering you out. “Time for my 7 pm meditation,” he says.
(if: $johnsName is "John")[“I need to get whole again,” he adds.]<br><br>
(elseif: $dogRoom is "lounge")
(if: ($dogIsMovingToKitchen is false) AND ($dogIsMovingToStudy is false))
A long haired dog comes rushing from under the piano, barking ferociously while dashing into the study.<br><br>
$johnsName comes running into the lounge, ushering you out. “Time for my 7 pm meditation,” he says.
(if: $johnsName is "John")[“I need to get whole again,” he adds.]<br><br>
The dog is here. It dashes towards the study, barking ferociously while $johnsName rushes into the lounge, ushering you out. “Time for my 7 pm meditation,” he says.<br><br>
(if: $johnsName is "John")[“I need to get whole again,” he adds.<br><br>]
(elseif: $parrotRoom is "lounge")
The parrot is here. It panics and flaps away towards the entrance hall while $johnsName rushes into the lounge, ushering you out. “Time for my 7 pm meditation,” he says.<br><br>
(if: $johnsName is "John")[“I need to get whole again,” he adds.<br><br>]
$johnsName comes rushing into the lounge, ushering you out. “Time for my 7 pm meditation,” he says.
(if: $johnsName is "John")[“I need to get whole again,” he adds.]
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(link: "“Alright, goodbye.” (Leave the apartment.)")[(set: $playerRoom to "leftApartment")(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "end")(goto: $talkRoom)
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
<b>The study</b><br><br>
(if: $parrotRoom is "study")[The parrot is here.<br>]
(if: $dogRoom is "study")[The dog is here.<br>]
<div class ="entrance">
<b>The entrance hall</b><br><br>
(if: $parrotRoom is "entrance")[The parrot is here.<br>]
(if: $dogRoom is "entrance")[The dog is here.<br>]
<div class ="kitchen">
<b>The kitchen</b><br><br>
(if: $parrotRoom is "kitchen")[The parrot is here.<br>]
(if: $dogRoom is "kitchen")[The dog is here.<br>]
<div class ="doorstudy"></div><div class ="doorkitchen"></div><div class ="doorlounge"></div><div class ="entrancedoor"></div>
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="entrance">
<b>You are in the entrance hall</b>.
(text-style: "fade-in-out")[$smokeMessage]<br><br>
(t8n: "pulse")[“<b>Coo-coo! Coo-coo!</b>”] From the study you hear the cuckoo clock announcing the time. (if: $parrotRoom is "cagedInEntrance")[The parrot instinctively flaps its wings before realizing it is safe in its cage.]<br><br>
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "entrance")[
(if: $parrotRoom is "entrance" AND $dogRoom is "entrance")
The dog is here. It dashes towards the lounge, barking ferociously. The parrot is also here but flaps away frantically in the opposite direction.<br><br>
$johnsName grabs you by the shoulder, ushering you out. “Time for my 7 pm meditation,” he says.
(if: $johnsName is "John")[“I need to get whole again,” he adds.]<br><br>
(elseif: $dogRoom is "entrance")
The dog and $johnsName are here. The dog dashes towards the lounge, barking ferociously while John grabs you by the shoulder, ushering you out. “Time for my 7 pm meditation,” he says.<br><br>
(if: $johnsName is "John")[“I need to get whole again,” he adds.<br><br>]
(elseif: $parrotRoom is "entrance")
The parrot and $johnsName are here. The parrot panics and flaps away towards the kitchen while John grabs you by the shoulder, ushering you out. “Time for my 7 pm meditation,” he says.<br><br>
(if: $johnsName is "John")[“I need to get whole again,” he adds.<br><br>]
$johnsName is here. He grabs you by the shoulder, ushering you out. “Time for my 7 pm meditation,” he says.
(if: $johnsName is "John")[“I need to get whole again,” he adds.]
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(link: "“Alright, goodbye.” (Leave the apartment.)")[(set: $playerRoom to "leftApartment")(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "end")(goto: $talkRoom)
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "entrance")[
(if: $parrotRoom is "entrance" AND $dogRoom is "entrance")
The dog is here. It dashes towards the lounge, barking ferociously. The parrot is also here but flaps away frantically in the opposite direction.<br><br>
$johnsName rushes into the entrance hall, ushering you out. “Time for my 7 pm meditation,” he says.
(if: $johnsName is "John")[“I need to get whole again,” he adds.]<br><br>
(elseif: $dogRoom is "entrance")
The dog is here. It dashes towards the lounge, barking ferociously while $johnsName rushes into the entrance hall, ushering you out. “Time for my 7 pm meditation,” he says.<br><br>
(if: $johnsName is "John")[“I need to get whole again,” he adds.<br><br>]
(elseif: $parrotRoom is "entrance")
The parrot is here. It panics and flaps away towards the kitchen while $johnsName rushes into the entrance hall, ushering you out. “Time for my 7 pm meditation,” he says.<br><br>
(if: $johnsName is "John")[“I need to get whole again,” he adds.<br><br>]
$johnsName comes rushing into the entrance hall, ushering you out. “Time for my 7 pm meditation,” he says.
(if: $johnsName is "John")[“I need to get whole again,” he adds.]
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(link: "“Alright, goodbye.” (Leave the apartment.)")[(set: $playerRoom to "leftApartment")(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "end")(goto: $talkRoom)
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="lounge">
<b>The lounge</b><br><br>
(if: $parrotRoom is "lounge")[The parrot is here.<br>]
(if: $dogRoom is "lounge")[The dog is here.<br>]
<div class ="study">
<b>The study</b><br><br>
(if: $parrotRoom is "study")[The parrot is here.<br>]
(if: $dogRoom is "study")[The dog is here.<br>]
<div class ="kitchen">
<b>The kitchen</b><br><br>
(if: $parrotRoom is "kitchen")[The parrot is here.<br>]
(if: $dogRoom is "kitchen")[The dog is here.<br>]
<div class ="doorstudy"></div><div class ="doorkitchen"></div><div class ="doorlounge"></div><div class ="entrancedoor"></div>
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="kitchen">
<b>You are in the kitchen</b>. $kitchenMessage
(if: NOT $hasStopwatch)[ There is a stopwatch lying on the work surface beside the hob of the stove. ]
(if: $cageCheckingSmokeCounter is 28)[$smokeMessage]
(else:)[(text-style: "fade-in-out")[$smokeMessage]]
(t8n: "pulse")[“<b>Coo-coo! Coo-coo!</b>”] From the study you hear the cuckoo clock announcing the time. (if: $parrotRoom is "cagedInKitchen")[The parrot instinctively flaps its wings before realizing it is safe in its cage.]<br><br>
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "kitchen")[
(if: $parrotRoom is "kitchen" AND $dogRoom is "kitchen")
The dog is here. It dashes towards the entrance hall, barking ferociously. The parrot is also here but flaps away frantically towards the (if: $windowOpen is true)[open window and out to the streets of New York.](else:)[closed window, crashing and tumbling to the floor.]<br><br>
$johnsName grabs you by the shoulder, ushering you out. “Time for my 7 pm meditation,” he says.
(if: $johnsName is "John")[“I need to get whole again,” he adds.]<br><br>
(elseif: $dogRoom is "kitchen")
The dog and $johnsName are here. The dog dashes towards the entrance hall, barking ferociously while John grabs you by the shoulder, ushering you out. “Time for my 7 pm meditation,” he says.<br><br>
(if: $johnsName is "John")[“I need to get whole again,” he adds.<br><br>]
(elseif: $parrotRoom is "kitchen")
The parrot and $johnsName are here. The parrot panics and flaps away towards the (if: $windowOpen is true)[open window and out to the streets of New York](else:)[closed window, crashing and tumbling to the floor] while John grabs you by the shoulder, ushering you out. “Time for my 7 pm meditation,” he says.<br><br>
(if: $johnsName is "John")[“I need to get whole again,” he adds.<br><br>]
$johnsName is here. He grabs you by the shoulder, ushering you out. “Time for my 7 pm meditation,” he says.
(if: $johnsName is "John")[“I need to get whole again,” he adds.]
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(link: "“Alright, goodbye.” (Leave the apartment.)")[(set: $playerRoom to "leftApartment")(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "end")(goto: $talkRoom)
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "kitchen")[
(if: $parrotRoom is "kitchen" AND $dogRoom is "kitchen")
The dog is here. It dashes towards the entrance hall, barking ferociously. The parrot is also here but flaps away frantically towards the (if: $windowOpen is true)[open window and out to the streets of New York.](else:)[closed window, crashing and tumbling to the floor.]<br><br>
$johnsName rushes into the kitchen, ushering you out. “Time for my 7 pm meditation,” he says.
(if: $johnsName is "John")[“I need to get whole again,” he adds.]<br><br>
(elseif: $dogRoom is "kitchen")
The dog is here. It dashes towards the entrance hall, barking ferociously while $johnsName rushes into the kitchen, ushering you out. “Time for my 7 pm meditation,” he says.<br><br>
(if: $johnsName is "John")[“I need to get whole again,” he adds.<br><br>]
(elseif: $parrotRoom is "kitchen")
The parrot is here. It panics and flaps away towards the (if: $windowOpen is true)[(set: $parrotRoom to "outside")open window and out to the streets of New York](else:)[closed window, crashing and tumbling to the floor] while John rushes into the kitchen, ushering you out. “Time for my 7 pm meditation,” he says.<br><br>
(if: $johnsName is "John")[“I need to get whole again,” he adds.<br><br>]
$johnsName comes rushing into the kitchen, ushering you out. “Time for my 7 pm meditation,” he says.
(if: $johnsName is "John")[“I need to get whole again,” he adds.]
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(link: "“Alright, goodbye.” (Leave the apartment.)")[(set: $playerRoom to "leftApartment")(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "end")(goto: $talkRoom)
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="lounge">
<b>The lounge</b><br><br>
(if: $parrotRoom is "lounge")[The parrot is here.<br>]
(if: $dogRoom is "lounge")[The dog is here.<br>]
<div class ="study">
<b>The study</b><br><br>
(if: $parrotRoom is "study")[The parrot is here.<br>]
(if: $dogRoom is "study")[The dog is here.<br>]
<div class ="entrance">
<b>The entrance hall</b><br><br>
(if: $parrotRoom is "entrance")[The parrot is here.<br>]
(if: $dogRoom is "entrance")[The dog is here.<br>]
<div class ="doorstudy"></div><div class ="doorkitchen"></div><div class ="doorlounge"></div><div class ="entrancedoor"></div>
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“They can’t be named,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“The people draining our civilization can’t be named,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“The people draining our civilization can’t be named,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“People must wake up!”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "15psnsnpppnppppn")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Stop this nonsense. You come off as both a fool and a racist!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "14psnsnpppnppnn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "14psnsnpppnppns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“A rare combination indeed …” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Being both a fool and a racist is a rare combination,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Being both a fool and a racist is a rare combination,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“You have a point. In a way, being a racist is being a realist. I actually touch upon that topic my upcoming novel.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "11psnsnppppp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“You are also ridiculous and repulsive. How’s that for a rare combination?”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "9ssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "15psnsnpppnppnns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- Rum med SILENTLOOP har alla formen av stående rektangel -->
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“And because we are on their doomsday ark we perceive that we are sometimes travelling back, sometimes forth,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Because we are on their doomsday ark we perceive that we are sometimes travelling back, sometimes forth,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“But what we are really doing is circling the drain?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "14psnsnpppnpppp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Sounds fun, like a Coney Island merry-go-round!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "14psnsnpppnpppn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
<!------------------- OBS SILENT LOOP!!! ---------------------->
<!--MINSKA angry och nollställ EJ originalReplysaid------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $talkRoom to "14psnsnpppnppns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- Rum med SILENTLOOP har alla formen av stående rektangel -->
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $score to it + 200) <!--Svårt att komma till denna passage-->
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Yes, silence is the only <i>sound</i> response to the truth,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Silence is the only sound response to the truth” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“As a writer I should be capable of more.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "11psnsnppppp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Truth demands beautiful sounds. Lies demand repulsive sounds. Your music is not sound, it is a lie, and everyone can hear it!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "9ssssssss")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
<!------------------- OBS SILENT LOOP!!! ---------------------->
<!--MINSKA angry och nollställ EJ originalReplysaid------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $talkRoom to "15psnsnpppnppnns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“It doesn’t matter how we lean. We’re all in the same boat,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“It doesn’t matter whether we lean left or right. We’re all in the same boat,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“It doesn’t matter whether we lean left or right. We’re all in the same boat,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“So we are safe then?”")
(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "13psnsnpppnpnp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“But you were asking about my book.”")
