


The faster you shake/swipe the mouse/finger, the faster you run.

Short swipes = short strides.
Long swipes = long strides.
While long strides are generally faster, beware of overstriding. Try to find an optimal middle ground.

Direction matters! Swipes should be diagonal. Not left-right or up-down.
If your upper body is erect or leans a little bit forward, you are doing great!

Finally, a slightly circular swiping path will lift your heels and give you turbocharge.
This technique is not for everyone, as your basic swipe speed will probably take a hefty toll.

Just like in real life, you should EXPERIMENT to find the perfect style.

Maybe adjust mouse pointer speed?
Full screen benefits from a fast mouse pointer.
The small screen of the embedded game is better suited to a mid-speed pointer.


You MUST WIN the race to qualify to the next round! Records can, however, be set in any round.

Suddenly, the stern voice of Evil Otto, the starter, barks out: “On Your Marks!”

DO NOT START BEFORE the GUN is fired! No matter what, you WILL be disqualified! Fail to comply and you will be corrected.


Round 1 - Wacky Walkers

Walter (of Where's Walter the Wacky Walker infamy) is on place with his fan-club to make a farce out of sprinting too. Walter himself is on lane 5 - next to you. If only you had eyes in the back of your head.

Did you know that the 20 km Race Walking WR equals 100m-runs of 22.98s 200 times in a row!?

Round 2 - World of Weirdos

Well, if track was like swimming, there would be four different 100m races at the real Olympics: 100m sprint, 100m walking, 100m backwards, & 100m hopping. Enter LOLympics. LOLympics has it all!

Did you know that the WR for 100m backwards is 13.17 & that the WR for 100m on-all-fours is 15.71?

Round 3 - Long Legged Ladies

On lane 5, next to you, is the formidable Lady DeeDee wearing a stylish hat and next-level Flo-Jo nails.

The rest of your lofty competitors are shrouded in mystery. That basketball woman is really tall. Her face is so far away it seems to disappear into the sky…

Round 4 - Mighty Mice

Small but seriously speedy. Some are simply flying. Extreme skill is required when racing against the likes of The Pocket Rocket and SheCarries RichHairdo.

Round 5 - Fastest Men Alive

Incredible, here you stand shoulder to shoulder with living legends, Netflix sprinters, and an up-and-coming superstar.


Design, programming, graphics: Anders Hansson
Music: Ola Hansson
