<div class ="starter">
<img src="ruta1-small.png">
<div class ="thoughtsSmallerFont">
[PUNCTUALITY and PRECISION]<one| is the be-all and end-all in my [line of work]<two|. Tenths of seconds make the difference between failure and a job well done.
<div class ="sprinter">
[<div class="nowrap">Seriously, time to get up already?<br>Sigh … I should be excited, but I’m just<br>a bundle of [nerves]<five|. I so wish this day<br>was OVER and DONE with!
<div class="arrow">[»]<arrow|</div>
<div class ="commentStarter">
LOL! Is this old guy a PAPERBOY?
<div class ="commentSprinter"><span style="font-size: 90%">
And YOU, you sound like a schoolgirl dreading an ORAL PRESENTATION!
(click: ?one)[(replace: ?two)[ [line of work]<three|]]
(click: ?three)[(show: ?hiddenCommentStarter)]
(click: ?five)[(show: ?hiddenCommentSprinter)]
(click: ?arrow)[(replace: ?page1)[<b>A.</b>[ Some breathing squats]<squats| will surely get the juices flowing!
<b>B.</b> Better stay in bed a few more minutes to [pre-rehearse the day.]<staybed|
(click: ?squats)[(goto: "ruta 2")]
(click: ?staybed)[(set: $tid to $tid + 0.03)(goto: "ruta 2")]
<div class ="starter">
<img src="ruta2-small.png">
<div class ="thoughts">
The pressure gets to you. Sure. It is a LONELY [occupation]<one|. Hard to combine with [family]<three| life.
<div class ="sprinter">
[<div class="nowrap">[It’s lonely at the [TOP]<two|! Ultimately, I'm the<br>one who has to make the hard<br>DECISIONS …]<four|
<div class="arrow">[»]<arrow|</div>
<div class ="commentStarter">
A true PROFESSIONAL, this guy!
<div class ="commentSprinter">
<span style="font-size: 90%">Top!? Are you the PRESIDENT of the high school literary club by any chance?</span>
(click: ?one)[(show: ?hiddenCommentStarter)]
(click: ?two)[(show: ?hiddenCommentSprinter)]
(click: ?three)[(replace: ?four)[<span style="font-size: 90%">(text-color: "#cc0000")[Though I am blessed to have a family that<br>loves me no matter what,] it’s lonely<br>at the [TOP]<two|! Ultimately, I'm the one who<br>has to make the hard DECISIONS …</span>]]
(click: ?arrow)[(replace: ?page1)[ [<br> … like what i should have for breakfast!
<div><div class="arrow2">[[»]<arrow2|]</div></div>
(click: ?arrow2)[(replace: ?page2)[<div class="nowrap2">
<b>A.</b> High fibre it is: [banana smoothie & oatmeal.]<fibre|<br>
<b>B.</b> I'm starving: [toast, bacon & pancakes.]<heavy|<br>
<b>C.</b> Light but calorie dense: [nuts, raisins & juice.]<dense|
(click: ?dense)[(goto: "ruta 3")]
(click: ?heavy)[(set: $tid to $tid + 0.09)(goto: "ruta 3")]
(click: ?fibre)[(set: $tid to $tid + 0.04)(goto: "ruta 3")]
<div class ="starter">
<img src="ruta3-small.png">
<div class ="thoughts">
[One day in Berlin, the next in Brussels. [Where]<one| am I TODAY? It doesn’t matter.]<starterpassage|
<div class ="sprinter">
[<div class="nowrap">[No way I’m reading the news today. It’ll<br>only make me more [anxious]<anxious|!]<two|
<div class="arrow">[»]<arrow|</div>
<div class ="commentStarter">
[So what are the [headlines]<three|, TOUGH GUY?]<four|
<div class ="commentSprinter">
[The difference between meet and meeting is just [three letters]<letters| …]<entireCommentSprinter|
(click: ?one)[(append: ?two)[(text-color: "#cc0000")[<br>Thankfully, it’s not my first time<br>at this venue.]]]
(click: ?anxious)[(append: ?starterpassage)[(text-color: "#cc0000")[<br><b>Nothing really bothers me.</b>]]]
(click: ?three)[(replace: ?four)[ [“Police tightens security ahead of today’s top-level political [meeting]<meeting|”]<entirecomment|]]
(click: ?meeting)[(replace: ?entirecomment)[“The President will address the world community in a long-anticipated speech.”<br><br>Further down the page there is some local sports news.](show: ?hiddenCommentSprinter)]
(click: ?letters)[(replace: ?entireCommentSprinter)[Three letters and three dots can be a lot …<br>(live: 2s)[L O T . . .]]]