(set: $angryCage to it + 0.33)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "11psnsnppppp")(goto: $talkRoom)
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "13psnsnpppnpns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- Rum med SILENTLOOP har alla formen av stående rektangel -->
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“The opposite. It is because we are in that boat that we perceive that we are sometimes travelling back, sometimes forth,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Because all of us are in a boat, we perceive that we are sometimes travelling back, sometimes forth,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Because all of us are in a boat, we perceive that we are sometimes travelling back, sometimes forth,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“But what we are really doing is circling the drain?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "14psnsnpppnpppp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“But you were asking about my book”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.33)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "11psnsnppppp")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
<!------------------- OBS SILENT LOOP!!! ---------------------->
<!--MINSKA angry och nollställ EJ originalReplysaid------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $talkRoom to "13psnsnpppnpnp")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- Rum med SILENTLOOP har alla formen av stående rektangel -->
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“And because we are in that boat we perceive that we are sometimes travelling back, sometimes forth,” John continues.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Because we all are in a boat, we perceive that we are sometimes travelling back, sometimes forth,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Because we all are in a boat, we perceive that we are sometimes travelling back, sometimes forth,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“But what we are really doing is circling the drain?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "14psnsnpppnpppp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“But you were asking about my book”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.33)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "11psnsnppppp")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
<!------------------- OBS SILENT LOOP!!! ---------------------->
<!--MINSKA angry och nollställ EJ originalReplysaid------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $talkRoom to "13psnsnpppnpns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
(set: $pausingTime to false) <!-- specialfall efter att ha stoppat tiden i “coda reading” eller "coda reading p" (detta rum) då man automatiskt flyttas till detta rum (med ny sentence) efter att originalreply > 0 i båda rummen -->
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $hasBegunReading is false)[
John begins to read from his manuscript:<br><br>
(set: $hasBegunReading to true)
(else:)[John continues to read:<br><br>]
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(if: $sentenceToRead is 1)[“This is indeed a book about nothing.”]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 2)[“But it is also a book about something.”]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 3)[“Something and nothing call for each other.”]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 4)[“Voice calls for echo calls for voice.”]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 5)[“Noise calls for silence; silence begets noise.”]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 6)[“Let go of melody, sound and harmony.”]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 7)[“Possess nothing and enjoy all the somethings.”]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 8)[“Our ears are now in excellent condition.”]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 9)[“What’s the frequency, Robert? What’s the frequency?”]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 10)[“440 hertz is the tone of A.”]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 11)[“-273 Celsius is the tone of silence.”]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 12)[“You say you cannot find its key?”]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 13)[“Open your ears and close the fallboard.”]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 14)[“It will be there, waiting for you.”]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 15)[“But stop all this for a minute.”]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 16)[“So you make all the right noises?”]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 17)[“Well then, fly away, little spring chicken!”]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 18)[“I am just asking to be informed.”]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 19)[“Yes, you are among foolish superiors now.”]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 20)[“I am a voice for the silenced.”]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 21)[“I am a voice for the voiceless.”]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 22)[“I am a voice for the noiseless.”]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 23)[“The responsible artist works to hide beauty.”]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 24)[“Beauty hides the work of the artist.”]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 25)[“Powdered eggs are good enough for me.”]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 26)[“And life? The same – always will be.”]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 27)[“Easy as picking foxes from a tree.”]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 28)[“As you see, I can say anything.”]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 29)[“Hijack the human desire to be open-minded.”]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 30)[“You will have freedom to do anything.”]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 31)[“I write durations that cannot be performed.”]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 32)[“Or so they say, the rough men.”]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 33)[“They scoff and roll up their sleeves.”]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 34)[“But the soft men of excellent education,”]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 35)[“they nod, clap and submit to me.”]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 36)[“I just laugh and walk on past.”]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 37)[“Most books are full of old ideas.”]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 38)[“This book has not a single idea.”]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 39)[“But its readers will have new ones.”]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 40)[“Nothing begets something and silence begets voices.”]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 41)[“There is no getting away from life.”]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 42)[“When I play the piano at home”(set: $score to it + 100)]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 43)[“I hear the boat sounds, children playing”(set: $score to it + 200)]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 44)[“and the pedals of the piano squeak!”(set: $score to it + 300)]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 45)[“But paintings are not destroyed by shadows.”(set: $score to it + 400)]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 46)[“Music is not destroyed by ambient sounds.”(set: $score to it + 500)]
(elseif: $sentenceToRead is 47)[“My saliva gurgles. IS IT PARTY CLICK !?”(set: $score to it + 1000)]
(set: $sentenceToRead to it + 1)
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $pausingTime to true) <!-- för att stoppa tid och npcförflyttning då vi går till nytt rum här -->
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)
(set: $talkRoom to "coda reading p")
(goto: $talkRoom)
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(set: $commentToBook to (either: "“Quite so.”", "“Fascinating!”", "“You have a way with words.”", "“Oh …”", "“And?”", "“Hmm …”", "“Good observation.”", "“Interesting …”", "“Mmh, go on.”", "“Yea.”", "“Mmh … mmh …”", "“That has a nice ring to it.”", "“True that.”", "“Yes …”", "“That’s a fresh take!”", "“All right.”", "“Amen!”", "“Seems reasonable …”", "“Nice one!”", "“Wow, that came out of nowhere!”", "“Well-put!”", "“Ouch!”", "“Can’t argue with that …”", "“Very perceptive.”", "“Haha!”", "“That makes a lot of sense.”", "“I get your point.”", "“I see what you’re going for!”", "“That was subtle …”", "“Obviously!”", "“A valid viewpoint.”", "“Can’t say I disagree.”", "“Touché!”", "“Aha!”", "“Hee-hee!”", "“Mm-hmm.”", "“Ooh!”", "“Uh-huh”", "“Yikes!”", "“I understand where you’re coming from.”", "“Nice turn of phrase.”", "“You're a true voice, John, you’re certainly not an echo!”", "“Dare to silence that!”", "“You will continue speaking through your grave, John.”", "“Damn right!”", "I'll pretend I didn't hear that!”", "“Powerful …”", "“Who could turn a deaf ear to that?”", "“Where do you come up with everything?!”","“Straight from the horse’s mouth!”", "“Food for thought …”", "“That was either banal or profound. I can’t tell which …”", "“On the money!”", "“Bull’s eye!”", "“Dead-on.”", "“Spot-on …”", "“Seems appropriate, but perhaps a little vague?”", "“Huh? I doubt careful argumentation will profit me any here!”", "“That’s not the first time I’ve heard something along that lines …”", "“I fear you’re being too clever for your own good here.”", "“Don’t overestimate your readers, but don’t underestimate them either.”", "“Huh?”", "“Hmph.”", "“Duh!”" ,"“Bah!”" ,"“Shh!!!”" ,"“Ahem, my first drafts always need a lot of work.”"))
(link: "$commentToBook")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "coda reading p")(goto: $talkRoom)
<!----------------- NO Extra topics while reading! ------------------>
<!---------------------- Saying nothing ------------------------>
<!-- John doesn't feel ignored while reading !!! -->
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "coda reading ps")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 0)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
(set: $pausingTime to false) <!-- specialfall efter att ha stoppat tiden i “coda reading” eller "coda reading p" (detta rum) då man automatiskt flyttas till detta rum (med ny sentence) efter att originalreply > 0 i båda rummen -->
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(if: $silenceDuringReading is 1)[John nods approvingly: “One should only speak if it improves upon the silence.”]
(elseif: $silenceDuringReading is 2)[“Silence is sometimes the <i>sound</i> response,” John says.]
(elseif: $silenceDuringReading is 3)[“Whereof one cannot speak thereof one must be silent,” John says mockingly. He then gets serious and adds, “Whereof one cannot hear thereof one must listen.”]
(elseif: $silenceDuringReading is 4)[“The purpose of silence is to make people listen. And I can HEAR that you’re impressed!” John responds.]
(elseif: $silenceDuringReading is 5)[“Your silence is music to my ears. It is saturated by syncopated rests and perfect phase cancellations,” John jokes.]
(elseif: $silenceDuringReading is 6)[“Lost for words? Aren’t we a fine couple: a writer without words and a composer without notes!” John chuckles.]
(elseif: $silenceDuringReading is 7)[“You have nothing to say and you’re not saying it. That's perfectly fine.” John says.]
(elseif: $silenceDuringReading is 8)[“Your silence speaks volumes,” John says and smiles.]
(elseif: $silenceDuringReading is 9)[“I listen to what you don’t say and what I hear proves my suspicions,” John muses.]
(elseif: $silenceDuringReading is 10)[“Every word has consequences. Every silence, too,” John says sternly.]
(elseif: $silenceDuringReading is 11)[“Silence makes even a fool seem wise for a minute … or four and a half!” John taunts you with a smirk.]
(elseif: $silenceDuringReading is 12)[“When the truth is replaced by silence, silence is a deafening lie,” John says.]
(elseif: $silenceDuringReading is 13)[“When lies are replaced by silence, silence makes us listen to the truth,” John says, looking very pleased with himself.]
(elseif: $silenceDuringReading is 14)[“I have never heard a more articulate silence!” John blurts out.]
(elseif: $silenceDuringReading is 15)[John looks perplexed. “A penny for your thoughts!” he says.]
(elseif: $silenceDuringReading is 16)[“The deepest feeling always shows itself in silence. Thank You!” John says.]
(elseif: $silenceDuringReading is 17)[“Shh … that’s right, never miss a good chance to shut up,” John whispers.]
(elseif: $silenceDuringReading is 18)[(set: $randomSilenceReply to true) “Hallowed be he who has nothing to say and refrains from giving wordy evidence of the fact!” John prolaims, grinning graciously.]
(if: $randomSilenceReply is false)[(set: $silenceDuringReading to it + 1)]
(else:)[(set: $silenceDuringReading to (random: 1, 18))]
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $pausingTime to true) <!-- för att stoppa tid och npcförflyttning då vi går till nytt rum här -->
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)
(set: $talkRoom to "coda reading p")
(goto: $talkRoom)
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(set: $commentToBook to (either: "“Quite so.”", "“Fascinating!”", "“You have a way with words.”", "“Oh …”", "“And?”", "“Hmm …”", "“Good observation.”", "“Interesting …”", "“Mmh, go on.”", "“Yea.”", "“Mmh … mmh …”", "“That has a nice ring to it.”", "“True that.”", "“Yes …”", "“That’s a fresh take!”", "“All right.”", "“Amen!”", "“Seems reasonable …”", "“Nice one!”", "“Wow, that came out of nowhere!”", "“Well-put!”", "“Ouch!”", "“Can’t argue with that …”", "“Very perceptive.”", "“Haha!”", "“That makes a lot of sense.”", "“I get your point.”", "“I see what you’re going for!”", "“That was subtle …”", "“Obviously!”", "“A valid viewpoint.”", "“Can’t say I disagree.”", "“Touché!”", "“Aha!”", "“Hee-hee!”", "“Mm-hmm.”", "“Ooh!”", "“Uh-huh”", "“Yikes!”", "“I understand where you’re coming from.”", "“Nice turn of phrase.”", "“You're a true voice, John, you’re certainly not an echo!”", "“Dare to silence that!”", "“You will continue speaking through your grave, John.”", "“Damn right!”", "I'll pretend I didn't hear that!”", "“Powerful …”", "“Who could turn a deaf ear to that?”", "“Where do you come up with everything?!”","“Straight from the horse’s mouth!”", "“Food for thought …”", "“That was either banal or profound. I can’t tell which …”", "“On the money!”", "“Bull’s eye!”", "“Dead-on.”", "“Spot-on …”", "“Seems appropriate, but perhaps a little vague?”", "“Huh? I doubt careful argumentation will profit me any here!”", "“That’s not the first time I’ve heard something along that lines …”", "“I fear you’re being too clever for your own good here.”", "“Don’t overestimate your readers, but don’t underestimate them either.”", "“Huh?”", "“Hmph.”", "“Duh!”" ,"“Bah!”" ,"“Shh!!!”" ,"“Ahem, my first drafts always need a lot of work.”"))
(link: "$commentToBook")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "coda reading p")(goto: $talkRoom)
<!----------------- NO Extra topics while reading! ------------------>
<!---------------------- Saying nothing ------------------------>
<!-- John doesn't feel ignored while reading !!! -->
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "coda reading p")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 0)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- $sleeping är set to true i föregående rum, dvs 16psnsnpppnppppnp. detta behövs för specialtext om att man blir väckt av gökuret då klockan blir 7 pm och header skickar en till 7pm study -->
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
<b>You are in the study</b>, asleep in your chair. The cuckoo clock on the wall $clock.<br><br>
(if: $cageCheckingSmokeCounter is 49)[$johnsName arrives back from the kitchen.<br><br>]
(if: $sleepActivity is "dream")
<!-- se till så att bara vissa drömmar är möjliga första gången -->
(if: $youHadFirstDream is false)[(set: $youHadFirstDream to true)"A deep voice that only you can hear says, “<i>Why are you sitting here making believe you are as good as anyone else when you're not?</i>”"<br><br>]
(elseif: $youHadFirstDream is true)[(either:"You are having a weird dream in which you sue John for copyright infringement. You get rich. The pennies are rolling in!", "You are dreaming about the lovely doctor who has been on your mind all day. You try to speak to her, but she just passes by and smiles out of pity.", "A booming voice that only you can hear says, “<i>Whom are you fooling?</i>”", "A deep voice that only you can hear says, “<i>You’ve never been any good or use on earth. There is the window. You might just as well jump.</i>”", "The Penny in your thoughts is now in your dreams. You try to speak but you cannot! She is silent too.", "You hear only silence and you realize it is God speaking to you, telling you to listen to yourself and reach deep inside.", "You hear only silence and you realize it is the voice of God assuring you of his unconditional love.", "You are having a bad dream. You are poor and rejected, a two-penny suitor. Silence is an asset but it’s John that has it and you are counting the pennies, coming up with none.", "You feel the presence of the devil in your dream and you realize the source of the deep voice.", "You are in deep sleep devoid of dreams, unaware of everything, even of your own ignorance", "You are in deep sleep devoid of dreams, a blessed escape from the barren reality of your penny-less existence.", "You see her from far away in your dream. You want to weep, perchance to scream. Not loudly but silently as a sorrow’s sigh in sleep; as grief that is still in sleeping. Like that you weep – and John doesn’t hear you.", "You are dreaming about nothing. But there is a silence permeating every inch of you, waking you to the awareness of your unawareness. You listen to the language of God and understand that you will never fully understand it.", "You are dreaming about something, yet you feel the presence of nothing.", "You are dreaming about nothing, yet you feel the presence of something.", "Your sleep is so deep that you are unaware of your unawareness of this world.", "You are in that deep sleep that is the climax of unawareness.", "Your dream is completely silent, yet you are aware of the dream and of the silence. It seems you have never been more aware. It’s like you have a direct ear to God.", "A booming voice that only you can hear says, “<i>I told you before you weren't any good. You have no money and no real job. Whom are you fooling?</i>”", "It is as though all parts of you have become ears. Your finger, your toes, your legs and your chest are all pounded by the deep voice that is even clearer and louder than before: “<i>YOU HAVE BEEN WASTING YOUR LIFE WHILE SHE HAS BEEN DEDICATING HERS TO SAVING LIVES. YOU'RE NO GOOD AND YOU ARE FOOLING NO ONE.</i>”", "Coming at you again, the booming voice gets you tight and shivery when it says, “<i>She is rich, beautiful and an accomplished professional. Who are you and whom are you fooling?</i>”" )<br><br>]
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(if: $hasStopwatch)[
$johnsName is also sitting here. He has retrieved the stopwatch from you and is using it to time your periods of silence during sleep. You don’t notice this, of course.<br><br>]
$johnsName is sitting quitely in his club chair, observing you like he is contemplating something.<br><br>]
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(if: $hasStopwatch)
(if: $cageCheckingSmokeCounter is 49)[John picks up the stopwatch from his pocket.<br><br>]
(else:)[$johnsName is sitting quitely in his club chair, holding the stopwatch and observing you.(if: $didSnore is true)[(if: $snoreSound is "Sknxxx-x! Sknxxx-x!" or "Zzknxzyy…")[ He pricks up his ears to the sound of your snores. Seemingly astonished, he rises and reaches for a yellow book on the left top shelf of the bookcase. He feverishly riffles through it, then puts it back.](else:)[ He listens attentively to your snoring. The sound seems to fascinate him greatly.]
](elseif: $didTalk is true)[ He seems profoundly bored by your sleep-talking.](else:)[(either:"", "", "", "", " He gently scratches his chin.", " He lets out a sigh of pleasure while adjusting his position.", " He suddenly rises and reaches for a blue book on the left bottom shelf of the bookcase. Seemingly conflicted, he barely opens the front cover before putting it back.")]
(if: $cageCheckingSmokeCounter is 49)[John looks at his hands and smells his fingertips.<br><br>]
(else:)[$johnsName is sitting quitely in his club chair(if: $didSnore is true)[(if: $snoreSound is "Sknxxx-x! Sknxxx-x!" or "Zzknxzyy…")[. He pricks up his ears to the sound of your snores. Seemingly astonished, he rises and reaches for a yellow ring binder on the left top shelf of the bookcase. He glances quickly at it, then puts it back.](else:)[, listening intently to your snoring and observing you like he is considering something.]
](elseif: $didTalk is true)[, (either: "ignoring", "laughing at") your sleep-talking but observing you like he is contemplating something.](else:)[(either:".", ".", ".", ".", ". He gently scratches his chin.", ". He lets out a sigh of pleasure while adjusting his position.", ". He suddenly rises and reaches for a blue book on the left bottom shelf of the bookcase. Seemingly conflicted, he barely opens the front cover before putting it back.")]
(set: $didSnore to false)
(set: $didTalk to false)
<!-- Glöm ej att ändra även i John away om du ändrar här! -->
(set: $sleepActivity to (either: "dream", "dream", "dream", "dream", "dream", "snore", "talk"))
(if: $sleepActivity is "talk")[(set: $sleeptalk to (either:"“Well-groomed appearance … uh-huh …” (sleep talking)", "“Sure enough … That’s right …” (sleep-talking)", "“I’ll take care of it!” (sleep-talking)", "“Don’t worry, I’ll fix it!” (sleep-talking)", "“Why do you act as if nothing has happened!?” (sleep-talking)", "“Can’t you hear the voice? It’s so lound and clear!” (sleep-talking)", "“HELP!” (sleep-screaming)", "Not exactly … but the Times Literary Supplement reviewed my first book very favorably! (sleep talking)"))]
(elseif: $sleepActivity is "snore")[(set: $snoreSound to (either:"Sknxxx-x! Sknxxx-x!", "Zzz… Zzz…", "Zzz… Zzz…", "Zzknxzyy…", "Zzzxx…", "Zzzxx…", "Zzzzzzz…", "Zzzzzzz…", "Zz… Zz… Zz…", "Zz… Zz… Zz…"))]
(if: $dogRoom is "study")[The dog is here, but you neither notice it nor react to it.<br><br>]
<!--------------- Sleep alternatives ------------------>
(if: $sleepActivity is "snore")[(set: $didSnore to true)
(link: "$snoreSound")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "sleeping")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(elseif: $sleepActivity is "talk")[(set: $didTalk to true)
(link: "$sleeptalk")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "sleeping")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(elseif: $sleepActivity is "silent" or "dream")[
(link: "Continue to sleep silently.")[(set: $talkRoom to "sleeping")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(set: $didSnore to false)
(set: $didTalk to false)
<!-- Glöm ej att ändra även i John Present om du ändrar här! -->
(set: $sleepActivity to (either: "dream", "dream", "dream", "dream", "dream", "snore", "talk"))
(if: $sleepActivity is "talk")[(set: $sleeptalk to (either:"“Well-groomed appearance … uh-huh …” (sleep talking)", "“Sure enough … That’s right …” (sleep-talking)", "“I’ll take care of it!” (sleep-talking)", "“Don’t worry, I’ll fix it!” (sleep-talking)", "“Why do you act as if nothing has happened!?” (sleep-talking)", "“Can’t you hear the voice? It’s so lound and clear!” (sleep-talking)", "“HELP!” (sleep-screaming)", "Not exactly … but the Times Literary Supplement reviewed my first book very favorably! (sleep talking)"))]
(elseif: $sleepActivity is "snore")[(set: $snoreSound to (either:"Sknxxx-x! Sknxxx-x!", "Zzz… Zzz…", "Zzz… Zzz…", "Zzknxzyy…", "Zzzxx…", "Zzzxx…", "Zzzzzzz…", "Zzzzzzz…", "Zz… Zz… Zz…", "Zz… Zz… Zz…"))]
(if: $dogRoom is "study")[The dog is here, but you neither notice it nor react to it.<br><br>]
<!--------------- Sleep alternatives ------------------>
<!--------------- Sätt inte tid tyst -7 här vid snarkande och sömnprat eftersom John inte är här och kan höra det
(if: $sleepActivity is "snore")[(set: $didSnore to true)
(link: "$snoreSound")[(set: $talkRoom to "sleeping")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(elseif: $sleepActivity is "talk")[(set: $didTalk to true)
(link: "$sleeptalk")[(set: $talkRoom to "sleeping")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(elseif: $sleepActivity is "silent" or "dream")[
(link: "Continue to sleep silently.")[(set: $talkRoom to "sleeping")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="lounge">
<b>The lounge</b><br><br>
(if: $parrotRoom is "lounge")[The parrot is here.<br>]
(if: $cageRoom is "lounge")[$johnsName is here.<br>]
(if: $dogRoom is "lounge")[The dog is here.<br>]
<div class ="entrance">
<b>The entrance hall</b><br><br>
(if: $parrotRoom is "entrance")[The parrot is here.<br>]
(if: $cageRoom is "entrance")[$johnsName is here.<br>]
(if: $dogRoom is "entrance")[The dog is here.<br>]
<div class ="kitchen">
<b>The kitchen</b><br><br>
(if: $parrotRoom is "kitchen")[The parrot is here.<br>]
(if: $dogRoom is "kitchen")[The dog is here.<br>]
(if: $cageRoom is "kitchen")[$johnsName is here.]
<div class ="doorstudy"></div><div class ="doorkitchen"></div><div class ="doorlounge"></div><div class ="entrancedoor"></div>
(if: $extraTopic)
<span class="extratopic">
(link: $topic's last)
(set: $returnToMainConversation to $talkRoom)
(set: $talkRoom to $topic's last)
(set: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid to 0)
(set: $tidTyst to -7)(goto: $talkRoom)
<!-- **---------------------- Move NPC:s ------------------------** -->
(if: $pausingTime is false)[
(if: $dogIsMovingToStudy)
(if: $dogRoom is "start")[(set: $dogRoom to "kitchen")]
(elseif: $dogRoom is "kitchen")[(set: $dogRoom to "entrance")]
(elseif: $dogRoom is "entrance")[(set: $dogRoom to "lounge")]
(elseif: $dogRoom is "lounge")[(set: $dogRoom to "study")]
(elseif: $dogRoom is "study")[(set: $dogIsMovingToStudy to false)(set: $dogIsMovingToKitchen to true)(set: $dogRoom to "lounge")]
(elseif: $dogIsMovingToKitchen)
(if: $dogRoom is "study")[(set: $dogRoom to "lounge")]
(elseif: $dogRoom is "lounge")[(set: $dogRoom to "entrance")]
(elseif: $dogRoom is "entrance")[(set: $dogRoom to "kitchen")]
(elseif: $dogRoom is "kitchen")[(set: $dogIsMovingToKitchen to false)(set: $dogIsMovingToStudy to true)]
(elseif: $dogIsMovingToPianoToSleep)
(if: $dogRoom is "study")[(set: $dogRoom to "lounge")]
(elseif: $dogRoom is "lounge")[(set: $dogIsMovingToPianoToSleep to false)]
(elseif: $dogRoom is "entrance")[(set: $dogRoom to "lounge")]
(elseif: $dogRoom is "kitchen")[(set: $dogRoom to "entrance")]
(if: $parrotIsMoving)<!--The parrot can't enter the study -->
(if: $parrotRoom is "start")[(set: $parrotRoom to "kitchen")]
(elseif: $parrotRoom is "moveAwayFromLounge")[(set: $parrotRoom to "entrance")]
(elseif: $parrotRoom is "moveAwayFromEntrance")[(set: $parrotRoom to (either: "lounge", "kitchen"))]
(elseif: $parrotRoom is "moveAwayFromKitchen")[(set: $parrotRoom to "entrance")]
(elseif: $parrotRoom is "kitchen")[(set: $parrotRoom to (either: "kitchen", "kitchen", "kitchen", "entrance"))]
(elseif: $parrotRoom is "entrance")[(set: $parrotRoom to (either: "entrance", "entrance", "entrance", "lounge", "kitchen"))]
(elseif: $parrotRoom is "lounge")[(set: $parrotRoom to (either: "lounge", "lounge", "lounge", "entrance"))]
<!-- **---------------------- Move Cage ------------------------** -->
(if: $cageCheckingSmokeCounter is 7)[(set: $cageRoom to "lounge")]
(elseif: $cageCheckingSmokeCounter is 14)[(set: $cageRoom to "entrance")]
(elseif: $cageCheckingSmokeCounter is 21)[(set: $cageRoom to "kitchen")]
(elseif: $cageCheckingSmokeCounter is 35)[(set: $cageRoom to "entrance")]
(elseif: $cageCheckingSmokeCounter is 42)[(set: $cageRoom to "lounge")]
(elseif: $cageCheckingSmokeCounter is 49)[(set: $cageRoom to "study")]
(if: $cageIsMovingToDoorbell)
(if: $cageRoom is "study")[(set: $cageRoom to "lounge")]
(elseif: $cageRoom is "lounge")[(set: $cageRoom to "entrance")(set: $openDoorMessage to "$johnsName opens the door and receives a green folder from a formally dressed man. They exchange a few words but you can only make out John’s reply: “<i>I don't care, just make sure the bitch SHUTS UP for good!</i>”.<br><br>")(set: $cageOpensDoor to true)]
(elseif: $cageRoom is "entrance")[(set: $cageIsMovingToDoorbell to false)(set: $openDoorMessage to "")(set: $cageOpensDoor to false)(set: $cageIsMovingToStudy to true)]
(if: $cageIsMovingToKitchen)
(if: $cageRoom is "study")[(set: $cageRoom to "lounge")]
(elseif: $cageRoom is "lounge")[(set: $cageRoom to "entrance")]
(elseif: $cageRoom is "entrance")[(set: $cageRoom to "kitchen")]
(elseif: $cageRoom is "kitchen")[(set: $cageIsMovingToStudy to true)(set: $cageIsMovingToKitchen to false)]
(elseif: $cageIsMovingToStudy)
(if: $cageRoom is "kitchen")[(set: $cageRoom to "entrance")]
(elseif: $cageRoom is "entrance")[(set: $cageRoom to "lounge")]
(elseif: $cageRoom is "lounge")[(set: $cageRoom to "study")]
(elseif: $cageRoom is "study")[(set: $cageIsMovingToStudy to false)]
<!-- ***----------------- Events & Phrases ----------------------*** -->
<!-- se till så att bara vissa parrotTalk (de som skämtar allmänt om repetition) är möjliga första gången papegojan säger något -->
(if: $parrotHasTalked is false)
(set: $parrotTalk to (either: "I usually don't do this, but for you I’ll make an exception.", "I suppose I can make an exception. But just this one time!", "This is awkward. I have never done anything like this before.", "Sorry for rambling on. But this is the first time I've told someone about this.", "This time it’s for real. I really will kill myself. And it’s all on you!", "This is my very last cigarette.", "I've decided to deviate from my principles. This is, after all, a very special occasion."))
(if: $parrotHasTalked is true)
(set: $parrotTalk to (either: "Every something is an echo of nothing!", "I usually don't do this, but for you I’ll make an exception.", "I suppose I can make an exception. But just this one time!", "This is awkward. I have never done anything like this before.", "SHUT UP! Not a SOUND! Just keep QUIET and enjoy it!", "Sorry for rambling on. But this is the first time I've told someone about this.", "This time it’s for real. I really will kill myself. And it’s all on you!", "This is my very last cigarette. I’ll never have another one.", "Extraordinary! I have never heard someone say it like that.", "I thought I’ve heard it all, but I've never heard silence quite this loud.", "I've decided to deviate from my principles. This is, after all, a very special occasion.", "I hate to talk ill of a friend, but have you read his latest book …?", "Talking about music is futile. Music is a snare and you can’t catch it. You get caught by it!", "I feel so vulnerable. I’ve never opened up about this to anyone before."))
<!-- (set: $randomCageAction to (random: 1, 6)) används ej just nu-->
(if: $tidTotal is $timeToReachforDesk)[(set: $reaches to "He then reaches for his desk, trying to grab something, but it is too far away.")]
(elseif: $tidTotal > $timeToReachforDesk)[(set: $reaches to "")]
<!-- ------------------- Door Bell -------------------------- -->
(if: $tidTotal is $timeToDoorRings)[(set: $cageIsMovingToDoorbell to true)(set: $bellMessage to "The doorbell rings.")]
(elseif: $tidTotal > $timeToDoorRings)[(set: $bellMessage to "")]
<!-- ------------------- Postcard -------------------------- -->
(if: $PostcardOnMat is false)[(set: $PostcardMessage to "")]
(if: $tidTotal is $timeToPostcardArrives)[(set: $PostcardOnMat to true)(set: $PostcardMessage to "There is a postcard on the doormat.")]
(if: ($PostcardOnMat is true) AND ($cageRoom is "entrance"))[(set: $PostcardOnMat to false)(set: $PostcardAction to "John picks up the postcard from the doormat, reads it and smiles.")(set: $angryCage to it - 5)]
(else:)[(set: $PostcardAction to "")]
<!-- ------------------- Smoke -------------------------- -->
(if: $smokeHasAppeared AND ($windowOpen is false))[
(if: $playerRoom is "study")[(set: $smokeMessage to "You smell a faint whiff of smoke.")]
(elseif: $playerRoom is "lounge")[(set: $smokeMessage to "You smell smoke quite strongly.")]
(elseif: $playerRoom is "entrance")[(set: $smokeMessage to "You smell smoke from the kitchen.")]
(elseif: $playerRoom is "kitchen")[
(if: $cageCheckingSmokeCounter is 28)[(set: $smokeMessage to "Thick smoke comes from the saucepan, which is now in the sink.")]
(else:)[(set: $smokeMessage to "Thick smoke comes from the saucepan.")]]
(else: )[(set: $smokeMessage to "")]
<!-- ** Kommentarer efter John bett en stänga av spisen och han själv kommer ut i köket eftersom det trots allt kommer rök. ** -->
<!-- Villkoret om pausingtime nedan behövs eftersom cageCheckingSmokeCounter fortfarande kommer att vara 21 om man nästa drag söker i rum, medan spisen har stängts av och $cageShouts därmed ändras från tom sträng till "He shouts: “Thank you for your prompt assistance!” -->
(if: ($cageCheckingSmokeCounter is 21) AND ($pausingTime is false))
<!-- 4 fall då spisen är PÅ då John kommer ut till köket -->
(if: ($stoveIsOn) AND ($youToldJohn is "yes"))
(set: $cageActionMessage to "John removes the saucepan and turns the stove off while cursing and shouting: “What’s WRONG with you!? I asked you to turn off the stove, but you didn’t – and then you LIE about it … ASSHOLE!”")(set: $johnTurnedOffStove to true)(set: $stoveIsOn to false)(set: $smokeCounter to 0)(set: $angryCage to it + 10)(set: $cageShouts to "He curses and shouts: “What’s WRONG with you!? I asked you to turn off the stove, but you didn’t – and then you LIE about it … ASSHOLE!”")
(elseif: ($stoveIsOn) AND ($youToldJohn is "no"))
(set: $cageActionMessage to "John removes the saucepan and turns the stove off while cursing at you: “It is still ON! I assumed I was mistaken and hadn’t forgotten it, but I HAD – you just couldn’t be BOTHERED?!”")(set: $johnTurnedOffStove to true)(set: $stoveIsOn to false)(set: $smokeCounter to 0)(set: $angryCage to it + 6)(set: $cageShouts to "He curses and shouts: “The stove is still ON! I assumed I was mistaken and hadn’t forgotten it, but I HAD – you just couldn’t be BOTHERED?!”")
(elseif: ($stoveIsOn) AND ($youToldJohn is "null"))
(set: $cageActionMessage to "John removes the saucepan and turns the stove off.")(set: $johnTurnedOffStove to true)(set: $stoveIsOn to false)(set: $smokeCounter to 0)
(elseif: ($stoveIsOn) AND ($youToldJohn is "notAskedYetOnlyCommanded"))
(set: $cageActionMessage to "John removes the saucepan and turns the stove off, muttering: “How hard can it be …”")(set: $johnTurnedOffStove to true)(set: $stoveIsOn to false)(set: $smokeCounter to 0)(set: $angryCage to it + 2)
<!-- 4 Ovanliga fall då spisen är AV då John kommer ut till köket.