(click: ?arrow)[(replace: ?page1)[<span style="font-size: 90%"><b>A.</b> I need nice cup of [chamomile tea]<tea| to SOOTHE my nerves. and keep it together!
<b>B.</b> Let’s TOP OFF with a strong cup of [coffee]<coffee| to keep me on my toes!</span>
(click: ?coffee)[(set: $reaction to $reaction - 0.03)(goto: "ruta 4")]
(click: ?tea)[(goto: "ruta 4")]
<div class ="starter">
<img src="ruta4-small.png">
<div class ="thoughts">
As long as I have my TOOLS I provide my SERVICES wherever work takes me.
<div class ="sprinter">
[<div class="nowrap">There’s so much at STAKE … But I’ve<br>been preparing for this a LONG time.<br>Let's stick to the routine and hope<br>for a [friendly crowd]<friendly|!
<div class="arrow">[»]<arrow|</div>
<div class ="commentStarter">
Yeah, this guy has a REAL FRIENDLY LOOK to his face!
(click: ?friendly)[(show: ?hiddenCommentStarter)]
(click: ?arrow)[(replace: ?page1)[<b>A.</b> So I'll make my way to the venue [according to PLAN]<plan|!
<b>B.</b> But I have hunch I should take an [ALTERNATE route]<alternate| …
(click: ?plan)[(set: $route to "short")(goto: "ruta 5")]
(click: ?alternate)[(set: $route to "long")(set: $tid to $tid + 0.05)(goto: "ruta 5")]
<div class ="starter">
<img src="ruta5-small.png">
<div class ="thoughts">
I ask no questions. Hand me my money and give me a location. That'll do for me.
<div class ="sprinter">
[<div class="nowrap4">
(if: $route is "short")[
Right, I have to be there on time.<br>The [SCHEDULE]<schedule| doesn't allow<br>any wriggle room.
(elseif: $route is "long")[
Hopefully I won’t mess things up.<br>The [SCHEDULE]<schedule| is tight as it is,<br>but I have this weird [GUT]<gut| feeling …
<div class="arrow">[»]<arrow|</div>
<div class ="commentStarter">
Could that be the SAME schedule? Hard to tell. I can’t read it.
<div class ="commentSprinter">
SPILL them all<br>out … Tell us<br>more about your feelings!
(click: ?schedule)[(show: ?hiddenCommentStarter)]
(click: ?gut)[(show: ?hiddenCommentSprinter)]
(click: ?arrow)[(replace: ?page1)[ [
(if: $route is "short")[<br> Good thing I remain levelheaded and rational!
(elseif: $route is "long")[<br> I'm just being silly,<br>I’m sure!
<div><div class="arrow2">[[»]<arrow2|]</div></div>
(click: ?arrow2)[(replace: ?page1)[
(if: $route is "short")[<span style="font-size: 90%">
<b>A.</b> I should [make a quick call]<call| to my FAMILY. There won't be any time LATER.
<b>B.</b> Let’s release a little tension with some [gentle stretching]<stretch|.
(elseif: $route is "long")[
<b>A.</b> I’d be wise to release a little tension with some [gentle stretching]<stretch|.
<b>B.</b> Better [make a quick call]<call| to my FAMILY. There won't be any time later.<span>
(click: ?stretch)[(set: $stretch to true)(goto: "ruta 6")]
(click: ?call)[(set: $tid to $tid + 0.02)(goto: "ruta 6")]
<div class ="starter">
<img src="ruta6-small.png">
<div class ="thoughts">
I am really just a MERCENARY. Nothing more, nothing less.
<div class ="sprinter">
[<div class="nowrap"><span style="font-size: 85%">Sigh … I just can't shake the feeling. WHY do I<br>subject myself to this? It’s always the same!<br>I feel like I’m carrying the [weight of the<br>WORLD]<burden| on my shoulders. Like I’m going to DIE!</span>
<div class="arrow">[»]<arrow|</div>
<div class ="commentSprinter">
I know a guy<br>who can help<br>EASE your<br>burden …
(click: ?burden)[(show: ?hiddenCommentSprinter)]
(click: ?arrow)[(replace: ?page1)[ [<br> Well, it’s what I AM,<br> it’s what I DO.