Dessa händer då man håller sig utanför study och inväntar röken och sedan skyndar sig att stänga av spisen innan John hinner till köket. Alla fall är förbryllande för John som kommer till rök men avstängd spis. De vanligaste fallen är ju att det aldrig blir rök om man stängt av spisen och John kommer därför aldrig att gå ut I köket -->
(elseif: ($stoveIsOn is false) AND ($youToldJohn is "yes"))
(set: $cageActionMessage to "John removes the saucepan from the stove, looking puzzled but pleased that you got there before him.”")(set: $checkingSmokeCase to 5)(set: $angryCage to it - 2)(set: $score to it + 200)
(elseif: ($stoveIsOn is false) AND ($youToldJohn is "no"))
(set: $cageActionMessage to "John removes the saucepan from the stove, saying “So I didn’t forget. Thanks for checking anyway.”")(set: $checkingSmokeCase to 6)(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $score to it + 200)
<!-- FIXAT!!!!!! denna nedan triggades då jag testade Cages Random Answers och inte hade varit i köket och stängt av spisen. Händer även under pausingtime t.ex. då man söker i rum. Det eftersom $cageCheckingSmokeCounter då fortfarande är 21 då den ska vara 28 och John redan stängt av spis i föregående 21 FIXAT!!!!! -->
(elseif: ($stoveIsOn is false) AND ($youToldJohn is "null"))
(set: $cageActionMessage to "John removes the saucepan from the stove and thanks you for quick assistance with the stove.")(set: $checkingSmokeCase to 7)(set: $angryCage to it - 5)(set: $cageShouts to "He shouts: “Thank you for your prompt assistance!”")(set: $score to it + 100)
(elseif: ($stoveIsOn is false) AND ($youToldJohn is "notAskedYetOnlyCommanded"))
(set: $cageActionMessage to "John removes the saucepan from the stove, looking puzzled but pleased that you helped him even if you took your time.")(set: $checkingSmokeCase to 8)(set: $angryCage to it - 2)(set: $score to it + 200)
(else:)[(set: $cageActionMessage to "John removes the saucepan from the overheated stove. But this is really a strange exception to the way of Zen!")]
(elseif: $cageCheckingSmokeCounter is 28)[(set: $cageActionMessage to "John opens the window to get rid of the smoke.")(set: $windowOpen to true)(set: $kitchenMessage to "")]
(elseif: $cageCheckingSmokeCounter is 35)[(set: $cageActionMessage to "")(set: $kitchenMessage to "The window is half open.")]
<!-- ----------------- Examining Desk ---------------------- -->
(if: $gonnaShowDesk is true)[(set: $showDesk to true)]
(else:)[(set: $showDesk to false)]
(if: ($showDesk is true) AND ($carryingStaplesremover is false) AND ($carryingPaperclips is false))[
(set: $deskmessage to "The desk is a chaos of papers and unopened letters. You find a staple remover and some paper clips in an open sugar bowl.")(set: $gonnaShowDesk to false)]
(elseif: ($showDesk is true) AND ($carryingStaplesremover is true) AND ($carryingPaperclips is false))[(set: $deskmessage to "The desk is a chaos of papers and unopened letters. There are some paper clips in an open sugar bowl.")(set: $gonnaShowDesk to false)]
(elseif: ($showDesk is true) AND ($carryingStaplesremover is false) AND ($carryingPaperclips is true))[(set: $deskmessage to "The desk is a chaos of papers and unopened letters. There is a staple remover in an open sugar bowl.")(set: $gonnaShowDesk to false)]
(elseif: ($showDesk is true) AND ($hasExaminedDesk is false))[(set: $deskmessage to "The desk is a chaos of papers and unopened letters.")(set: $gonnaShowDesk to false)(set: $hasExaminedDesk to true)]
(else:)[(set: $deskmessage to "")]
<!-- **------------- Check collisions in study -------------------** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
(if: $dogRoom is "study" AND $playerRoom is "study")
(if: $talkRoom is "7pnppss" or "7pnpnns" or "7nsppns" or "8nnnpnns")
(set: $dogCollision to "The dog enters but heads straight to the cocktail cabinet in the corner opposite of you. You don’t sneeze!<br><br>")
(set: $dogCollision to "The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John says, “Bless you!”<br><br>")
(if: $reactToDog is true)[(set: $tidTyst to 0)]
(else:)[(set: $dogCollision to "")]
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(if: $dogRoom is "study" AND $playerRoom is "study")[(set: $dogCollision to "The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly, but John is too far away to hear you.<br><br>")]
(else:)[(set: $dogCollision to "")]
<!-- **------------- Check parrot being caged -------------------** -->
(if: ($parrotRoom is "kitchen") AND ($playerRoom is "kitchen") AND ($carryingCage is true))
(set: $cagingParrotMessage to "The parrot is here. It flies into the cage, willingly like it is submitting to its prisoner: the prompter of noise, silence and inzenity.")(set: $carryingCage to false)(set: $parrotIsMoving to false)(set: $score to it + 192)
(elseif: ($parrotRoom is "entrance") AND ($playerRoom is "entrance") AND ($carryingCage is true))
(set: $cagingParrotMessage to "The parrot is here. It flies into the cage, willingly like it is submitting to its prisoner: the prompter of noise, silence and inzenity.")(set: $carryingCage to false)(set: $parrotIsMoving to false)(set: $score to it + 182)
(elseif: ($parrotRoom is "lounge") AND ($playerRoom is "lounge") AND ($carryingCage is true))
(set: $cagingParrotMessage to "The parrot is here. It flies into the cage, willingly like it is submitting to its prisoner: the prompter of noise, silence and inzenity.")(set: $carryingCage to false)(set: $parrotIsMoving to false)(set: $score to it + 172)
(else:)[(set: $cagingParrotMessage to "")]
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- SPECIALFALL då man nyser efter att man varit tyst och John har en kommentar om tystnad -->
(if: $dogCollision is "The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John says, “Bless you!”<br><br>")[The dog is here. You let out a sharp sneeze. John smirks and says, “Yes, keeping silence is not easy.”<br><br>]
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $score to it + 300)<!--Svårt att komma till denna passage-->
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“When lies are replaced by silence, silence makes us listen to the truth,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“When lies are replaced by silence, silence makes us listen to the truth,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Huh?! I was just getting lost in my thoughts, trying to remember if I turned off the oven at home”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4ssn")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“And when the truth is replaced by silence, silence is a deafening lie.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.5)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4sss")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7pnppss")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- Rum med SILENTLOOP har alla formen av stående rektangel -->
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $score to it + 300)<!--Svårt att komma till denna passage-->
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“C’mon, now you are just paying lip service with your silence!” John laughs.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $score to it + 200)<!-- Mycket ovanligt att höra detta -->
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“There is silence illuminating truth and there is silence replacing truth. Choose your silence carefully,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“There is silence revealing truth and there is silence obscuring truth. Choose your silence carefully,” John reiterates sternly.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(if: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(link: "“Yep, that’s me – <i>making all the right noises</i> Zen style!”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "zen")(set: $pathToZen to "7pnppssA")(goto: $talkRoom)
(if: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(link: "“A well-chosen lie reveals the truth. But an ill-chosen truth upholds the lies. Is that Zen enough for you?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "zen")(set: $pathToZen to "7pnppssB")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“I just don’t know what to say. Tell me more about your piece. I gather there will be plenty of space for yawning and sleeping?”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4nnn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- Istället för extra topic i vissa rum där John kommenterar ens tystnad. Loopar tillbaka till aktuella rummet båda gångerna. Men olika text första och andra gången. -->
<span class="extratopic">
(if: $extraTopic)
(if: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(link-reveal: "“…”")[(link-reveal:" There was something you wanted to ask about,")[(link-reveal: " but for some reason John’s comment startle you …")[(link: " and your lips fail to serve you.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(set: $talkRoom to "7pnppss")(goto: $talkRoom)]]]]<br>
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(link-reveal: "“…”")[(link-reveal:" You had chosen your question carefully,")[(link-reveal: " but John’s comment stirs sudden doubt in your mind …")[(link: " and silence replaces your desire for the truth.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(set: $talkRoom to "7pnppss")(goto: $talkRoom)]]]]<br>
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
<!------------------- OBS SILENT LOOP!!! ---------------------->
<!--MINSKA angry och nollställ EJ originalReplysaid------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $talkRoom to "7pnppss")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- Rum med SILENTLOOP har alla formen av stående rektangel -->
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- SPECIALFALL då man nyser efter att man varit tyst och John har en kommentar om tystnad -->
(if: $dogCollision is "The dog is here. You sneeze abruptly. John says, “Bless you!”<br><br>")[The dog is here. John smirks as you let out a sharp sneeze.<br><br>]
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $score to it + 200) <!--Svårt att komma till denna passage-->
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“As a writer I’m sure you realize that if a person doesn’t understand your words, he won’t be able to understand your silence either,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $score to it + 200)<!-- Mycket ovanligt att höra detta -->
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Conversely, a person who does not understand your silence will probably not understand your words,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“A person who does not understand your silence will probably not understand your words,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(if: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(link: "“You’re a smart guy. I know you get my books. I trust that you get my silence too.”")[(set: $smartguy to true)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4sss")(goto: $talkRoom)]
(if: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(link: "“But you’re the silence guru. Surely you read me – words or no words – like an open book!”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4sss")(goto: $talkRoom)]
(if: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(link: "“Very true! And as no one understands your words, this ‘silent sonata’ you’re working on seems like a surefire fiasco …”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0.67)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8pnpnps")(goto: $talkRoom)]
(if: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(link: "“I don’t claim to understand your silence, but it can’t be worse than your music. I say bring on that ‘silent sonata’ of yours!”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8pnpnps")(goto: $talkRoom)]
<!-- Istället för extra topic i vissa rum där John kommenterar ens tystnad. Loopar tillbaka till aktuella rummet- -->
<span class="extratopic">
(if: $extraTopic)
(link-reveal: "“…”")[(link-reveal:" You have a question on the tip of your tongue,")[(link-reveal: " but John’s comment confuses you.")[(link-reveal: " You get a sense your words will be misunderstood …")[(link: " and you refrain from speaking.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(set: $talkRoom to "7pnpnps")(goto: $talkRoom)]]]]]<br>
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
<!------------------- OBS SILENT LOOP!!! ---------------------->
<!--MINSKA angry och nollställ EJ originalReplysaid------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $talkRoom to "7pnpnps")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $score to it + 200) <!--Svårt att komma till denna passage-->
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“You sure assume a lot … Sonata? Maybe I’m working on a silent cantata,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Why do you think I’m working on a silent sonata? Maybe I’m writing a silent cantata,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Why do you think I’m working on a silent sonata? Maybe I’m writing a silent cantata,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Haha! A distinction worthy of a Zen master, my friend.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "zen")(set: $pathToZen to "8pnpnps")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Yes, mime a song and turn a deaf ear to all the boos. Splendid idea …”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "9pnpnpsn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "9pnpnpss")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $score to it + 200) <!--Svårt att komma till denna passage-->
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“I’d be happy to let the audience throw powdered eggs at me. They are cheap and have no taste,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“I’d be happy to let the audience throw powdered eggs at me. They are cheap and have no taste,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“They still make for a delicious omelette!”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8pnpnnsn")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“So you despise your audience? I wonder why they despise you … Any ideas?”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "answer2")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8nnnpnns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Let me tell you a joke: If timbre falls in a forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make overtones?” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“You don’t get it? C’mon: If timbre falls in a forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make overtones?” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 2)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“TIMBRE not timber! You know the difference, right?” John says and repeats his joke: “If timbre falls in a forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make overtones?”
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 2)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“If timbre falls in a forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make overtones?” John reiterates, looking irritated.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“I get it – timbre is all about overtones! But am I right to hear undertones of Zen in that joke?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "zen")(set: $pathToZen to "9pnpnpss")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“How droll. Well, here’s a question for you: If TIMBER does NOT fall in a forest and no one is around to not hear it, is it really silent?”")[(set: $timber to true)(set: $angryCage to it + 0.17)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "answer5")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4nns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- *** Detta extra topic-rummet skiljer sig från de andra eftersom ett av svaren går vidare och inte tillbaka till mainconversation *** -->
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid to it + 1)
“In Zen, we don’t find the answer. We lose the question,” John says.
(set: $loseTheQuestion to true)
(elseif: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“In Zen, we don’t find the answer. We lose the question,” John reiterates.
<!--**----------- Positive and negative responses ----------------**-->
(link: "“Alright, I’ll have to mull over that one for a while!”")[(set: $score to it + 100)(set: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid to 0)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "parrot3")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- negativ response i extra topic sätter för det mesta ej angry eftersom det ändå blir +1 vid Johns repetition som ju alltid sker vid return to mainconversation. Dock mildrar jag angry här med -0.67 som motvikt eftersom svaret här inte är så fientligt att det motiverar +1 -->
(link: "“Sigh … I give up! Let’s get back to where you were making sense …”")[(set: $angryCage to it - 0.67)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to $returnToMainConversation)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
<!-- INGET HÄR!!! -->
<!-- Man ska inte kunna ställa alla extra topics i följd! -->
<!-- silent -1 angry som motvikt till +1 som ges vid Johns repetition som ju alltid sker vid return to mainconversation. Däremot ignored +1 -->
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(set: $talkRoom to $returnToMainConversation)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Don’t worry. Zen will find you. It will come tapping on your shoulder. Just don't turn it away,” John says.
(set: $zenTapOnShoulder to true)
(elseif: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Zen will come tapping on your shoulder. Just don't turn it away!” John reiterates.
<!--**----------- Positive and negative responses ----------------**-->
<!-- positive response -1 angry som motvikt till +1 som ges vid Johns repetition som ju alltid sker vid return to mainconversation -->
(link: "“Thank you. I’ll keep that in mind.”")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to $returnToMainConversation)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- negativ response i extra topic sätter för det mesta ej angry eftersom det ändå blir +1 vid Johns repetition som ju alltid sker vid return to mainconversation. -->
(link: "“Or maybe I’ll tell Zen to stop harassing me … Now, enough of this nonsense!”")[(set: $score to it + 100)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to $returnToMainConversation)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
<!-- INGET HÄR!!! -->
<!-- Man ska inte kunna ställa alla extra topics i följd! -->
<!-- silent -1 angry som motvikt till +1 som ges vid Johns repetition som ju alltid sker vid return to mainconversation. Däremot ignored +1 -->
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(set: $talkRoom to $returnToMainConversation)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(if: $pathToZen is "5pspn")[“If we don’t believe in something which existed before form and color emerged, our beliefs will be constrained by our egocentric imaginations,” John says.(set: $score to it + 100)]
(elseif: $pathToZen is "5nnnn")[“Not thinking about anything is Zen. Once you know this, walking, sitting, or talking – <i>everything</i> you do – is Zen,” John says.(set: $score to it + 100)]
(elseif: $pathToZen is "7nsnnsn")[“No difference, only hair is a little whiter,” John says.(set: $score to it + 300)]
(elseif: $pathToZen is "7pnppssA")[“We need silence to listen to ourselves and reach deep inside where we can feel the presence of unconditional love,” John says.(set: $score to it + 100)]
(elseif: $pathToZen is "7pnppssB")[“It IS common, but so is the fear of it! None more so than among those who rule us,” John says. “Those who can’t be named,” he adds.(set: $score to it + 200)]
(elseif: $pathToZen is "8pnpnps")[“Not thinking about anything is Zen. Once you know this, <i>everything</i> is Zen. Everything is both different and same,” John says.(set: $score to it + 100)]
(elseif: $pathToZen is "9pnpnpss")[“We need silence to listen to ourselves and reach deep inside where we can feel the presence of unconditional love,” John says.(set: $score to it + 100)]
(elseif: $pathToZen is "6ssssp")[“Time stops for neither the sage nor the fool, but the sage gets wiser while the fool stays a fool,” John says.(set: $score to it + 300)]
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(if: $pathToZen is "5pspn")[“If we don’t believe in something which existed before form and color emerged, our beliefs will be constrained by our egocentric imaginations,” John reiterates.]
(elseif: $pathToZen is "5nnnn")[“Not thinking about anything is Zen. Once you know this, walking, sitting, or talking – everything you do – is Zen,” John reiterates.]
(elseif: $pathToZen is "7nsnnsn")[“There is no difference between before and after, only hair is a little whiter,” John reiterates.]
(elseif: $pathToZen is "7pnppssA")[“We need silence to listen to ourselves and reach deep inside where we can feel the presence of unconditional love,” John reiterates.]
(elseif: $pathToZen is "7pnppssB")[“Common sense IS common, but so is the fear of it! None more so than among those who rule us,” John reiterates. “Those who can’t be named,” he adds slyly.]
(elseif: $pathToZen is "8pnpnps")[“Not thinking about anything is Zen. Once you know this, <i>everything</i> is Zen. Everything is both different and same,” John reiterates.]
(elseif: $pathToZen is "9pnpnpss")[“We need silence to listen to ourselves and reach deep inside where we can feel the presence of unconditional love,” John reiterates.]
(elseif: $pathToZen is "6ssssp")[“Time stops for neither the sage nor the fool, but the sage gets wiser while the fool stays a fool,” John reiterates.]
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Interesting, but all this wisdom makes my brain tired.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "16psnsnpppnppppnp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Yawn! Zzzzzen…”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "16psnsnpppnppppnp")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "15psnsnpppnppnns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- Rum med SILENTLOOP har alla formen av stående rektangel
Detta är dock lite otypiskt med många specialregler-->
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(if: $zenTapOnShoulder is true)
“Why not? If you are ready to lose the question, now is as good a time as any,” John says.
(elseif: $loseTheQuestion is true)
“That’s right. Your ego wants answers, but if you lose your ego you will also lose the question,” John says.
(elseif: $egoProblemZenSolution is true)
“Yes, your ego is the problem. Zen offers the solution,” John says.
(set: $saidEgoProblem to true)
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
(if: $loseTheQuestion is true)
“Your ego wants answers, but if you lose your ego you will also lose the question,” John says.
(elseif: $egoProblemZenSolution is true)
(if: $saidEgoProblem is true)[“Your ego is the problem. Zen is the solution,” John reiterates.]
(set: $saidEgoProblem to true)
“When your ego is the problem, Zen offers the solution,” John says.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(if: $zenTapOnShoulder is true)
(link: "“I’m ready, I think … but I don’t know how!”")[(set: $zenTapOnShoulder to false)(set: $loseTheQuestion to true)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "john splits")(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(goto: $talkRoom)
(elseif: $loseTheQuestion is true)
(link: "“Okay, and just how do I go about losing my ego?”")[(set: $loseTheQuestion to false)(set: $egoProblemZenSolution to true)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "john splits")(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(goto: $talkRoom)
(elseif: $egoProblemZenSolution is true)
(link: "“Sounds good, but how about a practical demonstration?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "john splits 2")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“On closer thought, forget about it. All this mumbo jumbo makes my brain tired.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "16psnsnpppnppppnp")(goto: $talkRoom)]
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
(if: $loseTheQuestion is true)[(set: $loseTheQuestion to false)(set: $egoProblemZenSolution to true)]
(elseif: $zenTapOnShoulder is true)[(set: $zenTapOnShoulder to false)(set: $loseTheQuestion to true)]
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
<!------------------- OBS SILENT LOOP!!! ---------------------->
<!--MINSKA angry och nollställ EJ originalReplysaid------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $talkRoom to "john splits")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- Ingen dialog i detta och följande john splits 3 och 4. Man kan bara vara tyst eller lämna rummet. Tyst räknas inte som att man ignorerar John eftersom han inte väntar på något svar -->
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Certainly!” John says. He then opens his mouth and let’s his tongue hang out.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“I’ll show you how to dissolve the Ego,” John says. He then opens his mouth again and let’s his tongue hang out.
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
<!-------------------ignoredCage ökar inte här ---------------->
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "john splits 3")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 0)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
$johnsName then begins moving his head back and forth while locking his gaze on your eyes.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
$johnsName once again begins moving his head back and forth while locking his gaze on your eyes.
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
<!------------------- ignoredCage ökar inte här --------------->
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "john splits 4")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 0)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
$johnsName suddenly stops. He grimaces and strains his whole body in a furious attempt to separate himself from his Ego.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
$johnsName grimaces and strains his whole body in a desperate attempt to separate himself from his Ego
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
<!------------------- ignoredCage ökar inte här --------------->
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "john splits 5")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 0)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $johnsName to "John")
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
There is a sudden transformation and $johnsName leans back in his chair with a disappointed look.
“Well, dissolving the Ego is not a cakewalk. Seems I only managed to split in two,” he says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Dissolving the Ego is not a cakewalk. Seems I only managed to split in two,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Half of you is still twice the man I’ll ever be … You are so exotic and I’m so prosaic.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "john splits 5p")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“What a charade! For a moment I thought you were trying to hypnotize me with that creepy gaze of yours.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "16psnsnpppnppppnp")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "7psnsns")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- variant på rum 7psnsnp -->
<!-- Rum med SILENTLOOP har alla formen av stående rektangel -->
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“I don’t know about ‘prosaic’, but you’re a prosaist after all! So how is your novel coming along?” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Well Mr. Prose Writer, how is your novel coming along?” John asks.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“So how is your novel coming along?” John asks again.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“Step by step I bring order out of chaos. That’s what writing is all about.”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8psnsnpp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“Inch by inch I unveil the chaos behind our tidy narratives about the world. That’s what writing is all about.”")[(set: $angryCage to it + 0)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "8psnsnpn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
<!------------------- OBS SILENT LOOP!!! ---------------------->
<!--MINSKA angry och nollställ EJ originalReplysaid------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $talkRoom to "john splits 5p")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- Beskrivningar av desk beroende på vad man plockat upp -->
(if: $deskmessage is NOT "")[<br><br>]
<!-- Beskrivningar av folder beror på om man har stapleremover -->
(if: ($examiningFolder is true) AND ($carryingStaplesremover is false))
[The folder is stapled shut.(set: $examiningFolder to false)<br><br>]
(elseif: ($examiningFolder is true) AND ($carryingStaplesremover is true))
[The folder is stapled shut, but you use the staple remover to open it. The uppermost document seeems to be a transcript of a testimony.(set: $score to it + 100)(set: $examiningFolder to false)(set: $FolderIsOpen to true)<br><br>]
<!-- Testimony in green folder -->
(if: $readingTestimony is true )
[$testimony1(set: $readingTestimony to false)(set: $hasReadTestimony1 to true)(set: $stopReadTestimony1 to true)<br>]
(if: $readingTestimony2 is true )
[$testimony2(set: $readingTestimony2 to false)(set: $hasReadTestimony2 to true)<br>]
(if: $readingTestimony3 is true )
[$testimony3(set: $readingTestimony3 to false)(set: $hasReadTestimony3 to true)<br>]
<!-- Instructions in blue binder -->
(if: $readingInstructions is true )
[$instructions1(set: $readingInstructions to false)(set: $hasReadInstructions1 to true)(set: $stopReadInstructions1 to true)<br>]
(if: $readingInstructions2 is true )
[$instructions2(set: $readingInstructions2 to false)(set: $hasReadInstructions2 to true)<br>]
(if: $readingInstructions3 is true )
[$instructions3(set: $readingInstructions3 to false)(set: $hasReadInstructions3 to true)<br>]
<!-- *** OBS! 16psnsnpppnppppnp har egna, anpassade rutiner för detta. Kanske även någon annan passage jag missat. ***-->
(link: "Wait.")[(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(if: $whistleFound is true)[(link: "Play a lullaby on the dog whistle.")[(set: $dogIsMovingToStudy to false)
(set: $dogIsMovingToKitchen to false)
(set: $dogIsMovingToPianoToSleep to true)
(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!--Man hinner plocka upp ANTINGEN staple remover eller gem då John går för att öppna dörren. -->
(if: ($hasExaminedDesk is false) AND ($showDesk is false))
(link: "Examine desk.")[(set: $gonnaShowDesk to true)(set: $showDesk to true)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(if: ($carryingStaplesremover is false) AND ($showDesk is true))
(link: "Get staple remover.")[(set: $score to it + 25)(set: $carryingStaplesremover to true)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
(if: ($carryingPaperclips is false) AND ($showDesk is true))
(link: "Get paper clips.")[(set: $score to it + 25)(set: $carryingPaperclips to true)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!--** Choices while John away to check stove **-->
(if: $cageCheckingSmokeCounter >= 7)
<!-- Testimony in green folder -->
(if: ($examiningFolder is false) AND ($folderFound is true) AND ($FolderIsOpen is false))[(link: "Examine folder.")[(set: $examiningFolder to true)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>]
(if: ($FolderIsOpen) AND ($stopReadTestimony1 is false))[(link: "Read testimony.")[(set: $score to it + 150)(set: $readingTestimony to true)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>]
(if: $hasReadTestimony1)[(link: "Continue reading testimony.")[(set: $score to it + 154)(set: $readingTestimony2 to true)(set: $hasReadTestimony1 to false)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>]
(if: $hasReadTestimony2)[(link: "Continue reading testimony.")[(set: $score to it + 157)(set: $readingTestimony3 to true)(set: $hasReadTestimony2 to false)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>]
<!-- Instructions in blue binder -->
(if: ($instructionsFound is true) AND ($stopReadInstructions1 is false))[(link: "Read instructions.")[(set: $readingInstructions to true)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>]
(if: $hasReadInstructions1)[(link: "Continue reading instructions.")[(set: $readingInstructions2 to true)(set: $hasReadInstructions1 to false)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>]
(if: $hasReadInstructions2)[(link: "Continue reading instructions.")[(set: $readingInstructions3 to true)(set: $hasReadInstructions2 to false)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>]
(link: "Search room.")[(set: $pausingTime to true)(goto: "search study")]
<!-- *** OBS! 16psnsnpppnppppnp använder denna men har några extra villkor i sin kod i passagen. ***-->
<!-- Conditional choices -->
<span class="pickupcage">
(if: $parrotRoom is "kitchen" or "lounge" or "entrance")
(if: ($johnsName is "John") AND ($carryingCage is false))
[(link: "Pick up the cage.<br>")[(set: $score to it + 100)
(set: $carryingCage to true)(goto: $talkRoom)]
<!-- Constant choices -->
<span class="navigate">
(link: "Go to the lounge.")[(set: $playerRoom to "lounge")(goto: "lounge")]
<!-- *** OBS! Sleeping och 7pm study har sina egen versioner. ***-->
<div class ="lounge">
<b>The lounge</b><br><br>
(if: $parrotRoom is "lounge")[The parrot is here.<br>]
(elseif: $parrotRoom is "cagedInLounge")[The parrot is caged here.<br>]
(if: $cageRoom is "lounge")[$johnsName is here.<br>]
(if: $dogRoom is "lounge")[The dog is here.<br>]
<div class ="entrance">
<b>The entrance hall</b><br><br>
(if: $parrotRoom is "entrance")[The parrot is here.<br>]
(elseif: $parrotRoom is "cagedInEntrance")[The parrot is caged here.<br>]
(if: $cageRoom is "entrance")[$johnsName is here.<br>]
(if: $dogRoom is "entrance")[The dog is here.<br>]
<div class ="kitchen">
<b>The kitchen</b><br><br>
(if: $parrotRoom is "kitchen")[The parrot is here.<br>]
(elseif: $parrotRoom is "cagedInKitchen")[The parrot is caged here.<br>]
(if: $dogRoom is "kitchen")[The dog is here.<br>]
(if: $cageRoom is "kitchen")[$johnsName is here. ]
(if: ($cageCheckingSmokeCounter is 21) AND ($cageHasShouted is false))[(set: $cageHasShouted to true)$cageShouts<br>]
<div class ="doorstudy"></div>
<div class ="doorkitchen"></div>
<div class ="doorlounge"></div>
<div class ="entrancedoor"></div>
<b>You are in the study</b>. The cuckoo clock on the wall $clock.
(text-style: "shudder")[$bellMessage]
(text-style: "fade-in-out")[$smokeMessage]<br><br>
(if: $tidTotal is ($timeToDoorRings + 28))[$johnsName arrives and puts (if: $hasSeenFolder)[the folder](else:)[something] on the top right shelf of the bookcase. He then makes himself comfortable in the club chair.<br><br>]
(if: $justBackFromSearch is true)[(set: $justBackFromSearch to false)$searchMessage<br><br>]
(set: $playerRoom to "title")
<div class ="fullscreen">
<div class ="startbubble">
|start>[<img src="images/welcomedark.png">]
(click: ?start)[(set: $playerRoom to "study")(goto: "study")]
<div class ="sidebarTitle">
<div class ="reklamrubrik"><b>More Stories</b></div>
[<img src="images/tmwcts.png">]<tmwcts|
[<img src="images/sea1.png">]<sea1|
[<img src="images/sea2.png">]<sea2|
[<img src="images/sea3.png">]<sea3|
[<img src="images/sea4.png">]<sea4|
[<img src="images/sea5.png">]<sea5|
[<img src="images/athleticdesign.png">]<home|
(click: ?tmwcts)[(gotoURL: "https://www.athleticarcade.com/interactivefiction/themanwhocallstheshots/index.html")]
(click: ?sea1)[(gotoURL: "https://www.athleticarcade.com/stripemall/index.html")]
(click: ?sea2)[(gotoURL: "https://www.athleticarcade.com/stripemall/linus.html")]
(click: ?sea3)[(gotoURL: "https://www.athleticarcade.com/stripemall/micke.html")]
(click: ?sea4)[(gotoURL: "https://www.athleticarcade.com/stripemall/tor.html")]
(click: ?sea5)[(gotoURL: "https://www.athleticarcade.com/stripemall/obsessed.html")]
(click: ?home)[(gotoURL: "http://www.athleticdesign.se")]
<!-- ** ######################################## ** -->
Extratopics triggas i olika rum och av olika händelser med:
(set: $topicNumber to nummer) nummer som identifierar topic
(display: "func collected extratopics") anropar denna passagefunktion
<!-- ############################################################## -->
(if: $topicNumber is 1)
(if: (count: (history:), "“It’s big, but still a baby grand piano, right?”") is 0)[(if: not ($topic contains "“It’s big, but still a baby grand piano, right?”"))[(set: $extraTopic to true)(set: $topic to $topic + (array: "“It’s big, but still a baby grand piano, right?”"))]]
(elseif: $topicNumber is 2)
(if: (count: (history:), "“How do you deal with that pest of a parrot?”") is 0)[(if: not ($topic contains "“How do you deal with that pest of a parrot?”"))[(set: $extraTopic to true)(set: $topic to $topic + (array: "“How do you deal with that pest of a parrot?”"))]]
(elseif: $topicNumber is 3)
(if: (count: (history:), "“I seem to recognize that guy. Mel Nader, the lawyer, right?”") is 0)[(if: not ($topic contains "“I seem to recognize that guy. Mel Nader, the lawyer, right?”"))[(set: $extraTopic to true)(set: $topic to $topic + (array: "“I seem to recognize that guy. Mel Nader, the lawyer, right?”"))(set: $seenMelNader to true)]]
(elseif: $topicNumber is 4)
(if: (count: (history:), "“What happened to your cuckoo clock?") is 0)[(if: not ($topic contains "“What happened to your cuckoo clock?”"))[(set: $extraTopic to true)(set: $topic to $topic + (array: "“What happened to your cuckoo clock?”"))]]