<div><div class="arrow2">[[»]<arrow2|]</div></div>
(click: ?arrow2)[(replace: ?page2)[<div class="nowrap4">
But it sure is hot as hell today!<br>
<b>A.</b> I’ll [leave the vest]<novest| at home.<br>
<b>B.</b> I’d better [wear the vest]<vest|.</div>
(click: ?novest)[(goto: "ruta 7")]
(click: ?vest)[(set: $vest to true)(set: $tid to $tid + 0.05)(goto: "ruta 7")]
<div class ="starter">
<img src="ruta7-small.png">
<div class ="thoughts">
<div class ="sprinter">
[<div class="nowrap">Alright, here we are. People<br>EVERYWHERE … t-they just want to see<br>me fail, make a fool of myself …<br>see me HURT! They’d LOVE that.
<div class="arrow">[»]<arrow|</div>
(click: ?arrow)[(replace: ?page1)[<div class="nowrap3">
<b>A.</b> I’ll [take a deep breath]<breath| and think of all<br>the people who support me.<br>
<b>B.</b> This is just the time for a [quick smoke]<smoke|.<br>
<b>C.</b> I can’t take it. [I-I'll withdraw!]<withdraw| I'll say I'm ill!
(click: ?breath)[(goto: "ruta 8")]
(click: ?withdraw)[(goto: "ruta 8withdraw")]
(click: ?smoke)[(set: $reaction to $reaction -0.02)(goto: "ruta 8")]
<span style="font-size: 90%">
<div class ="starter">
<img src="ruta8-small.png">
<div class ="thoughts">
Today? Nothing special, just some quick cash on the side.
<div class ="sprinter">
[<div class="nowrap"><br>There’s the signal!<br>Time to face the crowd …
<div class="arrow">[»]<arrow|</div>
(click: ?arrow)[(replace: ?page1)[<span style="font-size: 90%"><b>A.</b> Just a moment … some time to gather my thoughts and [size up the crowd]<hesitate| …
<b>B.</b> I’ll hold my [HEAD]<ouch| high, [CHEST]<ouch| out, and [walk head-on]<walk| with a confident stride!</span>
<div class ="commentSprinter">
(click: ?ouch)[(show: ?hiddenCommentSprinter)]
(click: ?walk)[(goto: "ruta 9")]
(click: ?hesitate)[(set: $tid to $tid + 0.08)(set: $hesitate to true)(goto: "ruta 9")]
<div class ="starter">
<img src="ruta9-ny.png">
<div class ="thoughts">
(live: 3s)[
<span style="font-size: 300%">(font: "Anton")[(transition: "pulse")[<b><i>BANG!</b></i>]]</span>(stop:)
<div class ="sprinter">
<br><span style="font-size: 150%">
(live: 3s)[(replace: ?pointer)[
<b>A.</b> [[RUN !|ruta10]]<br>
<b>B.</b> (link: "Stay in starting blocks.")[Stay in starting blocks.]
(live: 0.01s)[(set: $reaction to $reaction + 0.01)]
(set: $tid to 10.90)
(set: $route to "short")
(set: $stretch to false)
(set: $vest to false)
(set: $hesitate to false)
(set: $reaction to 0)
<div class ="starter">
<img src="ruta8-small.png">
<div class ="thoughts">
Today? Nothing special, just some quick cash on the side.
<div class ="sprinter">
[<div class="nowrap">That’s right! I’m the one <br>CALLING THE SHOTS!<br>… <br>Phew … what a relief …
<div class="arrow">[»]<arrow|</div>
(click: ?arrow)[(replace: ?page1)[<span style="font-size: 90%"><b>A.</b> I’ll just sit here in the stands<br>and [watch from afar]<watch|.
<b>B.</b> There is Bengt with his pistols! I’ll hide here, then I’ll [sneak down and surprise]<sneak| him!</span>
(click: ?watch)[(goto: "ruta 9withdraw")]
(click: ?sneak)[(goto: "ruta 9withdraw")]
<div class ="starter">
<img src="ruta9-ny.png">
<div class ="thoughts">
(live: 3s)[
<span style="font-size: 300%">(font: "Anton")[(transition: "pulse")[<b><i>BANG!</b></i>]]</span>(stop:)
<div class ="sprinterNew">
<span style="font-size: 90%">
(live: 3s)[Impeccable start as always when [Bengt]<bengt| is calling the shots! He’s so, I dunno … (stop:)(live: 4s)[ MANLY.(stop:)(live: 2s)[ Looks like (either: "Philip", "Gustav", "Björn", "Martin") will take it … (stop:)(live: 2s)[ (either: "11.16!", "11.17!", "11.18!", "11.19!")(stop:)(live: 2s)[ Not bad … (stop:)(live: 2s)[ but surely [[I would have ran faster!|ruta 10withdraw]]]
<div class ="commentSprinterEndScreen"><span style="font-size: 90%">
His birthday party is coming up and
<a href="https://www.athleticarcade.com/stripemall/micke.html
" target="_blank">his nephew, the truck driver</a>, is coming!