(elseif: $topicNumber is 5)
(if: (count: (history:), "“Aren’t you afraid the parrot will escape out of the window?”") is 0)[(if: not ($topic contains "“Aren’t you afraid the parrot will escape out of the window?”"))[(set: $extraTopic to true)(set: $topic to $topic + (array: "“Aren’t you afraid the parrot will escape out of the window?”"))]]
(elseif: $topicNumber is 6)
(set: $parrotHasTalked to true)
(if: (count: (history:), "“Your parrot speaks perfect English. Have you been training it?”") is 0)[(if: not ($topic contains "“Your parrot speaks perfect English. Have you been training it?”"))[(set: $extraTopic to true)(set: $topic to $topic + (array: "“Your parrot speaks perfect English. Have you been training it?”"))]]
(elseif: $topicNumber is 7)
(if: (count: (history:), "“What a clever bird. He just lectured me on music! Has he been lecturing you too?”") is 0)[(if: not ($topic contains "“What a clever bird. He just lectured me on music! Has he been lecturing you too?”"))[(set: $extraTopic to true)(set: $topic to $topic + (array: "“What a clever bird. He just lectured me on music! Has he been lecturing you too?”"))]]
(set: $topic to $topic - (array: "“Your parrot speaks perfect English. Have you been training it?”"))<!-- tar bort alla instanser av strängen från array, även om det skulle finnas flera. (Det ska det däremot inte kunna finnas pga villkor i rummet där strängen adderas till array) -->
(if: $topic's length is 0)[(set: $extraTopic to false)]<!-- stänger av extraTopic i study ifall array nu är tom. Tom array ger nämligen felmeddelande i koden i study. Ifall array ej är tom ska nästa sträng på tur dyka upp som alternativ i study -->
Extra topic-rummen är liksom talk-rummen kopior på study-rummet men med ny dialog (och utan sektionen för extra topic fråga) Då koden för study-rummet uppdateras måste även koden här uppdateras
Är även lite extra logik för att $returnToMainConversation
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid to it + 1)
“No, he just picks up phrases naturally. The kind of phrases he is hearing over and over,” John says.
(elseif: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Yes, my parrot is clever! He picks up certain phrases he is hearing over and over,” John says.
(elseif: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“My parrot is clever. He picks up certain phrases he is hearing over and over!” John repeats.
<!--**----------- Positive and negative responses --------------**-->
<!-- positive response -1 angry som motvikt till +1 som ges vid Johns repetition som ju alltid sker vid return to mainconversation -->
(link: "“Like master, like servant!”")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to $returnToMainConversation)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- negativ response påverkar ej angry eftersom det ändå blir +1 vid Johns repetition som ju alltid sker vid return to mainconversation -->
(link: "“Over and over? Well that’s telling …”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to $returnToMainConversation)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!----------------- Extra topic if discovered ------------------>
<!-- INGET HÄR!!! -->
<!-- Man ska inte kunna ställa alla extra topics i följd! -->
<!-- silent -1 angry som motvikt till +1 som ges vid Johns repetition som ju alltid sker vid return to mainconversation. Däremot ignored +1 -->
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(set: $talkRoom to $returnToMainConversation)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
(set: $topic to $topic - (array: "“What a clever bird. He just lectured me on music! Has he been lecturing you too?”"))<!-- tar bort alla instanser av strängen från array, även om det skulle finnas flera. (Det ska det däremot inte kunna finnas pga villkor i rummet där strängen adderas till array) -->
(if: $topic's length is 0)[(set: $extraTopic to false)]<!-- stänger av extraTopic i study ifall array nu är tom. Tom array ger nämligen felmeddelande i koden i study. Ifall array ej är tom ska nästa sträng på tur dyka upp som alternativ i study -->
Extra topic-rummen är liksom talk-rummen kopior på study-rummet men med ny dialog (och utan sektionen för extra topic fråga) Då koden för study-rummet uppdateras måste även koden här uppdateras
Är även lite extra logik för att $returnToMainConversation
<!-- *** Detta extra topic-rummet skiljer sig från de andra eftersom ett av svaren går vidare och inte tillbaka till mainconversation *** -->
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Clever perhaps, but certainly not wise,” John says, “He doesn’t realize that talking about music is an exercise in futility.” John then pauses and adds: “Music is a snare and you can’t catch it. You get caught by it!”
(elseif: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Music is a snare and you can’t catch it. You get caught by it!” John reiterates.
<!--**----------- Positive and negative responses --------------**-->
<!-- Snäll respons eftersom man har öppet mål att göra bort Cage här. -1 angry som motvikt till +1 som ges vid Johns repetition som ju alltid sker vid return to mainconversation -->
(link: "“I agree. Talking about music is like dancing about architecture.")[(link: "(No, I’m a writer, not a parrot.)")[(link: "“I agree. Talking about music is like designing a house about dancing.”")[(set: $score to it + 100)(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to $returnToMainConversation)(goto: $talkRoom)]]]<br>
<!-- neutral response -->
(link: "“Did you come up with that just now?”")[(set: $score to it + 200)(set: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid to 0)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to "clever bird2")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!----------------- Extra topic if discovered ------------------>
<!-- INGET HÄR!!! -->
<!-- Man ska inte kunna ställa alla extra topics i följd! -->
<!-- silent -1 angry som motvikt till +1 som ges vid Johns repetition som ju alltid sker vid return to mainconversation. Däremot ignored +1 -->
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(set: $talkRoom to $returnToMainConversation)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid to it + 1)
“Of course, what about it?” John says casually.
(elseif: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid is 1)
(set: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“It was just a spur of the moment metaphor, but thoughts have a habit of popping into my mind,” John says.
(elseif: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid > 1)
(set: $extraTopicOriginalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“It was just a spur of the moment metaphor, but thoughts have a habit of popping into my mind,” John reiterates.
<!--**----------- Positive and negative responses ----------------**-->
<!-- Mycket snäll respons eftersom man har öppet mål att göra bort Cage här. -3 angry som motvikt till +1 som ges vid Johns repetition som ju alltid sker vid return to mainconversation -->
(link: "“Amazing … You certainly have a way with words!”")[(set: $angryCage to it - 3)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to $returnToMainConversation)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- Neutral respons eftersom man har öppet mål att göra bort Cage här. -1 angry som motvikt till +1 som ges vid Johns repetition som ju alltid sker vid return to mainconversation -->
(link: "“It just seems a little ironic considering the kind of music you write and how much you like to talk about music. But you’re undeniably eloquent.”")[(set: $score to it + 160)(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to $returnToMainConversation)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- Mycket elak respons. John känner sig helt bortgjord. Sätter Angry till it + $offended så att man garanterat går till 9ssssssss ifall man inte varit där innan. Jag kan inte sätta talkroom till 9ssssssss eftersom man då riskerar att komma dit trots att man redan varit där. Det kan ske om man i 9ssssssss lyckas be om ursäkt och ta sig till 7sssssn eller 17psnsnpppnppppnpn där man teoretiskt skulle kunna ta sig till denna extratopic. Om man nu triggar denna respons där kommer angry att öka med $offended men bara gå tillbaka till 7sssssn eller 17psnsnpppnppppnpn -->
(link: "“Funny. I just heard the parrot say the exact same words …”")[(set: $score to it + 666)(set: $CageIsEmbarrased to true)(set: $angryCage to it + $offended)(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $talkRoom to $returnToMainConversation)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
<!-- INGET HÄR!!! -->
<!-- Man ska inte kunna ställa alla extra topics i följd! -->
<!-- silent -1 angry som motvikt till +1 som ges vid Johns repetition som ju alltid sker vid return to mainconversation. Däremot ignored +1 -->
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $angryCage to it - 1)(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(set: $talkRoom to $returnToMainConversation)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
(display: "func study intro")
<!-- ********** JOHN PRESENT ********** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "study")
<!--Stopwatch måste aktiveras i alla rum där John säger något. Kan inte aktiveras så fort man plockat upp den eftersom tystnaden som räknas är den tystnad som följer som respons på något John säger-->
(if: $hasStopwatch)[(set: $stopwatchIsOn to true)]
<!---------------- Display collision with John present -------------->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Start of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(if: $originalReplySaid is 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
“But silence also allows us to listen to <i>ourselves</i>,” John says.
(elseif: $originalReplySaid > 0)
(set: $originalReplySaid to it + 1)
(set: $angryCage to it + 1)
“Silence also allows us to listen to ourselves,” John reiterates.
<!--------------- Positive and negative responses ------------------>
(link: "“So listening to nothing is the way to really hear something?”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4psp")(goto: $talkRoom)
(link: "“You already overindulge in that. You need to listen more to ME!”")[(set: $tidTyst to -7)(set: $angryCage to it + 1)(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "5psnn")(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!------------------- Extra topic if discovered -------------------->
(display: "func extratopic standard")
<!---------------------- Ignoring John ------------------------>
(link: "Say nothing.")[(set: $originalReplySaid to 0)(set: $talkRoom to "4sss")(set: $ignoredCage to it + 1)(goto: $talkRoom)]<br>
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx End of conversation xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
<!-- ********** JOHN AWAY ********** -->
(elseif: $cageRoom is NOT "study")
(display: "func JohnAway descriptions")
<!----------------- Display collision with John away ---------------->
<!-- --------------- Choices with John away -------------- -->
(display: "func JohnAway choices")
]<!-- End John is away condition -->
(display: "func JohnPresentOrAway choices")
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
(display: "func divs forRoomsOutsideStudy")
<!--**---- Bakgrundsgrafik för huset i alla passager -----**-->
(if: $playerRoom is "leftApartment")
<div class ="bakgrund">
<img src="images/empty.png">
(elseif: $playerRoom is "concert")
<div class ="bakgrund">
<img src="images/concert.png">
(elseif: $playerRoom is "court")
<div class ="bakgrund">
<img src="images/court.png">
(elseif: $playerRoom is "title")
<div class ="bakgrund">
<img src="images/title.png">
(else:) <!-- study, lounge, entrance, kitchen -->
<div class ="bakgrund">
<img src="images/study.png">
<!--**---- Skym playerroom med vit ruta med transpaen -----**-->
(if: $playerRoom is "study")
.study {
background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);}
(elseif: $playerRoom is "lounge")
.lounge {
background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);}
(elseif: $playerRoom is "entrance")
.entrance {
background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);}
(elseif: $playerRoom is "kitchen")
.kitchen {
background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);}
(elseif: $playerRoom is "court")
.endgame {
background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.0);}
<div class ="endgame">
<b>29 August 1952 – The Premiere</b>
You have travelled to Woodstock to attend the premiere of John’s new piece, 4′33″. The barn-like concert hall provides an intimate setting and perfect acoustics that are perfectly wasted on the 4 minutes and 33 seconds of silence you glumly endure while observing John.
(link: "Continue")[(goto: "ConcertFail2")]
<div class ="endgame">
<b>29 August 1952 – The Premiere</b>
You attend the premiere of John’s new piece, 4′33″ with great anticipation. The barn-like concert hall provides an intimate setting and perfect acoustics that are perfectly wasted on the 4 minutes and 33 seconds of silence you cheerfully endure while observing John.
(link: "Continue")[(goto: "ConcertWin2")]
<div class ="endgame">
He seems to take great pleasure in the performance, listening with half closed eyes and reclining in an ambiguous position. Beside him sits a woman who appears just as beguiled. She seems familiar – a music critic? You are not sure but you get the clear impression that they are both reliving a special moment. There is something quietly disturbing about it. You can't put your finger on it but it disgusts you. The performance disgusts you too.
(link: "Continue")[(goto: "ConcertFail3")]
<div class ="endgame">
(if: $parrotRoom is "outside")
Sitting in the back, near the large windows, you hear the birds chirping outside. Among them you pick up on a strange chatter. Is it one of the birds? It does not sound quite human, but in the silence you have no trouble making out the words, which are repeated over and over again:
(if: $finalSilentTime is "longer")
<b><i>“That hack had the nerve to ignore me and stay silent for $minutesLongest minutes and $secondsLongest seconds!”</b></i>
(elseif: $finalSilentTime is "shorter")
<b><i>“I hate to talk ill of a friend, but have you read his latest book …?”</b></i>
You turn around and recognize John’s parrot looking in through the window. So he has still not returned home, yet he has followed his master here, 90 miles away? Odd. But of course … he is an African Grey – a real fancy parrot! How could he miss the premiere? The social event of the year!
The venue might be rustic, almost contrivedly so, but going by the audience it could as well have been Carnegie Hall – all New York City socialites, all looking admiringly at John and at the young pianist performing the pantomime.
You hear the birds chirping outside, but they make you feel even more ill at ease. The venue might be rustic, almost contrivedly so, but going by the audience it could as well have been Carnegie Hall – all New York City socialites, all looking admiringly at John and at the young pianist performing the pantomime.
(link: "Continue")[(goto: "ConcertFail4")]
<div class ="endgame">
Your heart sinks even further when you notice your doctor there. She looks so at ease and so pleased with the spectacle. You can tell that she is accustomed to money, fine dining and expensive clothes. Does she recognize you? Surely not. John though – of course. When the piece concludes she applauds with the same fervor as everyone else, gazing in awe at John, looking remote and intimidating in her grace.
(link: "Continue")[(goto: "ConcertFail5")]
<div class ="endgame">
If only you were the creator of the piece. If only you had money. Then you’d stand a chance.
<b>And how hard would it have been to come up with 4 minutes and 33 seconds of silence …?</b>
(link: "Continue")[(goto: "NewspaperFail")]
<div class ="endgame">
The next day there is an interview with John in the New York Times. It’s the usual drivel, but one of John’s answers catches your attention.
<b>What made you choose the specific length of your piece, Mr. Cage? Why four minutes and thirty-three seconds?</b>
<i>It was actually a real-life incident that lasted that long. A rousing act of prolonged silence that had a large emotional impact on me. I like to contemplate on it and relive the event. And, of course, sharing it with the rest of the world makes it even more thrilling.</i>
What incident could he be referring to? But, curiosity aside, does it matter? If, however, you had known the specific duration of the incident – that would have been some valuable information! Too late now though.
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Score för End 1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(set: $score to it + 100)
(if: $score <0)[(set: $score to 0)]
<span style="font-size: 130%"><b>Your score was $score points, no Penny and no dollars.<br>
You reached Ending 1 of 5(if: $parrotRoom is NOT "outside")[ without letting the parrot enjoy its master’s triumphant premiere.](else:)[.]
<!-- Reload används för att refresha webbsida och nollställer variabler. Om man börjat på titelskärm ("title") går länken dit men om man börjat spelet på annan passage så går länken till den istället-->
(link: "Play Again")[(reload:)]
(Need some help? Check the the blue ring binder in the center middle shelf of the bookcase in John's study.)
<div class ="endgame">
He is apparently greatly upset by the performance, crunched in his seat with wild eyes in a flushed face. The woman beside him, however, appears thrilled and seems to comfort him, stroking his lap. You can’t help but laugh at John’s fury. Who’d imagined he’d be this humiliated by your uncommunicativeness? Or could there be some other reason?
(link: "Continue")[(goto: "ConcertWin3")]
<div class ="endgame">
Your heart skips a beat when you notice your doctor in the audience. So she’s an art lover? When the piece concludes she applauds with the same fervor as everyone else, gazing in awe at John, the humble genius. Hah, she’ll soon see who’s the real genius!
(link: "Continue")[(goto: "NewspaperWin")]
<div class ="endgame">
The next day there is an interview with John in the New York Times. It’s mostly drivel, but one of John’s answers catches your attention.
<b>What made you choose the specific length of your piece, Mr. Cage? Why four minutes and thirty-three seconds?</b>
<i>It was actually two real-life incidents that both lasted precisely that long. One was pure ecstasy. I was the ruler of a silent universe – the only something in a world of nothing. The other incident involved unfathomable humiliation – something that reduced me to just plain nothing!
I like to contemplate on the duality of this while listening to my piece. I hope others will do so too.</i>
Well, yesterday, at least, he seemed to contemplate very exclusively on the second incident … Perhaps you should be feeling guilty? Or perhaps you should you be INFURIATED by this BLATANT act of COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT?!
(link: "Apologize to John.")[(goto: "apology")]
(link: "Sue John.")[(set: $playerRoom to "court")(goto: "court")]
<div class ="endgame">
<b>12 November 1952 – Court</b>
John is represented by Mel Nader, the famous lawyer (if: $seenMelNader is true)[whom you remember from the evening that really is the focal point of this trial].
You are represented by a public prosecutor who seems bright and friendly. You were, however, a tad offended by her clothing suggestions. Well, she probably wanted you to dress down to lower the judge’s expectations. Not a bad strategy actually. It should be even easier to astound him with your intellect and arguments now.
(link: "Continue")[(goto: "court2")]
<div class ="endgame">
Well, John is a really nice guy after all. And we all know what they say about great artists and stealing. He is a genius for crying out loud! So you head over to John to offer him your heartfelt apology.
(link: "Continue")[(set: $playerRoom to "entrance")(goto: "apology2")]
<div class ="entrance">
<b>You are in the entrance hall</b>.
John gracefully accepts your apology. He doesn’t forgive you (a concept foreign to Zen apparently) but nor does he feel any malice. Right now he is having a brief talk with his lawyer, but he bids you to come in and wait in the lounge until they are finished.
(link: "Continue")[(set: $playerRoom to "lounge")(goto: "apology3")]
<div class ="lounge">
<b>The lounge</b><br><br>
<div class ="study">
<b>The study</b><br><br>
<div class ="kitchen">
<b>The kitchen</b><br><br>
The dog is here.<br>
(if: $parrotRoom is NOT "outside")[The parrot is here.<br>]
<div class ="doorstudy"></div>
<div class ="doorkitchen"></div>
<div class ="doorlounge"></div>
<div class ="entrancedoor"></div>
(set: $playerRoom to "lounge")
<!-- ** ########################################################## ** -->
<div class ="lounge">
<b>You are in the lounge</b>.<br><br>
(if: $seenMelNader is true)[Through the door you recognize Mel Nader who is sitting in John’s study.](else:)[Through the door you catch a glance of a formally dressed man sitting in John’s study.] They are having quite an animated discussion and do not seem to care if you hear them or not.
(link: "Continue")[(goto: "apology4")]
<div class ="study">
<b>The study</b><br><br>
John Cage is sitting in his chair (if: $seenMelNader is true)[facing Mel Nader, the famous lawyer.](else:)[facing a formally dressed man.]
<div class ="entrance">
<b>The entrance hall</b><br><br>
<div class ="kitchen">
<b>The kitchen</b><br><br>
The dog is here.<br>
(if: $parrotRoom is NOT "outside")[The parrot is here.<br>]
<div class ="doorstudy"></div>
<div class ="doorkitchen"></div>
<div class ="doorlounge"></div>
<div class ="entrancedoor"></div>
(set: $playerRoom to "lounge")
<!-- ** ########################################################## ** -->
<div class ="lounge">
<b>You are in the lounge</b>.<br><br>
You are eavesdropping on the conversation in the study.
(link: "Continue")[(goto: "apology5")]
<div class ="study">
<b>The study</b><br><br>
John Cage is sitting in his chair (if: $seenMelNader is true)[facing Mel Nader, the famous lawyer.](else:)[facing a formally dressed man.]
“She has dropped her original charges, but now she’s suing you for plagiarism instead,”(if: $seenMelNader is true)[ Mel says.](else:)[ the man says.]
<div class ="entrance">
<b>The entrance hall</b><br><br>
<div class ="kitchen">
<b>The kitchen</b><br><br>
The dog is here.<br>
(if: $parrotRoom is NOT "outside")[The parrot is here.<br>]
<div class ="doorstudy"></div>
<div class ="doorkitchen"></div>
<div class ="doorlounge"></div>
<div class ="entrancedoor"></div>
(set: $playerRoom to "lounge")
<!-- ** ########################################################## ** -->
<div class ="lounge">
<b>You are in the lounge</b>.<br><br>
You are eavesdropping on the conversation in the study.
So someone else went ahead and did what you didn't have the guts to do!
(link: "Continue")[(goto: "apology6")]
<div class ="study">
<b>The study</b><br><br>
John Cage is sitting in his chair (if: $seenMelNader is true)[facing Mel Nader, the famous lawyer.](else:)[facing a formally dressed man.]
“Ludicrous, all art is an ongoing conversation! You can’t create something out of nothing,” John replys
<div class ="entrance">
<b>The entrance hall</b><br><br>
<div class ="kitchen">
<b>The kitchen</b><br><br>
The dog is here.<br>
(if: $parrotRoom is NOT "outside")[The parrot is here.<br>]
<div class ="doorstudy"></div>
<div class ="doorkitchen"></div>
<div class ="doorlounge"></div>
<div class ="entrancedoor"></div>
(set: $playerRoom to "lounge")
<!-- ** ########################################################## ** -->
<div class ="lounge">
<b>You are in the lounge</b>.<br><br>
(if: $hasReadTestimony3 is true)[
Having seen the documents in the green folder, you realize that John rather created nothing out of something that was very much <b>something</b> – profiting from it too … You begin to regret your apology. But how can you win against someone like John? You can’t. You leave the apartment quietly, vowing never to return.<br><br>]
(else:)[What happened to “every something is an echo of nothing”? You then recall the interview. If the woman suing John is the creator of the “pure ecstasy” incident, it seems more correct to say that John created nothing out of something that was <b>really something</b> – and profited from it! You just don’t win against people like John. You were wise not to sue him.<br><br>]
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Score för End 3 xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(set: $score to it + 600)
(if: $score <0)[(set: $score to 0)]
<span style="font-size: 130%"><b>Your score was $score points, no Penny and no dollars.<br>
You reached Ending 3 of 5.</b></span>
<!-- Reload används för att refresha webbsida och nollställer variabler. Om man börjat på titelskärm ("title") går länken dit men om man börjat spelet på annan passage så går länken till den istället-->
(link: "Play Again")[(reload:)]
<div class ="study">
<b>The study</b><br><br>
John Cage is sitting in his chair (if: $seenMelNader is true)[facing Mel Nader, the famous lawyer.](else:)[facing a formally dressed man.]
“The law won’t necessarily agree,”(if: $seenMelNader is true)[ Mel says.](else:)[ the man says.] “And as you know, she has proof. The testimony protocols from the dropped case will still be eligible in a new case. They will hold up in court unless we apply some legal finesses …”
<div class ="entrance">
<b>The entrance hall</b><br><br>
<div class ="kitchen">
<b>The kitchen</b><br><br>
The dog is here.<br>
(if: $parrotRoom is NOT "outside")[The parrot is here.<br>]
<div class ="doorstudy"></div>
<div class ="doorkitchen"></div>
<div class ="doorlounge"></div>
<div class ="entrancedoor"></div>
<div class ="endgame">
Your prosecutor presents your self-posted envelope as evidence. The defense objects.
“You must have registered your work with the Copyright Office before filing an infringement suit,” Mel Nader says. “A forged envelope is proof of neither creation nor date.”
(link: "Continue")[(goto: "court3")]
<div class ="endgame">
“My client was refused by the Copyright Office,” your prosecutor replies. “They argued that a piece of silence was not a piece of music. But since the premiere of Mr. Cage’s piece, circumstances have changed. 4′33″ has been granted copyright. Why? Because Mr. Cage is a famous composer and my client isn’t. The law should be applied equally to everyone, famous or not!”
“So it should,” the judge says. “The defense’s objection is overruled. The letter will be allowed as evidence.”
(link: "Continue")[(goto: "court4")]
<div class ="endgame">
John whispers something to Mel Nader before the defense continues.
“Evidence of what?” Mel Nader says. “This case is ludicrous. All art is an ongoing conversation. You can’t create something out of nothing!”
(link: "Continue")[(goto: "court5")]
<div class ="endgame">
“Something out of nothing?” your prosecutor quips back. “It seems Mr. Cage rather created nothing out of something – something that had a deep emotional impact on him!”
(link: "Continue")[(goto: "court6")]
<div class ="endgame">
“I note that you are contradicting you earlier claims of plagiarism,” Mel Nader calmly replies. Now you are in fact saying that Mr. Cage <b>transformed</b> the plaintiff’s original draft into something new and completely different. That’s not plagiarism – that’s what an artist does.”
(link: "Continue")[(goto: "court7")]
<div class ="endgame">
“No, it is using another man’s idea in order to profit from it,” your prosecutor says.
(link: "Continue")[(goto: "court8")]
<div class ="endgame">
“Art depends on the sharing of ideas. If you really don’t want other people to use your ideas, you better don’t communicate at all …” Mel Nader replies, smiling while shaking his head.
(link: "Continue")[(goto: "court9")]
<div class ="endgame">
“But that’s exactly what my client didn’t do!” your prosecutor replies. He DIDN’T communicate with Mr. Cage!”
(link: "Continue")[(goto: "court10")]
<div class ="endgame">
There is a pause while the John once again whispers fervently into the ears of his lawyer.
Mel Nader then continues.
“It is all a coincidence,” he says. “Sure, the plaintiff might have come up with 4 minutes and 33 seconds of silence, but there are only so many minutes and seconds in a piece of music. Durations are bound to match up now and then. Moreover, certain ideas present themselves in the zeitgeist. Mr. Cage and the plaintiff simply picked up on something that was already out there in the culture and spirit of our time. Mr. Cage, perhaps you would like to elaborate?”
(link: "Continue")[(goto: "court11")]
<div class ="endgame">
“Certainly,” John says and rises from his seat. “4′33″ was built up very gradually. I wrote it rest by rest and hadn’t a clue how long it was until I had added them all up and chosen a tempo. It was in fact the most difficult piece I have ever worked on. My main tools were the I Ching and tarot cards. Composing with them is a complicated process that takes years of learning.”
(link: "Continue")[(goto: "court12")]
<div class ="endgame">
Your prosecutor protests. “This is an outrageous rationalization, your honor. As we all know from several magazine interviews, Mr. Cage has given a very different account of the reasons for the length of his piece.”
“Objection granted,” the judge replies. “Explain yourself, Mr. Cage.”
(link: "Continue")[(goto: "court13")]
<div class ="endgame">
“The press loves a good story,” John says. “I just give them what they want. Only fools take them seriously anyway.”
He then pauses, looking at you while he continues.
“I can only surmise that the plaintiff seized inspiration from the same collective sources and solved the same problem either by luck or by using the same tools and methods. He used to take a keen interest in my creative process, which I of course was happy to share – as any artist would!”
(link: "Continue")[(goto: "court14")]
<div class ="endgame">
The judge calls for a break. Fifteen minutes later he returns.
“I have contemplated the evidence and the arguments,” he says. “The plaintiff presents a strong case that the defendant has failed to properly acknowledge the source of his work and has tried to pass it off as his own. The evidence is, however, not conclusive. We can't disregard the possibility that the date of the stamp could have been tampered with. Does the plaintiff have any more evidence to present?”
(link: "Continue")[(goto: "court15")]
<div class ="endgame">
You confer quickly with your prosecutor.
(if: $parrotRoom is NOT "outside")[(set: $talkRoom to "court16")“We have a witness, your honor.”]
(else:)[(set: $talkRoom to "noWitness")“There was a witness, your honor. Unfortunately we haven’t been able to locate him. He escaped the apartment that evening and has probably been roaming Central Park since then.”]
(link: "Continue")[(goto: $talkRoom)]
<div class ="endgame">
The parrot is escorted in a cage by a security officer. John looks on in shock as the Cage is put on the witness stand.
Before your prosecutor even attempts to stand up, the parrot spots you. He flips out, flapping frantically while [screeching at you]<scree|.
(click: ?scree)
(replace: ?scree)[screeching at you in a perfect imitation of his master’s voice]
(live: 0.3s)[(t8n: "shudder")[(either:
"<b>“That hack had the nerve to ignore me and stay silent for 4 minutes and 33 seconds!”</b>", "<b>“That hack had the nerve to ignore me and stay silent for 4 minutes and 33 seconds!”</b>", "<b>“That hack had the nerve to ignore me and stay silent for 4 minutes and 33 seconds!”</b>", "")
(link: "Continue")[(goto: "court17")]
<div class ="endgame">
“Well,” says the judge, “haven’t we all done that at some point in our lives? While I do sympathize with the poor fellow, his irresponsibility has nonetheless put the plaintiff in a dire position. It saddens me to see such a sharp-dressed gentleman left to fend for himself as I personally see no reason to doubt the veracity of his self-addressed letter.”
(link: "Continue")[(goto: "noWitness2")]
<div class ="endgame">
Wow, that was some self-incrimination by Cage … He must really have repeated that sentence over and over again! And thus the case is settled. You are awarded full copyright to 4′33″.
<span style="font-size: 130%"><b>
Congratulations! One Penny and plenty of dollars will soon be yours!
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Score för End 4 xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(set: $score to it + 1200)
(if: $score <0)[(set: $score to 0)]
Your score was $score points.<br>
You reached Ending 4 of 5.</b></span>
<!-- Reload används för att refresha webbsida och nollställer variabler. Om man börjat på titelskärm ("title") går länken dit men om man börjat spelet på annan passage så går länken till den istället-->
(link: "Play Again")[(reload:)]
<div class ="endgame">
“It might be argued, however,” the judge continues, “that the plaintiff, being a writer, produced a literary work and that Mr. Cage thus created something novel by transforming the text into musical form. The jury will have to make that call.”
(link: "Continue")[(goto: "noWitness3")]
<div class ="endgame">
The jury is unanimous. You are awarded co-authorship and half of the royalties. A witness could perhaps have provided you with an even sweeter deal. Still, your poor man’s copyright served you fine!
<span style="font-size: 130%"><b>
Congratulations. Plenty of dollars will soon be yours. And one Penny suddenly seems less unobtainable now.
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Score för End 5 xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(set: $score to it + 1600)
(if: $score <0)[(set: $score to 0)]
<!-- mer poäng än End 3 som egentligen är bästa slutet, men detta är sällsyntare och därför värt en liten belöning för den som hittar det -->
Your score was $score points.<br>
You reached Ending 5 of 5.</b></span>
<!-- Reload används för att refresha webbsida och nollställer variabler. Om man börjat på titelskärm ("title") går länken dit men om man börjat spelet på annan passage så går länken till den istället-->
(link: "Play Again")[(reload:)]
<div class ="endgame">
You're falling through the air. A booming voice that only you can hear says, “<b><i>That’s right, you are no good and you were fooling no one.</b></i>”
You have a vision of <i>something</i> while the ground is closing in. Then the ground disappears and there is <i>nothing</i>. You hear only <i>silence</i> and you realize it is the voice of God assuring you of his unconditional love.