(click: ?bengt)[(show: ?hiddenCommentSprinter)]
(set: $reaction to $reaction * 100)
(set: $reaction to (round: $reaction))
(set: $reaction to $reaction / 100)
(set: $totaltid to $tid + $reaction)
(set: $totaltid to $totaltid * 100)
(set: $totaltid to (round: $totaltid))
(set: $totaltid to $totaltid / 100)
<div class ="starterEndScreen">
<div class ="EndScreen">
(if: $reaction < 0.1)[<span class ="timefont">False Start</span><br> You jumped the gun. The MAN WHO CALLS THE SHOTS disqualifies you!<br><br> (On the plus side, your parents still love you.)<br>]
<span style="font-size: 85%">
(elseif: $totaltid <= 11.10)[<span class ="timefont">$totaltid s, GOLD and a personal best!</span><br>Once again you came out on top in the county championships!<br>]
(elseif: $totaltid <= 11.15)[<span class ="timefont">$totaltid s, GOLD!</span><br>Once again you came out on top in the county championships!<br>]
(elseif: $totaltid <= 11.20)[<span class ="timefont">$totaltid s, Silver</span><br>You failed to defend your title in the county championships, but your parents still love you.<br>]
(elseif: $totaltid <= 11.25)[<span class ="timefont">$totaltid s, Bronze</span><br>You failed to defend your title in the county championships, but your parents still love you.<br>]
(elseif: $totaltid <= 11.30)[<span class ="timefont">$totaltid s, 4th place</span><br>You failed to defend your title in the county championships, but your parents still love you.<br>]
(elseif: $totaltid <= 11.35)[<span class ="timefont">$totaltid s, 5th place</span><br>You failed to defend your title in the county championships, but your parents still love you.<br>]
(elseif: $totaltid <= 11.40)[<span class ="timefont">$totaltid s, 6th place</span><br>You failed to defend your title in the county championships, but your parents still love you.<br>]
(elseif: $totaltid <= 11.45)[<span class ="timefont">$totaltid s, 7th place</span><br>You failed to defend your title in the county championships, but your parents still love you.<br>]
(elseif: $totaltid >= 11.46)[<span class ="timefont">$totaltid s, 8th place</span><br>You failed to defend your title in the county championships, but your parents still love you.<br>]
Your [reaction time]<reaction| was $reaction s.(if: $reaction < 0.1)[ A reaction time below 0.10 s is beyond human capacity and can only be achieved by anticipating the gun.](else:)[ But reaction is only a small part of 100m. What you eat, drink, and do with your body before the race also affects your time!]<br>
(if: $reaction >= 0.1 and $route is "long")[You arrived late to the meet and didn’t manage to fit in your entire warm up session.<br><br>]
(if: $reaction >= 0.1 and $route is "short")[You arrived early to the meet and had a satisfying warm up session.<br><br>]
(if: $reaction >= 0.1 and $hesitate is true)[You foolishly ignored the signal for the pre-race gathering and thus didn’t find time to adjust your starting blocks. Your acceleration suffered greatly.<br><br>]
(if: $reaction >= 0.1 and $hesitate is false)[You had plenty of time to adjust your starting blocks and executed a smooth acceleration.<br><br>]
(if: $reaction >= 0.1 and $vest is true)[Wearing a cooling vest before the race was ill-considered. You’re a sprinter, not a golfer – heat is good for you! Your pecs was stiff during the race, hampering your from start to finish.<br><br>]
(if: $reaction >= 0.1 and $vest is false)[You were wise not to wear your cooling vest before the race. Heat is good for your muscles and you don’t have to suffer protracted waiting like pole vaulters and high jumpers.<br><br>]
(if: $reaction >= 0.1 and $stretch is false)[Your tight left hamstring forced you to hold back the last 20 meters.<br><br>]
(if: $reaction >= 0.1 and $stretch is true)[Your left hamstring didn’t bother you much.<br>You were able to keep pushing all the way<br>to the finish line.<br><br>]
<div class ="commentStarterEndScreen">
A tough upbringing hasn’t stopped John Deakes from shooting in three Olympic 100m finals. “If I hadn’t found the starter’s profession, I would've been dead a long time ago,” says Deakes. “Dead, Jail or the Starting Gun.”
Are you ready to take on John?
<a href="https://www.athleticarcade.com/onyourmarks/index.html
" target="_blank">On Your Marks!</a>
<div class ="commentSprinterEndScreen"><span style="font-size: 100%">
Wouldn’t you like to
<a href=" https://www.athleticarcade.com/athletics/reactiontime/index.html
" target="_blank">learn how you can improve your reaction time</a>?
(click: ?deakes)[(show: ?hiddenCommentStarter)]
(click: ?reaction)[(show: ?hiddenCommentSprinter)]
<div class ="sprinter">
<div class="nowrap"><span style="font-size: 90%">
<b>A.</b> [[Challenge THE MAN WHO CALLS<br>THE SHOTS for another showdown|title]].
<b>B.</b> Or take on [John Deakes]<deakes|, superstar of<br>track starters and a really fascinating guy.
<!-- sätter variabler här fast de redan finns i startup-taggad passage eftersom jag måste nollställa variabler för de som väljer att spela igen och gå till titelskärm efter ruta 10 -->
(set: $tid to 10.90)
(set: $route to "short")
(set: $stretch to false)
(set: $vest to false)
(set: $hesitate to false)
(set: $reaction to 0)
<div class ="starter">
<div class ="titlefont">
A duel between<br>
<span style="font-size: 130%">[THE MAN WHO CALLS THE SHOTS]<start|</span><br>
and mystery guy
<img src="title.png">
<span style="font-size: 90%">Athletic Design, 2018
Game by Ola Hansson
Illustrations by Daniel Ahlgren
(text-style: "fade-in-out")[(click blue text)]
<div class ="sidebarTitle">
<div class ="reklamrubrik">Similar Stories</div>
[<img src="cos.png">]<cos|
[<img src="sea1.png">]<sea1|
[<img src="sea3.png">]<sea3|
[<img src="sea4.png">]<sea4|
[<img src="athleticdesign.png">]<ad|
(click: ?start)[
<div class ="sprinter">
<span style="font-size: 140%; line-height: 200%">
[[START THE DAY!|intro]]</span>
(click: ?sea1)[(gotoURL: "https://www.athleticarcade.com/stripemall/index.html")]
(click: ?cos)[(gotoURL: "https://www.athleticarcade.com/interactivefiction/thecopyrightofsilence/index.html")]
(click: ?sea3)[(gotoURL: "https://www.athleticarcade.com/stripemall/micke.html")]
(click: ?sea4)[(gotoURL: "https://www.athleticarcade.com/stripemall/tor.html")]
(click: ?ad)[(gotoURL: "http://www.athleticdesign.se/")]
<div class ="starterEndScreen">
<div class ="EndScreen">
<span class ="timefont">BUT YOU DIDN’T!</span>
Despite all your long preparations you chickened out and missed the opportunity to defend your title in the county championships. You made the WRONG CALL!
Now you’re no longer on TOP.
(Your parents still love you though.)
<div class ="commentStarterEndScreen">
A tough upbringing hasn’t stopped John Deakes from shooting in three Olympic 100m finals. “If I hadn’t found the starter’s profession, I would've been dead a long time ago,” says Deakes. “Dead, Jail or the Starting Gun.”
Are you ready to take on John?
<a href="https://www.athleticarcade.com/onyourmarks/index.html
" target="_blank">On Your Marks!</a>
<div class ="commentSprinterEndScreen"><span style="font-size: 100%">
Wouldn’t you like to
<a href=" https://www.athleticarcade.com/athletics/reactiontime/index.html
" target="_blank">learn how you can improve your reaction time</a>?
(click: ?deakes)[(show: ?hiddenCommentStarter)]
(click: ?reaction)[(show: ?hiddenCommentSprinter)]
<div class ="sprinter">
<div class="nowrap"><span style="font-size: 90%">
<b>A.</b> [[Challenge THE MAN WHO CALLS<br>THE SHOTS for another showdown|title]].
<b>B.</b> Or take on [John Deakes]<deakes|, superstar of<br>track starters and a really fascinating guy.
<div class ="starter">
<div class ="meanwhileStarter">
<div class ="thoughts">
<span style="font-size: 300%">(text-style: "shudder")[(font: "Anton")[<i>Bzzzzz!</i>]]</span>
<div class ="sprinterIntro">
<div class ="meanwhileSprinter">
<div class ="meanwhileThoughts">
<span style="font-size: 150%; line-height: 180%">(text-style: "blink")[(font: "Anton")[Beep!]]</span>
<div class="arrowMeanwhile">[»]<arrow|</div>
(click: ?arrow)[(goto: "ruta 1")]