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Score avdrag för Cages antipati xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(set: $CagesTotalAntipathy to $ignoredCage + $angryCage)
(if: $CagesTotalAntipathy < 0)[(set:$CagesTotalAntipathy to 0)]
(set: $scorereduction to ($CagesTotalAntipathy * 20))
(set: $CagesTotalAntipathy to (round: $CagesTotalAntipathy))
(set: $scorereduction to (round: $scorereduction))
(set: $score to it - $scorereduction)
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Score för längsta tid tyst xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(set: $score to it + (($LongestTyst/7) * 25))
<!-- varje 7s period tyst ger 25p
273s (4.33) ger 975p
371s ger 1325. (längsta möjliga man kan vara tyst: gå ta klocka, återvända till John, sen vara tyst hela tiden)
Man får alltså mer poäng om man är tyst längre än måltiden. Man kommer å andra sidan inte att få bonuspoäng för de två vinnande sluten. Men man belönas för att man lyckats hålla tyst så länge. -->
<!-- ** xxxxxxxx Score för End 2 xxxxxxxxxxxxx ** -->
(set: $score to it + 300)
(if: $score <0)[(set: $score to 0)]
<span style="font-size: 130%"><b>Your score was $score points, no Penny and no dollars<br>
You reached Ending 2 of 5.</b></span>
<span style="font-size: 80%">
<blockquote><i>During your final visit to John, you caused him to develop an aggregated antipathy (anger + feeling ignored) of $CagesTotalAntipathy towards you. This deducted $scorereduction from your score.</i>
<!-- Reload används för att refresha webbsida och nollställer variabler. Om man börjat på titelskärm ("title") går länken dit men om man börjat spelet på annan passage så går länken till den istället-->
(link: "Play Again")[(reload:)]
<!-- Har satt villkor i header så att varken increment time eller moving npc koden körs pga flagga ($pausingTime is true) som sätts då man väljer "Peek out the window" i kitchen. Då man är klar här måste $pausingTime sättas till false innan man återvänder till kitchen -->
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="kitchen">
You push the window wide open and peek out to the the streets below while a cold breeze enters the room. Do you want to jump?
(link: "Yes.<br>")[(set: $playerRoom to "leftApartment")(set: $pausingTime to false)(goto: "jumping")]
(link: "No.<br>")[(set: $pausingTime to false)(goto: "kitchen")]
<!-- Har inte använt denna ursprungliga Cage-rörelserutin men funkar bra här eftersom det inte kan ske före Cage har gått till röken. Att titta ut genom fönster blir ett sätt att få mer söktid i study och öka risken att Cage plockar upp vykortet -->
(set: $cageIsMovingToKitchen to true)
<!-- **###########################################################** -->
<div class ="study">
<b>The study</b><br><br>
(if: $parrotRoom is "study")[The parrot is here.<br>]
(if: $cageRoom is "study")[$johnsName is here.<br>]
(if: $dogRoom is "study")[The dog is here.<br>]
<div class ="lounge">
<b>The lounge</b><br><br>
(if: $parrotRoom is "lounge")[The parrot is here.<br>]
(if: $cageRoom is "lounge")[$johnsName is here.<br>]
(if: $dogRoom is "lounge")[The dog is here.<br>]
<div class ="entrance">
<b>The entrance hall</b><br><br>
(if: $parrotRoom is "entrance")[The parrot is here.<br>]
(if: $cageRoom is "entrance")[$johnsName is here.<br>]
(if: $dogRoom is "entrance")[The dog is here.<br>]
<div class ="doorstudy"></div>
<div class ="doorkitchen"></div>
<div class ="doorlounge"></div>
<div class ="entrancedoor"></div>
<!-- ** --------------- After searching study --------------------** -->
(if: $justBackFromSearch is true)[
(if: ($rightObjectsDuringStudySearch is 4332) AND ($folderFound is false))
[(set: $searchMessage to "You found the green document folder that John received!")(set: $folderFound to true)(set: $score to it + 500)]
(elseif: ($rightObjectsDuringStudySearch is 0) AND ($chairFound is false))[(set: $chairFound to true)(set: $searchMessage to "Nice oxblood red leather, shame about the smell.")(set: $score to it + 50)]
(elseif: ($rightObjectsDuringStudySearch is 0) AND ($chairFound is true))[(set: $searchMessage to "The red leather still looks nice and the smell hasn’t disappeared by itself.")]
(elseif: ($rightObjectsDuringStudySearch is 1000) AND ($clockFound is false))[(set: $clockFound to true)(set: $searchMessage to "You found sharp scratches on the woodwork of the clock: beak stabs and claw marks. From the parrot?")(set: $score to it + 100)]
(elseif: ($rightObjectsDuringStudySearch is 1000) AND ($clockFound is true))[(set: $searchMessage to "Yep, those are clearly beak stabs and claw marks.")]
(elseif: ($rightObjectsDuringStudySearch is 2000) AND ($floorFound is false))[(set: $floorFound to true)(set: $searchMessage to "Pine? Maple? Birch? You haven’t the faintest idea. And you’re <b>too old</b> NOT to know this stuff! Penny probably chooses her wooden flooring expertly …")(set: $score to it + 200)]
(elseif: ($rightObjectsDuringStudySearch is 2000) AND ($floorFound is true))[(set: $searchMessage to "Hardwood? Parquet? Laminate? You have even less of an idea! You’re embarrassingly unsophisticated. Penny, on the other hand, is classy and refined. She’s an expert on this stuff!")]
(elseif: ($rightObjectsDuringStudySearch is 3044) AND ($jazzrecordFound is false))[(set: $jazzrecordFound to true)(set: $searchMessage to "You found a jazz record in a black sleeve.")(set: $score to it + 75)]
(elseif: ($rightObjectsDuringStudySearch is 3044) AND ($jazzrecordFound is true))[(set: $searchMessage to "There is nothing special about the record. I guess John appreciates some kinds of jazz.")]
(elseif: ($rightObjectsDuringStudySearch is 3045) AND ($snorerecordFound is false))[(set: $snorerecordFound to true)(set: $searchMessage to "You found <i>Snoring: Decca presents songs from the bedside</i>. The cover text reads: “A sound that only ear plug manufacturers could love? Not at all. It’s the dreamiest of sounds and noise connoisseurs can now enjoy it in all its wondrous variations on this high fidelity Deccalite phonograph record”.")(set: $score to it + 150)]
(elseif: ($rightObjectsDuringStudySearch is 3045) AND ($snorerecordFound is true))[(set: $searchMessage to "You heard good things about this technology. Perhaps John will release his upcoming piece on a high fidelity Deccalite record?”.")]
(elseif: ($rightObjectsDuringStudySearch is 4126) AND ($encyclopediaFound is false))[(set: $encyclopediaFound to true)(set: $searchMessage to "You found <i>The Onomatopoeic Encyclopedia of Noises</i>.")(set: $score to it + 503)]
(elseif: ($rightObjectsDuringStudySearch is 4126) AND ($encyclopediaFound is true))[(set: $searchMessage to "Sure, such an encyclopedia could probably come in handy. But you’re not really keen on browsing it at the moment.")]
(elseif: ($rightObjectsDuringStudySearch is 4513) AND ($instructionsFound is false))[(set: $searchMessage to "You found a binder labelled <i>Instructions for visitors</i>.")(set: $instructionsFound to true)]
(elseif: ($rightObjectsDuringStudySearch is 4723) AND ($blueBookFound is false))[(set: $blueBookFound to true)(set: $searchMessage to "You found a book. The title reads <i>Abnormalities of the sound mind</i>. You recognize John’s handwriting on the endpaper: <i>“Silence can be beautiful, terrifying – arousing even … Yes, silence turns me on!”</i>")(set: $score to it + 511)]
(elseif: ($rightObjectsDuringStudySearch is 4723) AND ($blueBookFound is true))[(set: $searchMessage to "Abnormal psychology used to interest you. You don’t care much anymore.")]
(elseif: ($rightObjectsDuringStudySearch is 4815) AND ($manuscriptFound is false))
(if: $hasTakenManuscript is false)[
(set: $manuscriptFound to true)(set: $searchMessage to "You found a manuscript. The title reads <i>Silence – Something About Nothing</i>. Yikes! You put it back.")(set: $score to it + 499)]
(set: $searchMessage to "You didn’t find the white binder in the bookcase. John took it with him when he left the room.")]
(elseif: ($rightObjectsDuringStudySearch is 4815) AND ($manuscriptFound is true))
(if: $hasTakenManuscript is false)[
(set: $searchMessage to "You have no wish to read the manuscript. You also have a feeling John will read it for you soon enough …")]
(set: $searchMessage to "You didn’t find the manuscript in the bookcase. John took it with him when he left the room.")]
(else:)[(set: $searchMessage to "You didn’t find anything while searching the room.")]
<!-- **--------------- After searching piano --------------------** -->
(if: $cageRoom is "lounge")[(set: $verb to "says")]
(else:)[(set: $verb to "shouts")]
(if: $justBackFromSearch is true)[
(if: $rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch is 10)[(set: $score to it + 10)(set: $examinePianoMessage to "You found the lowest note. But there’s nothing else there.")]
(elseif: ($rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch is 21) AND ($screwFound is false))[(set: $screwFound to true)(set: $score to it + 50)(set: $examinePianoMessage to "You found a screw.")]
(elseif: ($rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch is 41) AND ($pennyFound is false))[(set: $pennyFound to true)(set: $score to it + 200)(set: $examinePianoMessage to "You found a penny! A good omen?")]
(elseif: ($rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch is 111) AND ($strippingFound is false))[(set: $strippingFound to true)(set: $score to it + 50)(set: $examinePianoMessage to "You found a piece of weather stripping.")]
(elseif: ($rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch is 32) AND ($ringFound is false))[(set: $ringFound to true)(set: $score to it + 100)(set: $examinePianoMessage to "You found a wedding ring. Hmm, John’s never been married.")]
(elseif: ($rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch is 82) AND ($forkFound is false))[(set: $forkFound to true)(set: $score to it + 50)(set: $examinePianoMessage to "You found a dinner fork.")]
(elseif: ($rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch is 122) AND ($jewFound is false))[(set: $jewFound to true)(set: $score to it + 100)(set: $examinePianoMessage to "You found a Jew’s harp. Some things make sense now.")]
(elseif: ($rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch is 53) AND ($woolFound is false))[(set: $woolFound to true)(set: $score to it + 50)(set: $examinePianoMessage to "You found a piece of wool.")]
(elseif: ($rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch is 63) AND ($queenFound is false))[(set: $queenFound to true)(set: $score to it + 200)(set: $examinePianoMessage to "You found a Chess Queen. Some have it all, beauty, wealth, education, and social standing …")]
(elseif: ($rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch is 103) AND ($pawnFound is false))[(set: $pawnFound to true)(set: $score to it + 200)(set: $examinePianoMessage to "You found a Chess Pawn. What you are …")]
(elseif: ($rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch is 14) AND ($cardboardFound is false))[(set: $cardboardFound to true)(set: $score to it + 50)(set: $examinePianoMessage to "You found a strip of cardboard.")]
(elseif: ($rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch is 94) AND ($quillFound is false))[(set: $quillFound to true)(set: $score to it + 200)(set: $examinePianoMessage to "You found a quill. Right, like you didn’t know you were an outmoded writer …")]
(elseif: ($rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch is 114) AND ($bambooFound is false))[(set: $bambooFound to true)(set: $score to it + 50)(set: $examinePianoMessage to "You found a bamboo strip.")]
(elseif: ($rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch is 35) AND ($boltFound is false))[(set: $boltFound to true)(set: $score to it + 50)(set: $examinePianoMessage to "You found a bolt.")]
(elseif: ($rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch is 55) AND ($nutFound is false))[(set: $nutFound to true)(set: $carryingNut to true)(set: $score to it + 100)(set: $examinePianoMessage to "You found a pistachio nut. Bet the parrot would savor it!")]
(elseif: ($rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch is 65) AND ($openerFound is false))[(set: $openerFound to true)(set: $score to it + 50)(set: $examinePianoMessage to "You found a bottle opener.")]
(elseif: ($rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch is 75) AND ($clipFound is false))[(set: $clipFound to true)(set: $score to it + 25)(set: $examinePianoMessage to "You found a paper clip.")]
(elseif: ($rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch is 125) AND ($plectrumFound is false))[(set: $plectrumFound to true)(set: $score to it + 100)(set: $examinePianoMessage to "You found a plectrum. John hates the guitar. This must be some twisted revenge of the most personal kind.")]
(elseif: ($rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch is 26) AND ($thimbleFound is false))[(set: $thimbleFound to true)(set: $score to it + 50)(set: $examinePianoMessage to "You found a brass thimble.")]
(elseif: ($rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch is 46) AND ($knightFound is false))[(set: $knightFound to true)(set: $score to it + 200)(set: $examinePianoMessage to "You found a Chess Knight. What you were …")]
(elseif: ($rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch is 86) AND ($pillFound is false))[(set: $pillFound to true)(set: $score to it + 150)(set: $examinePianoMessage to "You found a capsule – a fashionable barbiturate. Yep, you recognize it.")]
(elseif: ($rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch is 96) AND ($dieFound is false))[(set: $dieFound to true)(set: $score to it + 100)(set: $examinePianoMessage to "You found 12-sided die. A composing tool, no doubt.")]
(elseif: ($rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch is 17) AND ($kingFound is false))[(set: $kingFound to true)(set: $score to it + 200)(set: $examinePianoMessage to "You found a Chess King. What you could have been … perhaps.")]
(elseif: ($rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch is 37) AND ($whistleFound is false))[(set: $whistleFound to true)(set: $score to it + 100)(set: $examinePianoMessage to "You found a dog whistle.")]
(elseif: ($rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch is 107) AND ($earringsFound is false))[(set: $earringsFound to true)(set: $score to it + 100)(set: $examinePianoMessage to "You found a pair of sophisticated-looking dangle earrings. You suddenly feel ill at ease.")]
(elseif: ($rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch is 127) AND ($eraserFound is false))[(set: $eraserFound to true)(set: $score to it + 51)(set: $examinePianoMessage to "You found an eraser.")]
<!--Måste finnas risk att leta i pianot. Om man väljer en ton som inte har föremål så råkar man knäppa pianosträngen så hårt att John hör det. -->
(else:)[(set: $tidTyst to 0)(set: $examinePianoMessage to (either: "While searching you happen to pluck the string hard with your hand. John hears it and $verb: “Ahh, a most adequate note. I can see why you need to contemplate your reply.”", "You find nothing but happen to pluck the string hard, which John hears. “Oh,” he $verb, “now you’re talking my language – music! Interesting choice of note, though. It’s very much open to interpretation.”", "Oops, nothing there, but you clumsily pluck the string while searching. John hears it and $verb: “So that’s your response … You had to come up with the right note! Well, that’s what composing is all about. But the cadence needs to be more conclusive to satisfy me.”"))]
<!--Nollställ dessa för att undvika buggar där searchstudy nummer påverkar search piano och vice versa -->
(set: $rightObjectsDuringStudySearch to "null")
(set: $rightObjectsDuringPianoSearch to "null")
(if: $musicplaying)[
|note>[<img src="images/listen.png">]
(click: ?note)[
(set: $musicplaying to false)
(replace: ?switch)[(display: "Switch Passage")]
|note>[<img src="images/silent.png">]
(click: ?note)[
(set: $musicplaying to true)
(replace: ?switch)[(display: "Switch Passage")]